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ProDOS 8 Technical
Reference Manual

The ProDOS 8 Technical Reference Manual is identical in content to the previously
published ProDOS Technical Reference Manual.
Information in this manual covers ProDOS 8 through 1.1.1. For details
on changes to more recent versions, see ProDOS Technical Note #23.


Page vi

Page vii

Page viii

Page ix

Page x

Page xi

Page xii

Figures and Tables

Page xiii

Page xiv


The ProDOS Technical Reference Manual is the last of three
manuals that describe ProDOS(TM), the most powerful disk operating
system available for the Apple II.

About ProDOS

The set of machine-language routines described in this manual provides
a consistent and interruptible interface to any of the disk devices
manufactured by Apple Computer, Inc. for the Apple II. They are
designed to be used in programs written in the 6502 machine language.

Page xv

This manual

Some advantages of programs written using these ProDOS
machine-language routines are:

About This Manual

Apple II
In this manual the name Apple II implies the Apple II Plus, the
Apple IIe, and the Apple IIc, as well as the Apple II, unless it
specifically states otherwise.

This manual is written to serve as a learning tool and a reference tool.
It assumes that you have had some experience with the 6502 assembly
language, and that you are familiar with the Apple II's internal

Page xvi

If you have read BASIC Programming With ProDOS and you want to
find out more about how the BASIC system program works, refer first
to Appendix A. If you still want more details, Chapters 1 through 3 tell
what ProDOS is and how it works. If you plan to write
machine-language programs that use ProDOS, you will also need to
read Chapters 4 and 5. Chapter 6 shows techniques for adding various
devices to the ProDOS system.

This manual does not explain 6502 assembly language. If you plan to
read beyond Chapter 3, you should be familiar with the 6502 assembly
language and with the ProDOS Editor/Assembler.

What These Mean

By the Way: Text set off in this manner presents sidelights or
interesting points of information.

Text set off in this manner -- and with a tag in the margin -- presents
important information.

Warnings like this indicate potential problems or disasters.

About the Apple IIc

Although the Apple IIc has no slots for peripheral cards, it is
configured as if it were an Apple IIe with

Page xvii

Page xviii

Chapter 1

Page 1

This chapter contains an overview of ProDOS and of the material
explained in the rest of this manual. It presents a conceptual picture of
the organization and capabilities of ProDOS. It also tells you where in
the manual each aspect of ProDOS is explained.

1.1 - What Is ProDOS?

ProDOS is an operating system that allows you to manage many of the
resources available to an Apple II. It functions primarily as a disk
operating system, but it also handles interrupts and provides a simple
means for memory management. ProDOS marks files with the current
date and time, taken from a clock/calendar card if you have one.

All ProDOS startup disks have two files in common: PRODOS and
XXX.SYSTEM (Chapter 2 explains the possible values for XXX). The
file PRODOS contains the ProDOS operating system; it performs most of
the communication between a system program and the computer's
hardware. The file XXX.SYSTEM contains a system program, the
program that usually communicates between the user and the operating
system. Figure 1-1 shows a simplified block diagram of the ProDOS

      ( User )
 +------------------+  From File
 |  System Program  |  xxx.SYSTEM
 +------------------+  From File
 | Operating System |  PRODOS
 +------------------+  Disk Drives,
 |     Hardware     |  Memory,
 +------------------+  and Slots

Page 2

A ProDOS system program -- such as the BASIC system program (file
BASIC.SYSTEM on the ProDOS BASIC Programming Examples
disk), the ProDOS Filer (file FILER on the ProDOS User's Disk), or
the DOS-ProDOS Conversion program (file CONVERT on the ProDOS
User's Disk
) -- is an assembly-language program that accepts commands
from a user, makes sure they are valid, and then takes the appropriate
action. One course of action is to make a call to the Machine Language
Interface (MLI), the portion of the operating system that receives,
validates, and issues operating system commands.

Calls to the MLI give you control over various aspects of the hardware.
MLI calls can be divided into housekeeping calls, filing calls, memory
calls, and interrupt handling calls. The way that the MLI
communicates with disk drives, memory, and interrupt driven devices
is described in the following sections.

Calls to the MLI: see Chapter 4.

About System Programs: If you have dealt with system programs
before, you may be a bit confused about the term as used in this
manual. True system programs are neither application programs (such
as a word processor) nor operating systems: they provide an easy
means of making operating system calls from application programs.

As used in this manual, system program refers to a program that is
written in assembly language, makes calls to the Machine Language
Interface, and adheres to a set of conventions, making it relatively easy
to switch from one system program to another. System programs can
be identified by their file type.

In short, it is the structure of a program, not its function, that makes a
program a ProDOS system program.

The rules for organizing system programs are given in Chapter 5.

1.1.1 - Use of Disk Drives

Although ProDOS is able to communicate with several different types
of disk drives, the type of disk drive and the slot location of the drive
need not be known by the system program: the MLI takes care of such
details. Instead disks -- or, more accurately, volumes of information -- are
identified by their volume names.

The information on a volume is divided into files. A file is an ordered
collection of bytes, having a name, a type, and several other properties.
One important type of file is the directory file: a directory file
contains the names and location on the volume of other files. When a
disk is formatted using the Format a Volume option of the ProDOS
Filer program, a main directory file for the volume is automatically

Page 3

placed on the disk. It is called the disk's volume directory file, and it
has the same name as the volume itself. Although it is initially empty,
a volume directory file has a maximum capacity of 51 files.

Any file in the volume directory may itself be a directory file (called a
subdirectory), and any file within a subdirectory can also be a
subdirectory. Using directory files, you can arrange your files so that
they can be most easily accessed and manipulated. This is especially
useful when you are working with large capacity disk drives such as
the ProFile. A sample directory structure is shown in Figure 1-2.

Directory structures are described in Chapter 2.

Figure 1-2. A Typical ProDOS Directory Structure

                            +-----------------+  +-->| VIDEOBALL     |
                      +---->| PROGRAMS/       |  |   +---------------+
                      |     |-----------------|  |
                      |     | VIDEOBALL       |--+   +---------------+
                      |     | DISKWARS        |----->| DISKWARS      |
                      |     |                 |      +---------------+
                      |     +-----------------+
 +-----------------+  |
 | /PROFILE/       |  |
 |-----------------|  |                              +---------------+
 | PROGRAMS/       |--+     +-----------------+  +-->| MOM           |
 | LETTERS/        |------->| LETTERS/        |  |   +---------------+
 | SYSTEMPROGRAMS/ |----+   |-----------------|  |
 | JUNK/           |--+ |   | MOM             |--+   +---------------+
 +-----------------+  | |   | DAD             |----->| DAD           |
                      | |   | SPOT            |--+   +---------------+
                      | |   +-----------------+  |
                      | |                        |   +---------------+
                      | |                        +-->| SPOT          |
                      | |                            +---------------+
                      | |
                      | |
                      | |                            +---------------+
                      | |   +-----------------+  +-->| BASIC.SYSTEM  |
                      | +-->| SYSTEMPROGRAMS/ |  |   +---------------+
                      |     |-----------------|  |
                      |     | BASIC.SYSTEM    |--+   +---------------+
                      |     | FILER           |----->| FILER         |
                      |     | CONVERT         |--+   +---------------+
                      |     +-----------------+  |
                      |                          |   +---------------+
                      |                          +-->| CONVERT       |
                      |                              +---------------+
                      |     +-----------------+
                      +---->| JUNK            |

The filing calls, described in Chapter 4, provide all functions necessary
for the access and manipulation of files.

Page 4

1.1.2 - Volume and File Characteristics

Programs that make filing calls to the ProDOS Machine Language
Interface can take advantage of the following features:

The use of files is described in
Chapter 2; their format is given in
Appendix B.

1.1.3 - Use of Memory

ProDOS treats memory as a sequence of 256-byte pages. It represents
the status of each page, used or unused, as a single bit in a portion of
memory called the system bit map.

When ProDOS initializes itself, it marks all the pages in memory it
needs to protect. Once running, it sets the corresponding bit in the bit
map for each new page it uses; when it releases the page, it clears the

If your program allows the user to read information into specific areas
of memory, you can use the bit map to prevent ProDOS from
overwriting the program.

The arrangement of ProDOS in memory
is described in Chapter 3.

Page 5

1.1.4 - Use of Interrupt Driven Devices

Certain devices generate interrupts, signals that tell the controlling
computer (in this case an Apple II), that the device needs attention.

ProDOS is able to handle up to four interrupting devices at a time. To
add an interrupt driven device to your system:

  1. Place an interrupt handling routine into memory.
  2. Mark the block of memory as used.
  3. Use the MLI call that adds interrupt routines to the system.
  4. Enable the device.

This causes the routine to be called each time an interrupt occurs. If
you install more than one routine, the routines will be called in the
order in which they were installed.

To remove an interrupt handling routine:

  1. Disable the device.
  2. Unmark its block in memory
  3. Use the MLI call that removes interrupt routines from the system.

Failure to follow these procedures in sequence may cause system

The use of interrupt driven devices is
described in Chapter 6.

1.1.5 - Use of Other Devices

Other than disks, ProDOS communicates only with clock/calendar
cards. If your system has a clock/calendar card that follows ProDOS
protocols (see Chapter 6), ProDOS automatically sets up a routine so
that it can read from the clock before marking files with the time. If
you have some other type of clock, you must write your own routine,
place it in memory, and tell ProDOS where the routine is located.

Page 6

1.2 - Summary

Figure 1-3 illustrates the entire mechanism used by ProDOS and shows
the interaction between the levels of ProDOS. A complete ProDOS
system consists of the Machine Language Interface, a system program,
and some external routines. If you wish your system to operate with
interrupt driven devices, a clock/calendar card, or other external
devices, you must supply routines that communicate with these

The system program takes commands from the user and issues them to
the Command Dispatcher portion of the Machine Language Interface or
to independently controlled devices. The Command Dispatcher validates
each command before passing it to the Block File Manager (which also
manages memory) or to the Interrupt Receiver/Dispatcher. The Block
File Manager calls a disk driver routine and the clock/calendar routine
if necessary; the Interrupt Receiver/Dispatcher calls the interrupt
handling routines.

Page 7

Figure 1-3. The Levels of ProDOS

 USER                                      ( User )                                        IMA.USER
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 USER INTERFACE                        | System Program |                                xxx.SYSTEM
                                               ^      ^
                                               |       \
                                               v        \
                                         +------------+  \
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | Command    | - \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                         | Dispatcher |    \
                                         +------------+     \
                                            ^       ^        +-------------------+
                                            |       |                            |
                          +-----------------+       |                            |
                          |                         |                            |
                          v                         v                            |
                    +------------+                +---------------------+        |           PRODOS
                    | Block File |                | Interrupt           |        |
 OPERATING          | Manager    |                | Receiver/Dispatcher |        |
 SYSTEM             +------------+                +---------------------+        |
                      ^        ^                         ^                       |
                      |        |                +- - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - -
                      v        v                |        v                       v
           +-------------+  +----------------+  |  +------------+   +-----------------+
           | Disk Driver |  | Clock/Calendar |  |  | Interrupt  |   | Other Device    |   User
           | Routines    |  | Routine        |  |  | Routine(s) |   | Driver Routines |   Installed
           +-------------+  +----------------+  |  +------------+   +-----------------+
                ^                  ^            |        ^                   ^
 - - - - - - - -|- - - - - - - - - | - - - - - -+- - - - | - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - -
                v                  v                     v                   v
           +---------+      +----------------+     +----------------+  +---------------+
 HARDWARE  | Disk II |      | Clock/Calendar |     | Interrupt      |  | Other Devices |
           | ProFile |      | Card           |     | Driven Devices |  |               |
           +-----+   |      +--------+       |     +--------+       |  +--------+      |
                 |   |               |       |              |       |           |      |
                 +---+               +-------+              +-------+           +------+

The following chapters describe the implementation of this mechanism.
After reading through Chapter 5, you will be ready to start writing
your own system programs. After reading through Chapter 6, you will
be able to write your own external routines.

Page 8

Chapter 2
File Use

Page 9

Chapter 1 introduced you to the concepts of volumes and files. This
chapter explains how files are named, how they are created and used
and a little about how they are organized on disks. When you have
finished reading this chapter you will be nearly ready to start using
the ProDOS Machine Language Interface filing calls.

The technical details of file organization
are given in Appendix B.

2.1 - Using Files

A ProDOS filename or volume name is up to 15 characters long. It
may contain capital letters (A-Z), digits (0-9), and periods (.), and it
must begin with a letter. Lowercase letters are automatically converted
to uppercase. A filename must be unique within its directory. Some
examples are


By the Way: On the Apple II, an ASCII character is read from the
keyboard and printed to the screen with its high bit set. ProDOS clears
this high bit.

2.1.1 - Pathnames

A ProDOS pathname is a series of filenames, each preceded by a
slash (/). The first filename in a pathname is the name of a volume
directory. Successive filenames indicate the path, from the volume
directory to the file, that ProDOS must follow to find a particular file.
The maximum length for a pathname is 64 characters, including
slashes. Examples are


All calls that require you to name a file will accept either a pathname
or a partial pathname. A partial pathname is a portion of a pathname
that doesn't begin with a slash or a volume name. The maximum
length for a partial pathname is 64 characters, including slashes. These
partial pathnames are all derived from the sample pathnames above.

Page 10

The partial pathnames are


ProDOS automatically adds the prefix to the front of partial pathnames
to form full pathnames. The prefix is a pathname that indicates a
directory; it is internally stored by ProDOS. To locate a file by its
pathname, ProDOS must look through each file in the path. If you
specify a partial pathname, however, ProDOS jumps straight to the
prefix directory and starts searching from there. Thus disk accesses are
faster when you set the prefix and use partial pathnames.

For the partial pathnames listed above to indicate valid files, the prefix
should be set to /PROFILE/GAMES/, /PROFILE/,
respectively. The slashes at the end of these prefixes are optional;
however, they are convenient reminders that prefixes indicate directory

The maximum length for a prefix is 64 characters. The minimum
length for a prefix is zero characters, known as a null prefix. You set
and read the prefix using the MLI calls, SET_PREFIX and
GET_PREFIX, respectively. The 64 character limits for the prefix and
partial pathname combine to create a maximum pathname of
128 characters.

Figure 2-1 illustrates a typical directory structure; it contains all the
files mentioned above.

Page 11

Figure 2-1. A Typical ProDOS Directory Structure

                            +-----------------+  +-->| VIDEOBALL     |
                      +---->| PROGRAMS/       |  |   +---------------+
                      |     |-----------------|  |
                      |     | VIDEOBALL      -|--+   +---------------+
                      |     | DISKWARS       -|----->| DISKWARS      |
                      |     |                 |      +---------------+
                      |     +-----------------+
 +-----------------+  |
 | /PROFILE/       |  |
 |-----------------|  |                              +---------------+
 | PROGRAMS/       |--+     +-----------------+  +-->| MOM           |
 | LETTERS/        |------->| LETTERS/        |  |   +---------------+
 | SYSTEMPROGRAMS/ |----+   |-----------------|  |
 | JUNK/           |--+ |   | MOM            -|--+   +---------------+
 +-----------------+  | |   | DAD            -|----->| DAD           |
                      | |   | SPOT           -|--+   +---------------+
                      | |   +-----------------+  |
                      | |                        |   +---------------+
                      | |                        +-->| SPOT          |
                      | |                            +---------------+
                      | |
                      | |
                      | |                            +---------------+
                      | |   +-----------------+  +-->| BASIC.SYSTEM  |
                      | +-->| SYSTEMPROGRAMS/ |  |   +---------------+
                      |     |-----------------|  |
                      |     | BASIC.SYSTEM   -|--+   +---------------+
                      |     | FILER          -|----->| FILER         |
                      |     | CONVERT        -|--+   +---------------+
                      |     +-----------------+  |
                      |                          |   +---------------+
                      |                          +-->| CONVERT       |
                      |                              +---------------+
                      |     +-----------------+
                      +---->| JUNK            |

Page 12

2.1.2 - Creating Files

A file is placed on a disk by the CREATE call. When you create a file,
you assign it the following properties:

When you create a file, these properties are placed on the disk. The
file's name can be changed using the RENAME call; other properties
can be altered using the SET_FILE_INFO call. The disk storage
format of these properties is given in Appendix B.

Once a file has been created, it remains on the disk until it is
destroyed (using the DESTROY call).

2.1.3 - Opening Files

Before you can read information from or write information to a file
you must use the OPEN call to open the file for access. When you
open a file you specify:

The OPEN call returns a reference number (ref_num). All subsequent
references to the open file must use this reference number. The file
remains open until you use the CLOSE call.

Page 13

Each open file's I/O buffer is used by the system the entire time the
file is open. Thus it is wise to keep as few files open as possible. A
maximum of eight files can be open at a time.

When you open a file, some of the file's characteristics are placed into
a region of memory called a file control block. Several of these
characteristics -- the location in memory of the file's buffer, a pointer to
the end of the file (the EOF), and a pointer to the current position in
the file (the file's MARK) -- are accessible to system programs via MLI
calls, and may be changed while the file is open.

It is important to be aware of the differences between a file on the
disk and an open file in memory. Although some of the file's
characteristics and some of its data may be in memory at any given
time, the file itself still resides on the disk. This allows ProDOS to
manipulate files that are much larger than the computer's memory
capacity. As a system program writes to the file and changes its
characteristics, new data and characteristics are written to the disk.

In is crucial that you close all files before turning off the
computer or pressing [CONTROL]-[RESET]. This is the only way
than you can ensure that all written data has been placed on the
disk. See also the FLUSH call.

2.1.4 - The EOF and MARK

To aid the tasks of reading from and writing to files, each open file
has one pointer indicating the end of the file, the EOF, and another
defining the current position in the file, the MARK. Both are moved
automatically by ProDOS, but can also be independently moved by the
system program.

The EOF is the number of readable bytes in the file. Since the first
byte in a file has number 0, the EOF, when treated as a pointer, points
one position past the last character in the file.

When a file is opened, the MARK is set to indicate the first byte in the
file. In is automatically moved forward one byte for each byte written
to or read from the file. The MARK, then, always indicates the next
byte to be read from the file, or the next byte position in which to
write new data. It cannot exceed the EOF.

Page 14

If during a write operation the MARK meets the EOF both the MARK
and the EOF are moved forward one position for every additional byte
written to the file. Thus, adding bytes to the end of the file
automatically advances the EOF to accommodate the new information.
Figure 2-2 illustrates the relationship between the MARK and the EOF.

Figure 2-2. Automatic Movement of EOF and MARK

             EOF                  EOF               Old EOF  EOF
              |                    |                      \  |
              v                    v                       v v
   +---------+ +        +---------+ +           +------------ +
   | | | | | | |        | | | | | | |           | | | | | | | |
   +---------+ +        +---------+ +           +------------ +
        ^                    ^   ^                       ^   ^
        |                    |   |                       |   |
       MARK           Old MARK  MARK              Old MARK  MARK

 Beginning Position   After Reading Two Bytes   After Writing Two Bytes

A system program can place the EOF anywhere, from the current
MARK position to the maximum possible byte position. The MARK can
be placed anywhere from the first byte in the file to the EOF. These
two functions can be accomplished using the SET_EOF and
SET_MARK calls. The current values of the EOF and the MARK can
be determined using the GET_EOF and GET_MARK calls.

2.1.5 Reading and Writing Files

READ and WRITE calls to the MLI transfer data between memory and
a file. For both calls, the system program must specify three things:

When the request has been carried out, the MLI passes back to the
system program the number of bytes that it actually transferred.

Page 15

A read or write request starts at the current MARK, and continues
until the requested number of bytes has been transferred (or, on a
read, until the end of file has been reached). Read requests can also
terminate when a specified character is read. You turn on this feature
and set the character(s) on which reads will terminate using the
NEWLINE call. It is typically used for reading lines of text that are
terminated by carriage returns.

By the Way: Neither a READ nor a WRITE call necessarily causes a
disk access. It is only when a read or write crosses a 512-byte (block)
boundary that a disk access occurs.

2.1.6 - Closing and Flushing Files

When you finish reading from or writing to a file, you must use the
CLOSE call to close the file. When you use this call, you specify

CLOSE writes any unwritten data to the file, and it updates the file's
size in the directory, if necessary. Then it frees the 1024-byte
io_buffer for other uses and releases the file's reference number.

Information in the file's directory, such as the file's size, is normally
updated only when the file is closed. If you were to press
[CONTROL]-[RESET] (typically halting the current program) while a
file is open, data written to the file since it was opened could be lost
and the integrity of the disk could be damaged. This can be prevented
by using the FLUSH call. To use FLUSH you specify

If you press [CONTROL]-[RESET] while an open but flushed file is in
memory, there is no loss of data and no damage to the disk.
Both the CLOSE and FLUSH calls, when used with a reference number
of 0, normally cause all open files to be closed or flushed. Specific
groups of files can be closed or flushed using the system level.

Page 16

2.1.7 - File Levels

When a file is opened, it is assigned a level, according to the value of
a specific byte in memory (the system level). If the system level is
never changed, the CLOSE and FLUSH calls, when used with a
reference number of 0, cause all open files to be closed or flushed. But
if the level has been changed since the first file was opened, only the
files having a file level greater than or equal to the current system
level are closed or flushed.

The system level feature is used, for example, by the BASIC system
program to implement the EXEC command. An EXEC file is opened
with a level of 0, then the level is set to 7. A BASIC CLOSE command
(intended to close all files opened within the EXEC program) closes all
files at or above level 7, but the EXEC file itself remains open.

2.2 - File Organization

This portion of the chapter describes in general terms the organization
of files on a disk. It does not attempt to teach you everything about
file organization: its purpose is to familiarize you with the terms and
concepts required by the filing calls.

Appendix B elaborates on the subject of
file organization.

2.2.1 - Directory Files and Standard Files

Every ProDOS file is a named, ordered sequence of bytes that can be
read from, and to which the rules of MARK and EOF apply. However,
there are two types of files: directory files and standard files.
Directory files are special files that describe and point to other files on
the disk. They may be read from, but not written to (except by
ProDOS). All nondirectory files are standard files. They may be read
from and written to.

A directory file contains a number of similar elements, called entries.
The first entry in a directory file is the header entry: it holds the
name and other properties (such as the number of files stored in that
directory) of the directory file. Each subsequent entry in the file
describes and points to some other file on the disk. Figure 2-3
represents the structure of a directory file.

Page 17

Figure 2-3. Directory File Structure

  Directory File           Other Files

 +--------------+        +--------------+
 |              |  +---->|     File     |
 | Header Entry |  |     +--------------+
 |              |  |
 |--------------|  |     +--------------+
 |              |  | +-->|     File     |
 |    Entry    -|--+ |   +--------------+
 |              |    |
 |--------------|    |
 |             -|----+
 |             -|--->
 | More Entries-|-->
 |             -|--->    +--------------+
 |             -|------->|     File     |
 |--------------|        +--------------+
 |              |
 |    Entry    -|---+    +--------------+
 |              |   +--->|     File     |
 |--------------|        +--------------+
 |              |
 |    Entry    -|---+    +--------------+
 |              |   +--->|     File     |
 +--------------+        +--------------+

The files described and pointed to by the entries in a directory file can
be standard files or other directory files.

A system program does not need to know the details of directory
structure to access files with known names. Only operations on
unknown files (such as listing the files in a directory) require the
system program to examine a directory's entries. For such tasks, refer
to Appendix B.

Standard files have no such predefined internal structure: the format of
the data depends on the specific file type.

2.2.2 - File Structure

Because directory files are generally smaller than standard files, and
because they are sequentially accessed, ProDOS uses a simpler form of
storage for directory files. Both types of files are stored as a set of
512-byte blocks, but the way in which the blocks are arranged on the
disk differs.

A directory file is a linked list of blocks: each block in a directory file
contains a pointer to the next block in the directory file as well as a
pointer to the previous block in the directory. Figure 2-4 illustrates this

Page 18

Figure 2-4. Block Organization of a Directory File

 +------------+       +------------+       +------------+
 | Key Block  |<------|            |<-...<-| Last Block |
 |            |------>|            |->...->|            |
 |            |       |            |       |            |
 |            |       |            |       |            |
 |            |       |            |       |            |
 +------------+       +------------+       +------------+

Data files, on the other hand, are often quite large, and their contents
may be randomly accessed. It would be very slow to access such large
files if they were organized sequentially. Instead ProDOS stores
standard files using a tree structure. The largest possible standard file
has a master index block that points to 128 index blocks. Each index
block points to 256 data blocks and each data block can hold 512
bytes of data. The block organization of the largest possible standard
file is shown in Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5. Block Organization of a Standard File

                    |     Master Index    |
                    |        Block        |
                     | | | | | | | | | | |
                     | v v v v | v v v v |
          +----------+         |         +----------+
          |                    |                    |
          v                    v                    v
   +-------------+      +-------------+      +-------------+
   |    Index    |      |    Index    |      |    Index    |
   |   Block 0   |      |   Block n   |      |  Block 127  |
   +-------------+      +-------------+      +-------------+
     | | | | | |          | | | | | |          | | | | | |
     | v v v v |          | v v v v |          | v v v v |
     |         |          |         |          |         |
     v         v          v         v          v         v
 +-------+ +-------+  +-------+ +-------+  +-------+ +-------+
 | Data  | | Data  |  | Data  | | Data  |  | Data  | | Data  |
 | Block | | Block |  | Block | | Block |  | Block | | Block |
 |   0   | |  255  |  |   0   | |  255  |  |   0   | |  255  |
 +-------+ +-------+  +-------+ +-------+  +-------+ +-------+

Most standard files do not have this exact organization. ProDOS only
writes a subset of this structure to the file, depending on the amount
of data written to the file. This technique produces three distinct forms
of standard file: seedling, sapling, and tree files.

Appendix B describes the three forms of
standard file.

Page 19

2.2.3 - Sparse Files

In most instances a program writes data sequentially into a file. By
writing data, moving the EOF and MARK, and then writing more data,
a program can also write nonsequential data to a file. For example, a
program can open a file, write ten characters of data, and then move
the EOF and MARK (thereby making the file bigger) to $3FE0 before
writing ten more bytes of data. The file produced takes up only three
blocks on the disk (a total of 1536 bytes), yet over 16,000 bytes can be
read from the file. Such files are known as sparse files.

The fact that more data can be read from the file than actually resides
on the disk can cause a problem. Suppose that you were trying to copy
a sparse file from one disk to another. If you were to read data from
one file and write it to another, the new file would be much larger
than the original because data that is not actually on the disk can be
read from the file. Thus if your system program is going to transfer
sparse files, you must use the information in Appendix B to determine
which data segments should be copied, and which should not.

The ProDOS Filer automatically preserves the structure of sparse files
on a copy.

Page 20

Chapter 3
Memory Use

Page 21

This chapter explains the way the Machine Language Interface uses
memory. It tells how much memory system programs have available to
them, how system programs should manage this free memory, and it
discusses the contents of important areas of memory while ProDOS is
inn use.

3.1 - Loading Sequence

When you start up your Apple II from a ProDOS startup disk -- one
that contains both the MLI (ProDOS) and a system program
(XXX.SYSTEM) -- a complex loading sequence is initiated.

A preliminary loading program is stored in the read-only memory (boot
) on a disk drive's controller card; the main part of the loader
, as it is called, resides in blocks 0 and 1 of every
ProDOS-formatted disk.

When you turn on your computer, or use a PR# or IN# command to
reference a disk drive from Applesoft, or otherwise transfer control to
the ROM on the disk-drive controller card when a ProDOS startup disk
is in the drive, this is what happens:

  1. The program in the ROM reads the loader program from blocks 0
    and 1 of the disk, places it into memory starting at location $800,
    and then executes it.
  2. This loader program looks for the file with the name PRODOS and
    type $FF (containing the MLI) in the volume directory of the
    startup disk, loads it into memory starting at location $2000, and
    executes it.
  3. The MLI ascertains the computer's memory size and moves itself to
    its final location, as shown in Figure 3-1. Next it determines what
    devices are in what slots and it sets up the system global page,
    described in the section "The System Global Page," for this system
  4. The MLI then searches the volume directory of the boot disk for
    the first file with the name XXX.SYSTEM and type $FF, loads it
    into memory starting at $2000, and executes it.

If PRODOS cannot be found, the loader reports to the user that it is
unable to load ProDOS. If no XXX.SYSTEM program is found, ProDOS
displays the message UNABLE TO FIND A SYSTEM FILE.

The rules for system programs are
described in Chapter 5.

Page 22

The MLI is entirely memory resident. Once it is in memory, it neither
moves, nor does it require any additional disk accesses (although the
system program might). The memory configuration that results from
this loading process is described in the section "Memory Map."

3.2 - Volume Search Order

When a program or user requests access to a volume that ProDOS has
not yet accessed, it must search through the volumes that are
currently online for the requested volume. The order in which it
searches the devices is determined during step 3 above.

The first volume checked is /RAM, if present, then the startup volume
(generally slot 6, drive 1). The search then checks slots in descending
slot order, starting with slot 7. In any slot, drive 1 is searched before
drive 2.

For example, if there are two Disk II drives in slot 6, two Disk II
drives in slot 5, and a ProFile in slot 7, the search order is:

Slot 6, drive 1
Slot 6, drive 2
Slot 7
Slot 5, drive 1
Slot 5, drive 2

The startup volume is the volume in the highest numbered slot that
can be identified by the system as a startup volume. This sequence is
kept in the device list in the ProDOS global page and can be altered.

Note: If the startup volume is a hard disk, the search order is from
slot 7 to slot 1.

3.3 - Memory Map

ProDOS requires at least 64 kilobytes of memory. Figure 3-1 is the
ProDOS memory map.

Page 23

Figure 3-1. Memory Map

              Main Memory                                 Auxiliary Memory
                                                       (IIc or 128K IIe only)

 $FFFF+---------+$FFFF+---------+                $FFFF+---------+
      |.Monitor.|     |#########|                     |.........|
 $F800|---------|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#ProDOS##|                     |.........|
      |Applesoft|     |#########|$DFFF+---------+$E000|---------|$DFFF+---------+
      |.........|     |#########|     |.........|     |         |     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|     |.........|     |         |     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|$D400|---------|     |         |     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|     |#########|     |         |     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|$D100|---------|     |         |$D100|---------|
      |.........|     |#########|     |         |     |         |     |         |
 $D000|---------|     +---------+     +---------+$D000+---------+     +---------+
              ^  $BFFF+---------+                $BFFF+---------+
              |       |#########|                     |.........|
 This ROM area|  $BF00|---------|                $BF00|---------|
 on IIc and IIe       |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |
 only!                |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     +---------+
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     |#########|
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     +---------+
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     Used by ProDOS
                      |\BASIC.\\|                     |         |
                      |\SYSTEM\\|                     |         |
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     +---------+
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     |\\\\\\\\\|
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     +---------+
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     Used by
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     BASIC.SYSTEM
                 $9600|---------|                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |     +---------+
                      |         |                     |         |     |.........|
                      |         |                     |         |     +---------+
                      |         |                     |         |     Other used or
                      |         |                     |         |     reserved areas
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |     +---------+
                      |         |                     |         |     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |     +---------+
                      |         |                     |         |      Free Space
                      |         |                     |         |
                      /\/\/\/\/\/                     /\/\/\/\/\/

                      /\/\/\/\/\/                     /\/\/\/\/\/
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                  $800|---------|                 $800|---------|
                      |.........|                     |.........|
                      |.........|                     |.........|
                      |.........|                     |.........|
                      |.........|                 $400|---------|
                      |.........|                     |#########|
                  $300|---------|                     |#########|
                      |         |                     |#########|
                  $300|---------|                     |#########|
                      |.........|                 $200|---------|
                      |.........|                     |         |
                  $100|---------|                 $100|---------|
                      |         |                     |#########|
                      |         |                  $80|---------|
                   $4F|---------|                     |         |
                      |#Shared/#|                     |         |
                      |####safe#|                     |         |
                   $3A|---------|                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      +---------+                     +---------+

Page 24

A system program as large as $8F00 (36608) bytes can be loaded into a
64K system. The total amount of space available to a system program
running on a 64K system is $B700 (46848) bytes.

3.3.1 - Zero Page

The ProDOS Machine Language Interface uses zero-page locations
$40-$4E, but it restores them before it completes a call. The disk-driver
routines, called by the MLI, use locations $3A through $3F. These
locations are not restored. See Chapter 4 for details.

3.3.2 - The System Global Page

The $BF-page of memory, addresses $BF00 through $BFFF, contains
the system's global variables. This section of memory is special because
no matter what system ProDOS is booted on, the global page is always
in the same location. Because of this it serves as the communication
link between system programs and the operating system. The MLI
places all information that might be useful to a system program in
these locations. These locations are defined and described in Chapter 5.

3.3.3 - The System Bit Map

ProDOS uses a simple form of memory management that allows it to
protect itself and the user's data from being overwritten by ProDOS
buffer allocation. It represents the lower 48K of the Apple II's
random-access memory using twenty-four bytes of the system global
page: one bit for each 256-byte page of RAM in the lower 48K of the
Apple II. These twenty-four bytes are called the system bit map.

When ProDOS is started up, it protects the zero page, the stack, and
the global page, by setting the bits that correspond to the used pages.
If at all possible, a system program should not use pages of memory
that are already used. If this is not possible, the system program must
close all files and clear the bit map, leaving pages 0, 1, 4 through 7,
and BF (zero page, stack, text, and ProDOS global page) protected. If
an error occurs on the close, the program should ask the user to
restart the system. See Chapter 5 for details.

Page 25

While a system program is using the MLI, there are only three calls
that affect the setting of the bit map: OPEN, CLOSE, and SET_BUF.
When the system program opens a file, it must specify the starting
address of a 1024-byte file buffer. As long as the file is open, this
buffer is a part of the system, and is marked off in the bit map. When
the file is closed, the buffer is released, and its bits are cleared.

In general, a system program requires the used pages of memory to be
contiguous, or touching. This leaves the maximum possible unbroken
memory space for the reading and manipulation of data. Suppose a
system program opens several files and then closes the one that was
opened first. In most cases, this causes a vacant 1K area to appear.
The GET_BUF and SET_BUF calls can be used to find this vacant
area, and to move another file's buffer into this space.

Refer to Chapter 5 for a specific example
of using the system bit map.

Page 26

Chapter 4
Calls to the MLI

Page 27

This chapter is about the ProDOS Machine Language Interface (MLI),
which provides a simple way to use disk files from machine-language
programs. This chapter describes

4.1 - The Machine Language Interface

The ProDOS MLI is a complete, consistent, and interruptible interface
between the machine-language programmer and files on disks. It is
entirely independent of the ProDOS BASIC system program; thus, it
serves as a base upon which other system programs can be written. Its
filename is PRODOS. It consists of:

Page 28

4.2 - Issuing a Call to the MLI

A program sends a call to the Machine Language Interface by
executing a JSR (jump to subroutine) to address $BF00 (referred to
below as MLI). The call number and a two-byte pointer (low byte first)
to the call's parameter list must immediately follow the call. Here is an
example of a call to the MLI:

SYSCALL  JSR MLI         ;Call Command Dispatcher
         DB  CMDNUM      ;This determines which call is being made
         DW  CMDLIST     ;A two-byte pointer to the parameter list
         BNE ERROR       ;Error if nonzero

Upon completion of the call, the MLI returns to the address of the
JSR plus 3 (in the above example, the BNE statement); the call
number and parameter list pointer are skipped. If the call is successful,
the C-flag is cleared and the Accumulator is set to zero. If the call is
unsuccessful, the C-flag is set and the Accumulator is set to the error
code. The register status upon call completion is summarized below.
Note that the value of the N-flag is determined by the Accumulator
and that the value of the V-flag is undefined.

                    N  Z  C  D  V   Acc    PC    X  Y  SP
Successful call:    0  1  0  0  x    0    JSR+3  unchanged
Unsuccessful call:  x  0  1  0  x  error  JSR+3  unchanged

Page 29

Here is an example of a small program that issues calls to the MLI. It
tries to create a text file named NEWFILE on a volume named
TESTMLI. If an error occurs, the Apple II beeps and prints the error
code on the screen. Both the source and the object are given so you
can enter it from the Monitor if you wish (remember to use a
formatted disk named /TESTMLI).

 2000:        2000    1         ORG  $2000
 2000:        2000    1         ORG  $2000
 2000:                2 *
 2000:        FF3A    3 BELL    EQU  $FF3A     ;Monitor BELL routine
 2000:        FD8E    4 CROUT   EQU  $FD8E     ;Monitor CROUT routine
 2000:        FDDA    5 PRBYTE  EQU  $FDDA     ;Monitor PRBYTE routine
 2000:        BF00    6 MLI     EQU  $BF00     ;ProDOS system call
 2000:        00C0    7 CRECMD  EQU  $C0       ;CREATE command number
 2000:                8 *
 2000:20 06 20        9 MAIN    JSR  CREATE    ;CREATE "/TESTMLI/NEWFILE"
 2003:D0 08   200D   10         BNE  ERROR     ;If error, display it
 2005:60             11         RTS            ;Otherwise done
 2006:               12 *
 2006:20 00 BF       13 CREATE  JSR  MLI       ;Perform call
 2009:C0             14         DFB  CRECMD    ;CREATE command number
 200A:17 20          15         DW   CRELIST   ;Pointer to parameter list
 200C:60             16         RTS
 200D:               17 *
 200D:20 DA FD       18 ERROR   JSR  PRBYTE    ;Print error code
 2010:20 3A FF       19         JSR  BELL      ;Ring the bell
 2013:20 8E FD       20         JSR  CROUT     ;Print a carriage return
 2016:60             21         RTS
 2017:               22 *
 2017:07             23 CRELIST DFB  7         ;Seven parameters
 2018:23 20          24         DW   FILENAME  ;Pointer to filename
 201A:C3             25         DFB  $C3       ;Normal file access permitted
 201B:04             26         DFB  $04       ;Make it a text file
 201C:00 00          27         DFB  $00,$00   ;AUX_TYPE, not used
 201E:01             28         DFB  $01       ;Standard file
 201F:00 00          29         DFB  $00,$00   ;Creation date (unused)
 2021:00 00          30         DFB  $00,$00   ;Creation time (unused)
 2023:               31 *
 2023:10             32 FILENAME DFB ENDNAME-NAME ;Length of name
 2024:2F 54 45 53    33 NAME    ASC  "/TESTMLI/NEWFILE" ;followed by the name
 2034:        2034   34 ENDNAME EQU  *

The parameters used in TESTCMD are explained in the following
sections. The MLI error codes are summarized in Section 4.7.

Page 30

4.2.1 - Parameter Lists

As defined above, each MLI call has a two-byte pointer to a parameter
list. A parameter list contains information to be used by the call and
space for information to be returned by the call. There are three types
of elements used in parameter lists: values, results, and pointers.

A value is a one or more byte quantity that is passed to the Block
File Manager (BFM). Values help determine the action taken by the

A result is a one or more byte space in the parameter list into which
the Block File Manager will place a value. From results, programs can
get information about the status of a volume, file, or interrupt, or about
the success of the call just completed.

A pointer is a two-byte memory address that indicates the location of
data, code, or a space in which the Block File Manager can place or
receive data. All pointers are arranged low byte first, high byte second.

The first element in every parameter list is the parameter count, a
one-byte value that indicates the number of parameters used by the
call (not including the parameter count). This byte is used to verify
that the call was not accidental.

4.2.2 - The ProDOS Machine Language Exerciser

To help you learn to use the ProDOS Machine Language Interface,
there is a useful little program called the ProDOS Machine Language
Exerciser. It allows you to execute MLI calls from a menu; it has a
hexadecimal memory editor for reviewing and altering the contents of
buffers; and it has a catalog command.

Instructions for using the Machine
Language Exerciser program are in
Appendix D.

When you use it to make an MLI call, you request the call by its call
number, then you specify its parameter list, just as if you were coding
the call in a program. When you press [RETURN], the call is executed.
Using the Exerciser, you can try out sequences of MLI calls before
actually coding them.

Page 31

4.3 - The MLI Calls

The MLI calls can be divided into three groups: housekeeping calls,
filing calls, and system calls.

4.3.1 - Housekeeping Calls

The housekeeping calls perform operations such as creating, deleting,
and renaming, which cannot be used on open files. They are used to
change a file's status, but not the information that is in the file. They
refer to files by their pathnames, and each requires a temporary buffer,
which is used during execution of the call. The housekeeping calls are:

Creates either a standard file or a
directory file. An entry for the file is
placed in the proper directory on the
disk, and one block of disk space is
allocated to the file.
Removes a standard file or directory
file. The entry for the file is removed
from the directory and all the file's
disk space is released. If a directory is
to be destroyed, it must be empty. A
volume directory cannot be destroyed
except by reformatting the volume.
Changes the name of a file. The new
name must be in the same directory as
the old name. This call changes the
name in the entry that describes that
file, and if it is a directory file, also
the name in its header entry.
Sets the file's type, the way it may be
accessed, and/or its modification date
and time.
Returns the file's type, the way it may
be accessed, the way it is stored on
the disk, its size in blocks, and the
date and time at which it was created
and last modified.

Page 32

Returns the slot number, drive number,
and volume name of one or all
mounted volumes. This information is
placed in a user-supplied buffer.
Sets the pathname that is used by the
operating system as a prefix. The
prefix must indicate an existing
directory on a mounted volume.
Returns the value of the current
system prefix.

4.3.2 - Filing Calls

The filing calls cause the transfer of data to or from files. The first
filing call, OPEN, must be used before any of the others can be used.
The OPEN call specifies a file by its pathname; the other filing calls
refer to files by the reference number returned by the OPEN call. In
addition, an input/output buffer (io_buffer), is allocated to the open
file; subsequent data transfers go through this buffer. The reference
number remains assigned and the buffer remains allocated until the file
is closed. The filing calls are:

Prepares a file to be accessed. This call
causes a file control block (FCB) to be
allocated to the file, and a reference
number to be returned (A reference
number is really a file control block
number). In addition, an input/output
buffer is allocated for data transfers to
and from the file.
Sets conditions for reading from the
file. This call turns on and turns off
the capability of read requests to
terminate when a particular character
(such as a carriage return) is read.
Causes the transfer of a requested
number of characters from a file to a
specified memory buffer, and updates
the current position (MARK) in the file.
Characters are read according to the
rules set by the NEWLINE call.

Page 33

Causes the transfer of a requested
number of characters from a specified
buffer to a file, and updates the
current position (MARK) in the file and
the end of file (EOF), if necessary.
Transfers any unwritten data from a
file's input/output buffer to the file,
releases the file's io_buffer and file
control block, and updates the file's
directory entry, if necessary. The file's
reference number is released for use by
subsequently opened files.
Transfers any unwritten data from a
file's input/output buffer to the file,
and updates the file's directory entry,
if necessary.
Changes the current position in the
file. The current position is the
absolute position in the file of the next
character to be read or written.
Returns the current position in the file.
The current position is the absolute
position in the file of the next
character to be read or written.
Changes the logical size of the file (the
end of file).
Returns the logical size of the file.
Assigns a new location for the
input/output buffer of an open file.
Returns the current location of the
input/output buffer of an open file.

Page 34

4.3.3 - System Calls

System calls are those calls that are neither housekeeping nor filing
calls. They are used for getting the current date and time, for installing
and removing interrupt routines, and for reading and writing specific
blocks of a disk. The system calls are:

If your system has a clock/calendar
card, and if a routine that can read
from the clock is installed, then it
places the current date and time in the
system date and time locations.
Places a pointer to an
interrupt-handling routine into the
system interrupt vector table.
Removes a pointer to an interrupt
handling routine from the system
interrupt vector table.
Reads one specific block (512 bytes) of
information from a disk into a user
specified data buffer. This call is file
Writes a block of information from a
user specified data buffer to a specific
block of a disk. This call is file

Page 35

4.4 - Housekeeping Calls

Each of the following sections contains a description of a housekeeping
call, including its parameters and the possible errors that may be

4.4.1 - CREATE ($C0)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 7               |
  1 | pathname               (low)  |
  2 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  3 | access         (1-byte value) |
  4 | file_type      (1-byte value) |
  5 | aux_type               (low)  |
  6 | (2-byte value)         (high) |
  7 | storage_type   (1-byte value) |
  8 | create_date          (byte 0) |
  9 | (2-byte value)       (byte 1) |
  A | create_time          (byte 0) |
  B | (2-byte value)       (byte 1) |

Every disk file except the volume directory file must be created using
this call. There are two organizationally distinct types of file storage:
tree structure (storage_type = $1), used for standard files; and linked
list (storage_type = $D), used for directory files.

Pathname specifies the name of the file to be created and the directory
in which to insert an entry for the new file. One block (512 bytes) of
disk space is allocated, and the entry's key_pointer field is set to
indicate that block. Access, in most cases, should be set to $E3 (full
access permitted). File_type and aux_type may be anything, but it is
strongly recommended that conventions be followed (see below).

Page 36


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 7 for this call.
(2-byte pointer)
Pathname pointer: A two-byte address (low byte
first) that points to an ASCII string. The string
consists of a count byte, followed by the
pathname (up to 64 characters). If the pathname
begins with a slash ( / ), it is treated as a full
pathname. If not, it is treated as a partial
pathname and the prefix is attached to the front
to make a full pathname. The pathname string is
not changed.
(1-byte value)
Access permitted: This byte defines how the file
will be accessible. Its format is:

   7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
 |D |RN|B |Reserved|W |R |

 D:   Destroy enable bit
 RN:  Rename enable bit
 B:   Backup needed bit
 W:   Write enable bit
 R:   Read enable bit
For all bits, 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. Bits 2
through 4 are reserved for future definition and
must always be disabled. Usually access should
be set to $C3.
If the file is destroy, rename, and write enabled,
it is unlocked. If all three are disabled, it is
locked. Any other combination of access bits is
called restricted access.
The backup bit (B) is always set by this call.
(1-byte value)
File type: This byte describes the contents of the
file. The currently defined file types are listed

Page 37

 File Type       Preferred Use

 $00             Typeless file (SOS and ProDOS)
 $01             Bad block file
 $02 *           Pascal code file
 $03 *           Pascal text file
 $04             ASCII text file (SOS and ProDOS)
 $05 *           Pascal data file
 $06             General binary file (SOS and ProDOS)
 $07 *           Font file
 $08             Graphics screen file
 $09 *           Business BASIC program file
 $0A *           Business BASIC data file
 $0B *           Word Processor file
 $0C *           SOS system file
 $0D,$0E *       SOS reserved
 $0F             Directory file (SOS and ProDOS)
 $10 *           RPS data file
 $11 *           RPS index file
 $12 *           AppleFile discard file
 $13 *           AppleFile model file
 $14 *           AppleFile report format file
 $15 *           Screen library file
 $16-$18 *       SOS reserved
 $19             AppleWorks Data Base file
 $1A             AppleWorks Word Processor file
 $1B             AppleWorks Spreadsheet file
 $1C-$EE         Reserved
 $EF             Pascal area
 $F0             ProDOS added command file
 $F1-$F8         ProDOS user defined files 1-8
 $F9             ProDOS reserved
 $FA             Integer BASIC program file
 $FB             Integer BASIC variable file
 $FC             Applesoft program file
 $FD             Applesoft variables file
 $FE             Relocatable code file (EDASM)
 $FF             ProDOS system file

Note: The file types marked with a * in the above list apply to
Apple III SOS only; they are not used by ProDOS. For the file_types
used by Apple III SOS only, refer to the SOS Reference Manual.

Page 38

(2-byte value)
Auxiliary type: This two-byte field is used by the
system program. The BASIC system program uses
it (low byte first) to store text-file record size or
binary-file load address, depending on the
(1-byte value)
File kind: This byte describes the physical
organization of the file. storage_type = $0D is a
linked directory file; storage_type = $01 is a
standard file.
(2-byte value)
This 2-byte field may contain the date on which
the file was created. Its format is:
       byte 1            byte 0

  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0   7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 |    Year     |  Month  |   Day   |
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
(2-byte value)
This 2-byte field may contain the time at which
the file was created. Its format is:
       byte 1            byte 0

  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0   7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 |0 0 0|  Hour   | |0 0|  Minute   |
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

See Chapter 6 for information about the
use of ProDOS with a clock/calendar

Page 39

Possible Errors

$27 - I/O error
$2B - Disk write protected
$40 - Invalid pathname syntax
$44 - Path not found
$45 - Volume directory not found
$46 - File not found
$47 - Duplicate filename
$48 - Overrun error: not enough disk space
$49 - Directory full
-- ProDOS can have no more than 51 files in a volume directory.
$4B - Unsupported storage_type
$53 - Invalid parameter
$5A - Bit map disk address is impossible

4.4.2 - DESTROY ($C1)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 1               |
  1 | pathname               (low)  |
  2 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |

Deletes the file specified by pathname by removing its entry from the
directory that owns it, and by returning its blocks to the volume bit
map. Volume directory files and open files cannot be destroyed.
Subdirectory files must be empty before they can be destroyed.

Page 40


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 1 for this call.
(2-byte pointer)
Pathname pointer: A two-byte address (low byte
first) that points to an ASCII string. The string
consists of a count byte, followed by the
pathname (up to 64 characters). If the pathname
begins with a slash ( / ), it is treated as a full
pathname. If not, it is treated as a partial
pathname and the prefix is attached to the front
to make a full pathname.

Possible Errors

$27 - I/O error
$2B - Disk write protected
$40 - Invalid pathname syntax
$44 - Path not found
$45 - Volume directory not found
$46 - File not found
$4A - Incompatible file format
$4B - Unsupported storage_type
$4E - Access error: destroy not enabled
$50 - File is open: request denied
$5A - Bit map disk address is impossible

Page 41

4.4.3 - RENAME ($C2)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | pathname               (low)  |
  2 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  3 | new_pathname           (low)  |
  4 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |

Changes the name of the file specified by pathname to that specified
by new_pathname. Both pathname and new_pathname must be
identical except for the rightmost filename (they must indicate files in
the same directory). For example, the path /EGG/ROLL can be
renamed /EGG/PLANT, but not /JELLY/ROLL or /EGG/DRUM/ROLL.


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 2 for this call.
(2-byte pointer)
Pathname pointer: A two-byte address (low byte
first) that points to an ASCII string. The string
consists of a count byte, followed by the
pathname (up to 64 characters). If the pathname
begins with a slash ( / ), it is treated as a full
pathname. If not, it is treated as a partial
pathname and the prefix is attached to the front
to make a full pathname.
(2-byte pointer)
New pathname pointer: This two-byte pointer
(low byte first) indicates the location of the new
pathname. It has the same syntax as pathname.

Possible Errors

$27 - I/O error
$2B - Disk write protected
$40 - Invalid pathname syntax
$44 - Path not found
$45 - Volume directory not found
$46 - File not found

Page 42

$47 - Duplicate filename
$4A - Incompatible file format
$4B - Unsupported storage_type
$4E - Access error: rename not enabled
$50 - File is open: request denied
$57 - Duplicate volume

4.4.4 - SET_FILE_INFO ($C3)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 7               |
  1 | pathname               (low)  |
  2 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  3 | access         (1-byte value) |
  4 | file_type      (1-byte value) |
  5 | aux_type               (low)  |
  6 | (2-byte value)         (high) |
  7 |                               |
  8 | null_field          (3 bytes) |
  9 |                               |
  A | mod_date             (byte 0) |
  B | (2-byte value)       (byte 1) |
  C | mod_time             (byte 0) |
  D | (2-byte value)       (byte 1) |

Modifies information in the specified file's entry field. This call can be
performed when the file is either open or closed. However, new access
attributes are not used by an open file until the next time the file is
opened (that is, this call doesn't modify existing file control blocks).

You should use the GET_FILE_INFO call to read a file's attributes
into a parameter list, modify them as needed, and then use the same
parameter list for the SET_FILE_INFO call.

Page 43


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 7 for this call.
(2-byte pointer)
Pathname pointer: A two-byte address (low byte
first) that points to an ASCII string. The string
consists of a count byte, followed by the
pathname (up to 64 characters). If the pathname
begins with a slash ( / ), it is treated as a full
pathname. If not, it is treated as a partial
pathname and the prefix is attached to the front
to make a full pathname.
(1-byte value)
Access permitted: This byte determines how the
file may be accessed. Its format is:
   7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
 |D |RN|B |Reserved|W |R |

 D:   Destroy enable bit
 RN:  Rename enable bit
 B:   Backup needed bit
 W:   Write enable bit
 R:   Read enable bit

For all bits, 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. Bits 2
through 4 are used internally and should be set
to 0. Usually access should be set to $C3.
If the file is destroy, rename, and write enabled
it is unlocked. If all three are disabled, it is
locked. Any other combination of access bits is
called restricted access.
The backup bit (B) is set by this call.

(1-byte value)
File type: This byte describes the contents of a
file. The currently defined file types are listed

Page 44

 File Type       Preferred Use

 $00             Typeless file (SOS and ProDOS)
 $01             Bad block file
 $02 *           Pascal code file
 $03 *           Pascal text file
 $04             ASCII text file (SOS and ProDOS)
 $05 *           Pascal data file
 $06             General binary file (SOS and ProDOS)
 $07 *           Font file
 $08             Graphics screen file
 $09 *           Business BASIC program file
 $0A *           Business BASIC data file
 $0B *           Word Processor file
 $0C *           SOS system file
 $0D,$0E *       SOS reserved
 $0F             Directory file (SOS and ProDOS)
 $10 *           RPS data file
 $11 *           RPS index file
 $12 *           AppleFile discard file
 $13 *           AppleFile model file
 $14 *           AppleFile report format file
 $15 *           Screen library file
 $16-$18 *       SOS reserved
 $19             AppleWorks Data Base file
 $1A             AppleWorks Word Processor file
 $1B             AppleWorks Spreadsheet file
 $1C-$EE         Reserved
 $EF             Pascal area
 $F0             ProDOS added command file
 $F1-$F8         ProDOS user defined files 1-8
 $F9             ProDOS reserved
 $FA             Integer BASIC program file
 $FB             Integer BASIC variable file
 $FC             Applesoft program file
 $FD             Applesoft variables file
 $FE             Relocatable code file (EDASM)
 $FF             ProDOS system file

Note: The file types marked with a * in the above list apply to
Apple III SOS only; they are not used by ProDOS. For the file_types
used by Apple III SOS only, refer to the SOS Reference Manual.

Page 45

(2-byte value)
Auxiliary type: This two-byte field is used by the
system program. The BASIC system program uses
it (low byte first) to store record size or load
address, depending on the file_type.
(3 bytes)
Null field: These three bytes preserve symmetry
between this and the GET_FILE_INFO call.
(2-byte value)
This 2-byte field should contain the current date.
It has this format:
       byte 1            byte 0

  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0   7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 |    Year     |  Month  |   Day   |
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
(2-byte value)
This 2-byte field should contain the current time.
It has this format:
       byte 1            byte 0

  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0   7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 |0 0 0|  Hour   | |0 0|  Minute   |
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

See Chapter 6 for information about the
use or ProDOS with a clock/calendar

Possible Errors

$27 - I/O error
$2B - Disk write protected
$40 - Invalid pathname syntax
$44 - Path not found
$45 - Volume directory not found
$46 - File not found
$4A - Incompatible file format
$4B - Unsupported storage_type
$4E - Access error: file not write enabled
$53 - Invalid value in parameter list
$5A - Bit map disk address is impossible

Page 46

4.4.5 - GET_FILE_INFO ($C4)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = $A              |
  1 | pathname               (low)  |
  2 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  3 | access        (1-byte result) |
  4 | file_type     (1-byte result) |
  5 | aux_type               (low)  | *
  6 | (2-byte result)        (high) |
  7 | storage_type  (1-byte result) |
  8 | blocks used            (low)  | *
  9 | (2-byte result)        (high) |
  A | mod_date             (byte 0) |
  B | (2-byte result)      (byte 1) |
  C | mod_time             (byte 0) |
  D | (2-byte result)      (byte 1) |
  E | create_date          (byte 0) |
  F | (2-byte result)      (byte 1) |
 10 | create_time          (byte 0) |
 11 | (2-byte result)      (byte 1) |

* When file information about a volume directory is requested, the
total number of blocks on the volume is returned in the aux_type field
and the total blocks for all files is returned in blocks_used.

GET_FILE_INFO returns the information that is stored in the
specified file's entry field. This call can be performed whether the file
is open or closed. If the SET_FILE_INFO call is used to change the
access while the file is open, the change does not take effect until the
file has been closed and reopened.

Page 47


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: $A for this call.
(2-byte pointer)
Pathname pointer: A two-byte address (low byte
first) that points to an ASCII string. The string
consists of a count byte, followed by the
pathname (up to 64 characters). If the pathname
begins with a slash ( / ), it is treated as a full
pathname. If not, it is treated as a partial
pathname and the prefix is attached to the front
to make a full pathname.
(1-byte result)
Access permitted: This byte determines how the
file may be accessed. Its format is:
   7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
 |D |RN|B |Reserved|W |R |

 D:   Destroy enable bit
 RN:  Rename enable bit
 B:   Backup needed bit
 W:   Write enable bit
 R:   Read enable bit

For all bits, 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled. Bits 2
through 4 are not used. Usually access should be
set to $C3.
If the file is destroy, rename, and write enabled
it is unlocked. If all three are disabled, it is
locked. Any other combination of access bits is
called restricted access.

(1-byte result)
File type: This byte describes the contents of a
file. The currently defined file types are listed

Page 48

 File Type       Preferred Use

 $00             Typeless file (SOS and ProDOS)
 $01             Bad block file
 $02 *           Pascal code file
 $03 *           Pascal text file
 $04             ASCII text file (SOS and ProDOS)
 $05 *           Pascal data file
 $06             General binary file (SOS and ProDOS)
 $07 *           Font file
 $08             Graphics screen file
 $09 *           Business BASIC program file
 $0A *           Business BASIC data file
 $0B *           Word Processor file
 $0C *           SOS system file
 $0D,$0E *       SOS reserved
 $0F             Directory file (SOS and ProDOS)
 $10 *           RPS data file
 $11 *           RPS index file
 $12 *           AppleFile discard file
 $13 *           AppleFile model file
 $14 *           AppleFile report format file
 $15 *           Screen library file
 $16-$18 *       SOS reserved
 $19             AppleWorks Data Base file
 $1A             AppleWorks Word Processor file
 $1B             AppleWorks Spreadsheet file
 $1C-$EE         Reserved
 $EF             Pascal area
 $F0             ProDOS added command file
 $F1-$F8         ProDOS user defined files 1-8
 $F9             ProDOS reserved
 $FA             Integer BASIC program file
 $FB             Integer BASIC variable file
 $FC             Applesoft program file
 $FD             Applesoft variables file
 $FE             Relocatable code file (EDASM)
 $FF             ProDOS system file

Note: The file types marked with a * in the above list apply to
Apple III SOS only; they are not used by ProDOS. For the file_types
used by Apple III SOS only, refer to the SOS Reference Manual.

Page 49

(2-byte result)
Auxiliary type: This two-byte field is used by the
system program. The BASIC system program uses
it (low byte first) to store record size or load
address, depending on the file_type. If this call is
used on a volume directory file, aux_type will
contain the total number of blocks on the volume.
(1-byte result)
File kind: This byte describes the physical
organization of the file. storage_type = $0F is a
volume directory file; storage_type = $0D is a
directory file; storage_type = $01, $02, and $03
are seedling, sapling, and tree files, respectively
(see Appendix B). All other values are reserved
for future use.
(2-byte result)
Blocks used by the file: These two bytes contain
the total number of blocks used by the file, as
stored in the blocks_used parameter of the file's
entry. If this call is used on a volume directory
file blocks_used contains the total number of
blocks used by all the files on the volume.
(2-byte result)
This 2-byte field returns the date on which the
file was last modified. It has this format:
       byte 1            byte 0

  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0   7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 |    Year     |  Month  |   Day   |
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
(2-byte result)
This 2-byte field returns the time at which the
file was last modified. It has this format:
       byte 1            byte 0

  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0   7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 |0 0 0|  Hour   | |0 0|  Minute   |
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

Page 50

(2-byte result)
This 2-byte field returns the date on which the
file was created. It has this format:
       byte 1            byte 0

  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0   7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 |    Year     |  Month  |   Day   |
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
(2-byte result)
This 2-byte field returns the time at which the
file was created. It has this format:
       byte 1            byte 0

  7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0   7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 |0 0 0|  Hour   | |0 0|  Minute   |
 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

See Chapter 6 for information about the
use of ProDOS with a clock/calendar

Possible Errors

$27 - I/O error
$40 - Invalid pathname syntax
$44 - Path not found
$45 - Volume directory not found
$46 - File not found
$4A - Incompatible file format
$4B - Unsupported storage_type
$53 - Invalid value in parameter list
$5A - Bit map address is impossible

4.4.6 - ON_LINE ($C5)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | unit_num       (1-byte value) |
  2 | data_buffer            (low)  |
  3 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |

This command can be used to determine the names of all ProDOS (or
SOS) volumes that are currently mounted (such as disks in disk
drives), or it can be used to determine the name of a disk in a
specified slot and drive.

Page 51

When unit_num is 0, this command places a list of the volume names,
slot numbers, and drive numbers of all mounted disks into the
256 byte buffer pointed to by data_buffer. When a specific unit_num
is requested, only 16 bytes need be set aside for the buffer. The format
of the returned information is described below.

The volume names are placed in the list in volume search order, as
described in section 3.2.


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: Must be 2 for this call.
(1-byte value)
Device slot and drive number: This one-byte
value specifies the hardware slot location of a
disk device. The format is:
   7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
 |Dr|  Slot  |  Unused   |

For drive 1, Dr = 0; for drive 2, Dr = 1. Slot
specifies the device's slot number (1-7). If
unit_num is 0, all mounted disks are scanned.
Here are possible values for unit_num:

 Slot:      7   6   5   4   3   2   1
 Drive 1:  70  60  50  40  30  20  10
 Drive 2:  F0  E0  D0  C0  B0  A0  90
(2-byte pointer)
Data address pointer: This two-byte address (low
byte first) points to a buffer for returned data,
which is organized into 16 byte records. If
unit_num is 0, the buffer should be 256 bytes
long, otherwise 16 bytes is enough.

Page 52

The first byte of a record identifies the device
and the length of its volume name:
   7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
 |dr|  slot  | name_len  |
Bit 7 specifies drive 1 (Dr = 0) or drive 2 (Dr =
1). Bits 6-4 specify the slot number (1 through 7).
Bits 3-0 specify a valid name_length if nonzero.
The next 15 bytes of the record are for a volume
If name_length = 0, then an error was detected
in the specified slot and drive. The error code is
present in the second byte of the record. If error
$57 (duplicate volume) is encountered, the third
byte contains the unit number of the duplicate.
When multiple records are returned, the last valid
record is followed by one that has unit_num and
name_length set to 0.

Remember: ON_LINE returns volume names that are not preceded by
slashes. Remember to put a slash in front of the name before you use
it in a pathname.

Possible Errors

$27 - I/O error
$28 - Device not connected
$2E - Disk switched: File still open on other disk
$45 - Volume directory not found
$52 - Not a ProDOS disk
$55 - Volume Control Block full
$56 - Bad buffer address
$57 - Duplicate volume

When an error pertains to a specific drive, the error code is returned in
the second byte of the record corresponding to that drive, as described
above. In such cases, the call completes with the accumulator set to 0,
and the carry flag clear. Only errors $55 and $56 are not drive specific.

Page 53

4.4.7 - SET_PREFIX ($C6)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 1               |
  1 | pathname               (low)  |
  2 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |

Sets the system prefix to the indicated directory. The pathname may
be a full pathname or a partial pathname. The system prefix can be
set to null by indicating a pathname with a count of zero. The prefix
must be no longer than 64 characters. When ProDOS is started up, the
system prefix is set to the name of the volume in the startup drive.

The MLI verifies that the requested prefix directory is on an on-line
volume before accepting it.


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 1 for this call.
(2-byte pointer)
Pathname pointer: A two-byte address (low byte
first) that points to an ASCII string. The string
consists of a count byte, followed by the
pathname (up to 64 characters). If the pathname
begins with a slash ( / ), it is treated as a full
pathname. If not, it is treated as a partial
pathname and the current prefix is attached to
the front to make a full pathname. A slash at the
end of the pathname is optional.

Possible Errors

$27 - I/O error
$40 - Invalid pathname syntax
$44 - Path not found
$45 - Volume directory not found
$46 - File not found
$4A - Incompatible file format
$4B - Unsupported storage_type
$5A - Bit map disk address is impossible

Page 54

4.4.8 - GET_PREFIX ($C7)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 1               |
  1 | data_buffer            (low)  |
  2 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |

Returns the current system prefix. If the system prefix is set to null
(no prefix), then a count of 0 is returned. Otherwise the returned
prefix is preceded by a length byte and bracketed by slashes. Examples
are $7/APPLE/ and $D/APPLE/BYTES/. Each character in the prefix
is returned with its high bit cleared.

The buffer pointed to by data_buffer is assumed to be 64 bytes long.


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: Must be 1 for this call.
(2-byte pointer)
Data address pointer: This two-byte address (low byte first) points to the buffer into which the
prefix should be placed. It should be at least
64 bytes long.

Possible Error

$56 - Bad buffer address

Page 55

4.5 - Filing Calls

Each of the following sections contains a description of a filing
command, including its parameters and the possible errors that may be

4.5.1 - OPEN ($C8)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 3               |
  1 | pathname               (low)  |
  2 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  3 | io_buffer              (low)  |
  4 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  5 | ref_num       (1-byte result) |

OPEN prepares a file to be read or written. It creates a file control
block that keeps track of the current (open) characteristics of the file
specified by pathname, it sets the current position in the file to zero,
and it returns a reference number by which the other commands in
this section must refer to the file.

The I/O buffer is used by the system for the entire time the file is
open. It contains information about the file's structure on the disk, and
it contains the current 512-byte block being read or written. It is used
until the file is closed, and therefore should not be modified directly by
the user. A maximum of eight files can be open at a time.

When a file is opened it is assigned a level, from 0 to $F, depending
on the current value of the LEVEL location ($BF94) in the system
global page. When the CLOSE command is issued with a ref_num of 0,
all files at or above the current level are closed. Thus, a CLOSE with a
ref_num of 0 and a level of 0 will close all open files.

Refer to Section 2.1.7, "File Levels," for
an example of the use of level.

Once a file has been opened, that file's disk must not be removed
from its drive and replaced by another. The system does not
check the identity of a volume before writing on it. A system
program should check a volume's identity before writing to it.

Page 56


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 3 for this call.
(2-byte pointer)
Pathname pointer: A two-byte address (low byte
first) that points to an ASCII string. The string
consists of a count byte, followed by the
pathname (up to 64 characters). If the pathname
begins with a slash ( / ), it is treated as a full
pathname. If not, it is treated as a partial
pathname and the prefix is attached to the front
to make a full pathname.
(2-byte pointer)
Buffer address pointer: This two byte-address
(low byte first) indicates the starting address of a
1024-byte input/output buffer. The buffer must
start on a page boundary (a multiple of $100)
that is not already used by the system.
If a standard file is being accessed, the first
512 bytes of io_buffer contain the current block
of data being read or written; the second
512 bytes contain the current index block, if
there is one. If a directory file is being accessed,
the first 512 bytes contain the current directory
file block; the rest are unused.
(2-byte result)
Reference number: When a file is opened, the
filing system assigns this one-byte value. All
subsequent commands to the open file use this
reference number.

Refer to Appendix B for more
information on directory file blocks,
index blocks, and data blocks.

Possible Errors

$27 - I/O error
$40 - Invalid pathname syntax
$42 - File Control Block table full
$44 - Path not found
$45 - Volume directory not found
$46 - File not found
$4B - Unsupported storage_type
$50 - File is open
$53 - Invalid value in parameter list
$56 - Bad buffer address
$5A - Bit map disk address is impossible

Page 57

4.5.2 - NEWLINE ($C9)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 3               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 | enable_mask    (1-byte value) |
  3 | newline_char   (1-byte value) |

This call allows you to enable or disable newline read mode for any
open file. When newline is disabled, a read request terminates when
the requested number of characters has been read, or when the end of
file is encountered. When newline is enabled, a read request will also
terminate if the newline character (newline_char) is read.

Each character read is first transferred to the user's data buffer. Next
it is ANDed with the enable_mask and compared to the newline_char.
If there is a match, the read is terminated. For example, if
enable_mask is $7F and newline_char is $0D (ASCII CR), either a
$0D or $8D matches and terminates input. This process does not
change the character.


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 3 for this call.
(1-byte value)
Reference number: This is the filing reference
number that was assigned to the file when it was
(1-byte value)
Newline enable and mask: A value of $00
disables newline mode; a nonzero value enables
it. When the mode is enabled, each incoming byte
is ANDed with this byte before it is compared to
newline_char (below). A match causes the read
request to terminate. A value of $FF makes all
bits significant, a value of $7F causes only bits 0
through 6 to be tested, etc.
(1-byte value)
Newline character: When newline is enabled, a
read request terminates if the input character,
having been ANDed with the enable_mask
equals this value.

Possible Error

$43 - Invalid reference number

Page 58

4.5.3 - READ ($CA)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 4               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 | data_buffer            (low)  |
  3 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  4 | request_count          (low)  |
  5 | (2-byte value)         (high) |
  6 | trans_count            (low)  |
  7 | (2-byte result)        (high) |

Tries to transfer the requested number of bytes (request_count),
starting at the current position (MARK) of the file specified by
ref_num to the buffer pointed to by data_buffer. The number of bytes
actually transferred is returned in trans_count.

If newline read mode is enabled and a newline character is
encountered before request_count bytes have been read, then the
trans_count parameter is set to the number of bytes transferred,
including the newline byte.

If the end of file is encountered before request_count bytes have been
read, then trans_count is set to the number of bytes transferred. The
end of file error ($4C) is returned if and only if zero bytes were
transferred (trans_count = 0).

Page 59


Parameter count: 4 for this call.
(1-byte value)
Reference number: This is the filing reference
number that was assigned to the file when it was
(2-byte pointer)
Data address pointer: This two-byte address (low
byte first) points to the destination for the data to
be read from the file.
(2-byte value)
Transfer request count: This two-byte value (low
byte first) specifies the maximum number of
bytes to be transferred to the data buffer pointed
to by data_buffer. The maximum value is limited
to the number of bytes between the start of
data_buffer and the nearest used page of
(2-byte result)
Transferred: This two-byte value (low byte first)
indicates the number of bytes actually read. It
will be less than request_count only if EOF was
encountered, if the newline character was read
while newline mode was enabled, or if some
other error occurred during the request.

Possible Errors

$27 - I/O error
$43 - Invalid reference number
$4C - End of file has been encountered
$4E - Access error: file not read enabled
$56 - Bad buffer address
$5A - Bit map address is impossible

Page 60

4.5.4 - WRITE ($CB)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 4               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 | data_buffer            (low)  |
  3 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  4 | request_count          (low)  |
  5 | (2-byte value)         (high) |
  6 | trans_count            (low)  |
  7 | (2-byte result)        (high) |

Tries to transfer a specified number of bytes (request_count) from the
buffer pointed to by data_buffer to the file specified by ref_num
starting at the current position (MARK) in the file. The actual number
of bytes transferred is returned in trans_count.

The file position is updated to position + trans_count. If necessary,
additional data and index blocks are allocated to the file, and EOF is

See Appendix B for an explanation of
data and index blocks.

Page 61


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 4 for this call.
(1-byte value)
Reference number: This is the filing reference
number that was assigned when the file was
(2-byte pointer)
Data address pointer: This two-byte address (low
byte first) points to the beginning of the data to
be transferred to the file.
(2-byte value)
Transfer request count: This two-byte value (low
byte first) specifies the maximum number of
bytes to be transferred from the buffer pointed to
by data_buffer to the file.
(2-byte result)
Bytes transferred: This two-byte value (low byte
first), indicates the number of bytes actually
transferred. If no error occurs, this value should
always be equal to request_count.

Possible Errors

$27 - I/O error
$2B - Disk write protected
$43 - Invalid reference number
$48 - Overrun error: not enough disk space
$4E - Access error: file not write enabled
$56 - Bad buffer address
$5A - Bit map disk address is impossible

Page 62

4.5.5 - CLOSE ($CC)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 1               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |

This call is used to release all resources used by an open file. The file
control block is released. If necessary, the file's buffer (io_buffer) is
emptied to the file and the directory entry for the file is updated. Until
that ref_num is assigned to another open file, subsequent filing calls
using that ref_num will fail.

If ref_num equals zero ($0), all open files at or above the current
level are closed. For example, if you open files at levels 0, 1, and 2,
set the level to 1, and then use CLOSE with ref_num set to 0, the
files at level 1 and 2 are closed, but the ones at level 0 are not.

The level is a value from 0 to $F that is stored in the LEVEL location
($BFD8) of the system global page. It is only changed by system
programs, and it is used by OPEN and CLOSE.

This call causes the backup bit to be set.


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 1 for this call.
(1-byte value)
Reference number: The filing reference number
that was assigned to the file when it was opened.
CLOSE releases this reference number. If
ref_num = 0, all open files at or above the
current level are closed.

Possible Errors

$27 - I/O error
$2B - Disk write protected
$43 - Invalid reference number
$5A - Bit map disk address is impossible

Page 63

4.5.6 - FLUSH ($CD)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 1               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |

The file's write buffer (io_buffer) is emptied to the file, and the file's
directory is updated. If ref_num equals zero ($0), then all open files at
or above the current level are flushed.

The backup bit is set by this call.

FLUSH is further explained in Chapter 2,
section "Closing and Flushing Files."


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 1 for this call.
(1-byte value)
Reference number: This is the filing reference
number that was assigned to the file when it was
opened. If ref_num = 0 all open files at or
above the current level are flushed.

Possible Errors

$27 - I/O error
$2B - Disk write protected
$43 - Invalid reference number
$5A - Bit map disk address is impossible

Page 64

4.5.7 - SET_MARK ($CE)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 |                        (low)  |
  3 | position       (3-byte value) |
  4 |                        (high) |

Changes the current position (MARK) in the file to that specified by
the position parameter. Position may not exceed the end of file (EOF)

See the example of SET_MARK in
Chapter 2, section "The EOF and MARK."


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 2 for this call.
(1-byte value)
Reference number: The filing reference number
that was assigned to the file when it was opened.
(3-byte value)
File position: This three-byte value (low bytes
first) specifies to the File Manager the absolute
position in the file at which the next read or
write should begin (the MARK). The file position
cannot exceed the file's EOF.

Possible Errors

$27 - I/O error
$43 - Invalid reference number
$4D - Position out of range
$5A - Bit map disk address is impossible

Page 65

4.5.8 - GET_MARK ($CF)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 |                        (low)  |
  3 | position      (3-byte result) |
  4 |                        (high) |

Returns the current position (MARK) in an open file.


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 2 for this call.
(1-byte value)
Reference number: The filing reference number
that was assigned to the file when it was opened.
(3-byte result)
File position: This three-byte value (low bytes
first) is the absolute position in the file at which
the next read or write will begin, unless it is
changed by a subsequent SET_MARK call.

Possible Error

$43 - Invalid reference number

Page 66

4.5.9 - SET_EOF ($D0)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 |                        (low)  |
  3 | EOF            (3-byte value) |
  4 |                        (high) |

Sets the logical size of the file specified by ref_num to EOF. If the
new EOF is less than the current EOF, then blocks past the new EOF
are released to the system. If the new EOF is greater than or equal to
the current EOF, no blocks are allocated. If the new EOF is less than
the current position, the value of the position is set to the EOF. The
EOF cannot be changed unless the file is write enabled.

The logical size of a file is the number
of bytes that can be read from it.


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 2 for this call.
(1-byte value)
Reference number: The filing reference number
that was assigned to the file when it was opened.
(3-byte value)
End Of File: This three-byte value (low bytes
first) represents the logical end of a file. It can
be greater or less than the current value of EOF.
If it is less, blocks past the new EOF are released
to the system.

Possible Errors

$27 - I/O error
$43 - Invalid reference number
$4D - Position out of range
$4E - Access error: File not write enabled
$5A - Bit map disk address is impossible

Page 67

4.5.10 - GET_EOF ($D1)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 |                        (low)  |
  3 | EOF           (3-byte result) |
  4 |                        (high) |

Returns the number of bytes that can be read from the open file.


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 2 for this call.
(1-byte value)
Reference number: The filing reference number
that was assigned to the file when it was opened.
(3-byte result)
End Of File: This three-byte result (low bytes
first) contains the value of the logical end of file.
This value is the maximum number of bytes that
can be read from the file.

Possible Error

$43 - Invalid reference number

Page 68

4.5.11 - SET_BUF ($D2)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 | io_buffer              (low)  |
  3 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |

This call allows you to reassign the address of the input/output buffer
that is used by the file specified by ref_num (assigned when the file
was opened). The MLI checks to see that the specified buffer is not
already used by the system, then it moves the contents of the old
buffer into the new buffer.


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 2 for this call.
(1-byte value)
Reference number: The filing reference number
that was assigned to the file when it was opened.
(2-byte pointer)
Buffer address pointer: This two-byte address
(low byte first) indicates the starting address of a
1024 byte I/O buffer. The buffer must start on a
page boundary (multiple of $100) and it must not
already be used by the system.

Possible Errors

$43 - Invalid reference number
$56 - Bad buffer address

Page 69

4.5.12 - GET_BUF ($D3)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 | io_buffer              (low)  |
  3 | (2-byte result)        (high) |

Returns the address of the input/output buffer currently being used by
the file specified by ref_num.


Parameter count: 2 for this call.
(1-byte value)
Reference number: The filing reference number
that was assigned to the file when it was opened.
(2-byte result)
Buffer address pointer: This two-byte address
(low byte first) indicates the starting address of a
1024 byte I/O buffer. The buffer starts on a page
boundary (multiple of $100).

Possible Error

$43 - Invalid reference number

Page 70

4.6 - System Calls

Each of the following sections describes a system command, including
any parameters and possible errors.

4.6.1 - GET_TIME ($82)

This call has no parameter list, and it cannot generate an error. It calls
a clock/calendar routine, if there is one, which returns the current
date and time to the system date and time locations ($BF90-BF93). If
there is no clock/calendar routine, the system date and time locations
are left unchanged.

Here is the layout of the four bytes that make up the system date and

          49041 ($BF91)     49040 ($BF90)

         7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0   7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
        +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 DATE:  |    year     |  month  |   day   |
        +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

         7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0   7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
        +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 TIME:  |    hour       | |    minute     |
        +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

          49043 ($BF93)     49042 ($BF92)

When ProDOS starts up, it looks for a clock/calendar card in one of
the Apple II's slots. If it recognizes one, ProDOS installs a routine that
can read the date and time from the card and place them in the
system date and time locations. Otherwise, no routine is installed.

Note that the GET_TIME call number for ProDOS is different from the
GET_TIME call number for SOS.

Chapter 5 explains the use of the date
and time locations by the system.

Chapter 6 explains the installation of
clock/calendar routines.

Page 71

4.6.2 - ALLOC_INTERRUPT ($40)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | int_num       (1-byte result) |
  2 | int_code               (low)  |
  3 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |

This call places the address of an interrupt receiving routine int_code
into the interrupt vector table. It should be made before you enable the
hardware that could cause this interrupt. It is your responsibility to
make sure that the routine is installed at the proper location and that
it follows interrupt conventions.

The int_num that is returned gives an indication of what priority the
interrupt is given (1, 2, 3, or 4). Routines that are installed first are
given the highest priority. You must use this number when you remove
the routine from the system.

Interrupt receiving routines are described
in Chapter 6.


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 2 for this call.
(1-byte result)
Interrupt vector number: This value, from 1 to 4
is assigned by the MLI to int_num when this call
is made. This number must be retained by the
calling routine and used when removing an
interrupt routine.
(2-byte pointer)
Interrupt handler code entry address: This is a
pointer (low byte first) to the first byte of a
routine that is to be called when the system is
polling in response to an interrupt.

Possible Errors

$25 - Interrupt vector table full
$53 - Invalid parameter

Page 72


      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 1               |
  1 | int_num        (1-byte value) |

This call clears the entry for int_num from the interrupt vector table.
You must disable interrupt hardware before you make this call. If you
don't, and the hardware interrupts after the vector table has been
updated, a SYSTEM FAILURE will occur (see Section 4.8.1).

Interrupt receiving routines are described
in Chapter 6.


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 1 for this call.
(1-byte value)
Interrupt vector number: A value from 1 to 4 that
was assigned by the MLI to int_num when

Possible Error

$53 - Invalid parameter

4.7 - Direct Disk Access Calls

The direct disk access commands READ_BLOCK and WRITE_BLOCK,
allow you to read from or write to any logical block on a disk. They
are intended to be used by utility (such as copying) and diagnostic

Application programs should not use these commands: they can
very easily damage the data integrity of the ProDOS file
structure. All necessary functions can be performed without these

These calls will also read and write blocks (not tracks and sectors)
from DOS 3.3 disks. A mapping of tracks and sectors on a DOS 3.3
disk to blocks read or written by ProDOS is given in Section B.5.

BL0CK_WRITE calls can access DOS 3.3
disks: see Appendix B, Section "DOS 3.3
Disk Organization."

Page 73

4.7.1 - READ_BLOCK ($80)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 3               |
  1 | unit_num       (1-byte value) |
  2 | data_buffer            (low)  |
  3 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  4 | block_num              (low)  |
  5 | (2-byte value)         (high) |

This call reads one block from the disk device specified by unit_num
into memory starting at the address indicated by data_buffer. The
buffer must be 512 or more bytes in length.


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 3 for this call.
(1-byte value)
Device slot and drive number: This one-byte
value specifies the hardware slot location of a
disk device. The format is:
   7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
 |Dr|  Slot  |  Unused   |
The Dr bit specifies either drive 1 (Dr = 0) or
drive 2 (Dr = 1). Slot must contain a slot number
between 1 and 7, inclusive.
(2-byte pointer)
Data address pointer: This two-byte address (low
byte first) points to the destination for data. The
buffer must be at least 512 bytes long.

Page 74

(2-byte value)
Logical block number: This two-byte value (low
byte first) specifies the logical address of a block
of data to be read. Disk II's, for example, have
block addresses ranging from $0 to $117. There is
no general connection between block numbers
and the layout of tracks and sectors on the disk.
The translation from logical to physical block is
done by the device driver.

Possible Errors

$27 - I/O error
$28 - No device connected

4.7.2 - WRITE_BLOCK ($81)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 3               |
  1 | unit_num       (1-byte value) |
  2 | data_buffer            (low)  |
  3 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  4 | block_num              (low)  |
  5 | (2-byte value)         (high) |

This call transfers one block of data from the memory buffer indicated
by data_buffer to the disk device specified by unit_num. The block of
data is placed in the logical block specified by block_num. It is
assumed that the data buffer is at least 512 bytes long.

Page 75


(1-byte value)
Parameter count: 3 for this call.
(1-byte value)
Device slot and drive number: This one-byte
value specifies the hardware slot location of a
disk device. The format is:
   7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
 |Dr|  Slot  |  Unused   |

The Dr bit specifies either drive 1 (Dr = 0) or
drive 2 (Dr = 1). Slot must contain a slot number
between 1 and 7, inclusive.

(2-byte pointer)
Data address pointer: This two-byte address (low
byte first) points to the source of data to be
transferred. It is assumed that the data buffer is
at least 512 bytes in length.
(2-byte value)
Logical block number: This two-byte value (low
byte first) specifies the logical address on a disk
of the block to be written. Disk II's, for example,
have block addresses ranging from $0 to $117.
There is no general connection between block
numbers and the layout of tracks and sectors on
the disk. The translation from logical to physical
block is done by the device driver.
An out-of-range block_num returns an I/O error.
The number of blocks on a volume is returned in
the aux_type field of the GET_FILE_INFO call
of a volume directory file.

Possible Errors

$27 - I/O error
$28 - No device connected
$2B - Disk write protected

Page 76

4.8 - MLI Error Codes

This is a summary of the ProDOS error codes. If there is no error, the
C-flag is clear, and the Accumulator contains $00. If there is an error,
the C-flag is set, and the Accumulator contains the error code.

$00 - No error.

$01 - Bad system call number. A non-existent command
was issued.

$04 - Bad system call parameter count. This error will
occur only if the call parameter list is not properly

$25 - Interrupt vector table full. Only four routines can
be activated for interrupt processing at a time. One
must be deactivated before another one may be

$27 - I/O error. This catch-all error is reported when
some hardware failure prevents proper transfer of
data to/from the disk device.

$28 - No device detected/connected. Will occur if, for
example, drive 2 is specified for Disk II when only
one drive is connected.

$2B - Disk write protected. Hardware write-inhibit is
enabled, write request cannot be processed.

$2E - Disk switched: A WRITE, FLUSH, or CLOSE
operation cannot be accomplished because a disk
containing an open file has been removed from its

$40 - Invalid pathname syntax. The pathname contains
illegal characters.

$42 - File Control Block table full. The FCB can contain
a maximum of eight entries. Thus, a maximum of
eight files can be open concurrently.

$43 - Invalid reference number. The value parameter
given as a reference number does not match the
reference number of any currently open file.

$44 - Path not found. A filename in the specified
pathname (which refers to a subdirectory) does not
exist. The pathname's syntax is legal.

$45 - Volume directory not found. The volume name in
the specified pathname does not exist. The
pathname's syntax is otherwise legal.

Page 77

$46 - File not found. The last filename of the pathname
does not exist. The syntax of the pathname is

$47 - Duplicate filename. An attempt was made to create
a file that already exists or to rename a file with
an already used name.

$48 - Overrun error. An attempt to allocate blocks on a
block device during a CREATE or WRITE operation
failed due to lack of space on the device. This
error also is returned on an invalid EOF parameter.
Data is written until the disk is full, but you will
always be able to close the file.

$49 - Volume directory full. No more entries are left in
the volume directory. In ProDOS 1.0, a volume
directory can hold no more than 51 entries. No
more files can be added (using CREATE) in this
directory until others are destroyed.

$4A - Incompatible file format. The file is not backward
compatible with this version of ProDOS.
Storage_type is recognized, but the File Manager
may not support that storage_type in a fully
compatible fashion. This error is likely to occur
when data written by a future version of the BFM
is read back using an earlier version of the BFM.

$4B - Unsupported storage_type. File is of an
organization unknown to the executing File
Manager. This error may be reported if the
directory is tampered with by the user. This error
is also returned if you attempt to set the prefix to
a nondirectory file.

$4C - End of file has been encountered. This error is
returned after a READ call when the file position
is equal to EOF and no data can be read.

$4D - Position out of range. Returned when the position
parameter is greater than current EOF.

$4E - Access error. The file's access attribute forbids the
that was attempted.

$50 - File is open. An attempt was made to OPEN,
RENAME or DESTROY an open file.

$51 - Directory count error: The number of entries
indicated in the directory header does not match
the number of entries actually found in the file.

Page 78

$52 - Not a ProDOS disk. The specified disk does not
contain a ProDOS (or SOS) directory format.

$53 - Invalid parameter. The value of one or more
parameters in the parameter list is out of range.

$55 - Volume Control Block table full. More than eight
volumes on line. The VCB table can contain a
maximum of eight entries. This error occurs only if
eight files, on eight volumes, are open and the
ON_LINE command is requested for a device
having no open files.

$56 - Bad buffer address. The data_buffer or io_buffer
specified conflicts with memory currently in use by
the MLI.

$57 - Duplicate volume. This is a warning that two or
more volume directory names are the same.

$5A - Bit map disk address is impossible. The volume bit
map indicates that the volume contains blocks
beyond the block count for that volume.

Note: System failure errors should never occur. They indicate that
the system has encountered a situation that should not have happened,
and it has no available means of recovery.

Possible causes include

Page 79

Page 80

Chapter 5
Writing a ProDOS System Program

Page 81

This chapter is about writing system programs that use the ProDOS
MLI. It first explains the things that a program must do to qualify as a
system program. Next it discusses some of the things that a system
program must be aware of, particularly how it should use memory. The
end of the chapter contains several programming hints.

5.1 - System Program Requirements

A ProDOS system program is any program that makes calls to the
ProDOS MLI and that adheres to a set of standard system program
rules. Each system program must have

All other aspects of the system program are up to you.

5.1.1 - Placement in Memory

System programs are always loaded into memory starting at location
$2000. When the system is first started up, the system program used is
the first file on the startup disk with the name XXX.SYSTEM, and the
$FF filetype. When one system program switches to another, it can
load any file of type $FF.

Figure 5-1 shows the portions of memory that are available to system
programs. If BASIC is not being used, the area assigned to
BASIC.SYSTEM (the BASIC command interpreter) is also available.

A system program as large as $8F00 (36608) bytes can be loaded. The
total space available to a system program is $B700 (46848) bytes.

Page 82

Figure 5-1. Memory Map

              Main Memory                                 Auxiliary Memory
                                                       (IIc or 128K IIe only)

 $FFFF+---------+$FFFF+---------+                $FFFF+---------+
      |.Monitor.|     |#########|                     |.........|
 $F800|---------|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#ProDOS##|                     |.........|
      |Applesoft|     |#########|$DFFF+---------+$E000|---------|$DFFF+---------+
      |.........|     |#########|     |.........|     |         |     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|     |.........|     |         |     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|$D400|---------|     |         |     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|     |#########|     |         |     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|$D100|---------|     |         |$D100|---------|
      |.........|     |#########|     |         |     |         |     |         |
 $D000|---------|     +---------+     +---------+$D000+---------+     +---------+
              ^  $BFFF+---------+                $BFFF+---------+
              |       |#########|                     |.........|
 This ROM area|  $BF00|---------|                $BF00|---------|
 on IIc and IIe       |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |
 only!                |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     +---------+
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     |#########|
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     +---------+
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     Used by ProDOS
                      |\BASIC.\\|                     |         |
                      |\SYSTEM\\|                     |         |
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     +---------+
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     |\\\\\\\\\|
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     +---------+
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     Used by
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     BASIC.SYSTEM
                 $9600|---------|                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |     +---------+
                      |         |                     |         |     |.........|
                      |         |                     |         |     +---------+
                      |         |                     |         |     Other used or
                      |         |                     |         |     reserved areas
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |     +---------+
                      |         |                     |         |     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |     +---------+
                      |         |                     |         |      Free Space
                      |         |                     |         |
                      /\/\/\/\/\/                     /\/\/\/\/\/

                      /\/\/\/\/\/                     /\/\/\/\/\/
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                  $800|---------|                 $800|---------|
                      |.........|                     |.........|
                      |.........|                     |.........|
                      |.........|                     |.........|
                      |.........|                 $400|---------|
                      |.........|                     |#########|
                  $300|---------|                     |#########|
                      |         |                     |#########|
                  $300|---------|                     |#########|
                      |.........|                 $200|---------|
                      |.........|                     |         |
                  $100|---------|                 $100|---------|
                      |         |                     |#########|
                      |         |                  $80|---------|
                   $4F|---------|                     |         |
                      |#Shared/#|                     |         |
                      |####safe#|                     |         |
                   $3A|---------|                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      +---------+                     +---------+

Page 83

5.1.2 - Relocating the Code

The final execution location(s) to which you can relocate your code
depends on your system configuration. The memory locations $0800
through $BEFF are available to system programs.

5.1.3 - Updating the System Global Page

The MLI global page resides in locations $BF00 through $BFFF. These
are the locations whose values you must set:

$BF58-$BF6F - The system bit map.
$BFFD - The version number of your system program.

In addition, there is other information in the global page that your
program might find useful. These values are documented in the section
"The System Global Page."

5.1.4 - The System Bit Map

The system bit map occupies bytes $BF58 through $BF6F in the
system global page and it represents the status of each 256-byte page
of memory from $0000 through $BFFF, as shown in Figure 5-2.

Figure 5-2. Memory Representation in the System Bit Map

 Bit Map Address              Pages Represented
     $BF58-$BF5F  |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|  $00-$3F
     $BF60-$BF67  |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|  $40-$7F
     $BF68-$BF6F  |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|  $80-$BF

Within each byte, the bits are used in reverse order. Thus, bit 7 of
byte $BF58 represents the first 256 bytes of memory, and bit 0 of byte
$BF6F represents the last page before $C000.

You may have noticed that neither the Language Card area of memory
nor the extended memory of an Apple IIe or Apple IIc is included in
this map. This is because these regions of memory cannot be directly
accessed by the MLI. You cannot read data into or out of these areas,
and you cannot execute MLI calls from them. More information is
given in this chapter in the sections "Using the Language Card" and
"Using the Alternate 64K RAM Bank."

Page 84 - Using the Bit Map

There are twenty-four bytes in the bit map: the high five bits of an
address select which of these bytes contains a given page. Each byte
represents eight 256-byte pages; the next three bits of an address form
the complement of the bit number within that byte. Thus for page $00
in memory, the high five bits are zero: byte 0 of the bit map contains
that page. The next three bits are zero, the complement of 000 (binary)
is 111 (binary): bit 7 within byte zero contains that page. Figure 5-3
shows this relationship.

Figure 5-3. Page Number to Bit-Map Bit Conversion

 BIT       7     6     5     4     3     2     1     0
         |        Byte in Bit Map    |    Complement   |
 PAGE #  | (only 0 through 23 valid) |  of Bit in Byte |

Here is a short routine that accepts the high byte of an address in the
Accumulator. It returns with the carry clear if the memory page is
free; the carry is set if the page is already used (or if the page is in
the Language Card). It destroys the values in the A, X, and Y registers.


 0000:        BF58    1 BITMAP  EQU  $BF58     ;the system bit map
 0000:                2 *
 0000:        0000    3 PFREE   EQU  *
 0000:C9 C0           4         CMP  #$C0      ;in language card?
 0002:B0 17   001B    5         BCS  NOTFREE   ;yes, it's protected
 0004:AA              6         TAX            ;save page for bit in page
 0005:4A              7         LSR  A         ;move byte number to right
 0006:4A              8         LSR  A
 0007:4A              9         LSR  A
 0008:A8             10         TAY            ;save byte number
 0009:8A             11         TXA            ;get bit in byte
 000A:29 07          12         AND  #$7       ;mask off byte number
 000C:AA             13         TAX            ;and save bit in byte
 000D:A9 80          14         LDA  #$80      ;bit 7 set for bit 0 in byte
 000F:CA             15 LOOP    DEX            ;done shifting?
 0010:30 04   0016   16         BMI  CHKBIT    ;yes, check bit value
 0012:4A             17         LSR  A         ;else shift again
 0013:4C 0F 00       18         JMP  LOOP      ;and continue
 0016:39 58 BF       19 CHKBIT  AND  BITMAP,Y  ;is selected bit set?
 0019:F0 02   001D   20         BEQ  ISFREE    ;nope, page is free
 001B:38             21 NOTFREE SEC            ;flag page not free
 001C:60             22         RTS
 001D:18             23 ISFREE  CLC            ;page is free
 001E:60             24         RTS


Page 85

5.1.5 - Switching System Programs

All system programs must use a standard way of starting and quitting. - Starting System Programs

System programs are started in one of two ways:

The system program is loaded and jumped to at $2000. The complete
or partial pathname of the system program is stored at $280, starting
with a length byte. The string is a full pathname if it starts with a
slash. It is a partial pathname if it starts with a letter.

This pathname allows a system program to determine the directory
where other needed files may reside. The program should never
assume that the files are in a specific directory or subdirectory.

There is a way to pass a second pathname to interpreters -- for
example, to language interpreters -- that like to run startup programs.
The ProDOS dispatcher does not support this mechanism but other
more sophisticated program selectors may. It requires that the
interpreter start a certain way:

$2000 is a jump instruction. $2003 and $2004 are $EE.

If the interpreter starts this way, byte $2005 is assumed to indicate the
length of a buffer that starts at $2006 and holds the pathname
(starting with a length byte) of the startup file.

Interpreters that support this mechanism should supply their own
default string, which should be a standard choice for a startup program
or a flag not to run a startup program.

Once gaining control, the system program sets the reset vector and
fixes the power-up byte. Never assume the state of the machine to be
anything that is not clearly documented.

Page 86

If your interpreter uses any location in the range $D100-$DFFF (the
dispatcher/selector area) in the second 4K bank of RAM, be sure that
the area is initially saved and then restored on exit. - Quitting System Programs

Here is how to quit system programs:

  1. Do normal housekeeping. Close files, reinstall /RAM if you have
    disconnected it, and so on.
  2. Invalidate the power-up byte at $3F4. The simplest way is either to
    increment or to decrement it, which will always make it an invalid
    check of the $3F2 vector.
  3. Execute a ProDOS system call number $65 as follows:
 EXIT       JSR  PRODOS        ;Call the MLI ($BF00)
            DFB  $65           ;CALL TYPE = QUIT
            DW   PARMTABLE     ;Pointer to parameter table
 PARMTABLE  DFB  4             ;Number of parameters is 4
            DFB  0             ;0 is the only quit type
            DW   0000          ;Pointer reserved for future use
            DFB  0             ;Byte reserved for future use
            DW   0000          ;Pointer reserved for future use

Even though most of the parameter table is reserved for future use it
must all be present. It must consist of seven bytes: $04 followed by six
nulls ($00).

ProDOS MLI call $65, the QUIT call, moves addresses $D100 through
$D3FF from the second 4K bank of RAM of the language card to
$1000, and executes a JMP to $1000. What initially resides in that area
is Apple's dispatcher code.

The dispatcher, once executed, does the following:

  1. Allows the user to enter the prefix and filename of the system
    program (interpreter) to be executed.
  2. Stores the system program name at $280, starting with a length
    byte. Once the system program executes, it can find from where it
    was starred, and locate any files it needs for processing.
  3. Closes any open files.
  4. Clears the bit map, and protects the zero, stack, text, and ProDOS
    global pages.
  5. Reads in the system file at $2000, and executes a JMP to $2000.

Page 87

To install your own QUIT code that loads your own selector program,
you must, at some point, store the system program name at $280, close
open files, clear the bit map, and protect the zero, stack, text, and
ProDOS global pages, as described above. In addition, the $D100 byte
must be a CLD ($D8) instruction, so that programs can tell whether
selector code or the ProDOS dispatcher code is resident.

In addition to just leaving the pathname at $280 for the interpreter's
use, a method to enable a selector program to specify an accompanying
startup program has been defined. Once active, an interpreter can
immediately run that program. This involves reserving an area in the
system file, which a selector program overwrites with the startup
program's name. The interpreter then loads and executes that specified

Here is how the procedure works: the selector program looks at the
first byte of the interpreter at $2000. If it is a JMP ($4C) instruction,
and bytes $2003 and $2004 are both $EE, then byte $2005 is
interpreted as a buffer size indicator with the buffer starting at $2006.
The string at $2006 would be the normal ProDOS pathname or partial
pathname, starting with a length byte.

 Byte           Content

 $2000-$2002    JMP CONT
 $2003          $EE
 $2004          $EE
 $2005          $41
 $2006          $07
 $2007-$200D    Startup Code
 $2047          CONT

The two $EEs let the selector program know that this particular
interpreter can run a startup program. The interpreters that support
this feature will supply their own default string, which may be a
startup program or a flag of your choice.

Page 88

5.2 - Managing System Resources

This section describes the interaction between ProDOS and the various
parts of memory.

5.2.1 - Using the Stack

In the Apple II, the stack is stored in page $01 of memory, from the
high byte of the page going down. When an interrupt occurs, the
interrupt handler saves the low 16 bytes of the stack, but only if the
stack is more than 3/4 full. For maximum interrupt efficiency, a system
program should not use more than the upper 3/4 of the stack.

System programs should set the stack pointer to $FF at the warm-start
entry point.

5.2.2 - Using the Alternate 64K RAM Bank

When ProDOS is started up, it checks its environment. If it finds 128K
of memory (Apple IIe with Extended 80-column Text card, or
Apple IIc), the auxiliary 64K bank of memory is configured as a RAM
disk named /RAM. Because the memory on the 80-column card is in
slot 3, /RAM appears as slot 3 drive 2. Its unit number, as entered in
the ProDOS global page's device list, is $BF.

Before using the auxiliary memory for any other purpose, you must
protect your code from /RAM. The routines described here are
examples only.

Note: These routines are examples; they are not being specified as
suitable for any particular purpose. - Protecting Auxiliary Bank Hi-Res Graphics Pages

If your use involves hi-res graphics, you may protect those areas of
auxiliary memory. If you save a dummy 8K file as the first entry in
/RAM, it will always be saved at $2000 to $3FFF. If you then
immediately save a second dummy 8K file to /RAM, it will be saved at
$4000 to $5FFF. This protects the hi-res pages in auxiliary memory
while maintaining /RAM as an online storage device.

Page 89

There is no formula for determining where the blocks of /RAM
physically reside in memory. Further, the logical blocks are not
physically contiguous. There is no guaranteed way to protect any other
fixed portions of auxiliary memory by the dummy file method. - Disconnecting /RAM

To protect all of the auxiliary memory that has not been reserved for
use by Apple, you must disconnect /RAM. Note these three areas of
the system global page:

Here is how to disconnect /RAM. It is suggested that you read block
two on /RAM and check the FILE_COUNT field in the directory. If
there are any files on /RAM, prompt the user either to continue with
the disconnect or to cancel the process.

Check the MACHID byte at $BF96 to see if you have 128K. If not,
there will be no /RAM to disconnect.

The slot 0 drive 1 disk-driver vector ($BF10) will point to the "No
Device Connected" routine. The slot 0 vectors $BF10 and $BF20 are
reserved for Apple's use: you cannot use these vectors if this
convention is to work. If the slot 3 drive 2 vector also points to the
same address, then /RAM is already disconnected.

If /RAM is on line, you are ready to remove it. (Note that the
following steps can be adapted to disconnecting any device.)

  1. Retrieve the slot 3 drive 2 device number you find in DEVLST, and
    save it.
  2. Move any remaining device numbers forward in the DEVLST.
  3. Retrieve the slot 3 drive 2 driver vector, and save it for later
  4. Replicate the "No Device Connected" vector in slot 0 drive 1 into
    slot 3 drive 2.
  5. Decrement the device count (DEVCNT).

/RAM is now disconnected. You are free to use the unreserved areas of
auxiliary memory.

Note: If ProDOS has just been started up, /RAM is the last disk
installed. However, if the user has manually installed another
device(s), the device number for /RAM will not be the last entry in
the device list (DEVLST).

Page 90 - How to Treat RAM Disks With More Than 64K

If there is a device in slot 3 drive 2 that is not /RAM, or is a RAM
disk with a capacity of more than 64K, the following routine prevents
it from being disconnected.

 ORG $1000
  SEI                   ; MAKE SURE INTERRUPTS ARE OFF!
  AND #$30              ; TO CHECK FOR A 128k SYSTEM
  CMP #$30              ; IS IT 128k?
  AND #$F3              ; LOOKING FOR $BF, $BB, $B7, $B3
  CMP #$B3              ; IS DEVICE NUMBER IN {$BF,$BB,$B7,$B3}?
  BEQ FOUND             ; BRANCH IF FOUND..
  DEY                   ; OTHERWISE CHECK OUT THE NEXT UNIT #.
  INY                  ; CONTINUE TO THE NEXT UNIT NUMBER...
  STA ADDRESS+1        ;
  LDA NODEV+1          ;
  STA RAMSLOT+1        ;
  RTS                  ; AND RETURN

Page 91 - Reinstalling /RAM

Part of your exit procedure should include code to reinstall /RAM,
making it available to the next application. Be sure /RAM has been
disconnected before you reinstall it. Applications should not begin by
reinstalling /RAM, because this would preclude passing files from one
application to the next in /RAM.

Here is how to reinstall /RAM (or any general device):

  1. Reinstall the device driver address you retrieved and saved as the
    slot 3 drive 2 vector.
  2. Increment the device count (DEVCNT).
  3. Reinstall the device number in the device list (DEVLST). It may be
    best to reinstall the device number as the first entry in the list. If
    the user has manually installed a disk driver, he may assume that
    because it was the last thing installed that it is still the last one in
    the list. It is recommended that you move all the entries in the list
    down one, and reinstall the /RAM device number as the first entry.
  4. Set up the parameters for a format request and JSR to the device
    driver address you have reinstalled. The /RAM driver will set up a
    new directory and bit map.

Page 92

The following is an example of what the reinstallation code might look
like. These routines deal specifically with /RAM but can easily be
adapted to any disk driver routines.

 RAMIN PHP              ; SAVE STATUS
  AND #$F0              ; CHECK FOR SLOT 3, DRIVE 2 UNIT.
  CMP #$B0              ; IS IT THE SLOT 3, DRIVE 2 UNIT?
  BEQ DONE1             ; IF SO BRANCH.
  DEY                   ; OTHERWISE SEARCH ON...
  STA RAMSLOT           ; LOW BYTE..
  LDA ADDRESS+1         ; NOW THE
  STA RAMSLOT+1         ; HI BYTE.
  STA DEVLST,Y          ;
  DEY                   ; NEXT
  STA $43               ; AND STORE THE UNIT NUMBER IN $43.
  STA $44               ; AND STORE IT.
  LDA #$20              ; LOAD HI BYTE OF BUFFER POINTER
  STA $45               ; AND STORE IT.
  LDA $C08B             ; READ & WRITE ENABLE
  BIT $C082             ; NOW PUT ROM BACK ON LINE.
 DONE1 PLP              ; RESTORE STATUS
  RTS                   ; THAT'S ALL
  RTS                   ;

Page 93

5.2.3 - The System Global Page

The $BF page of memory, addresses $BF00 through $BFFF, contains
the system's global variables. Some of them, such as the system bit
map and the date and time locations, can be set and used by system
programs. Others, such as the machine identification byte, are
informational but are not to be changed. Still others are for internal
use of the system only. Follow the rules described below.

The DFB assembler directive assigns a value to the current memory
location. The DW directive assigns a two-byte address, low byte first,
to the current location.

5.2.4 - Rules for Using the System Global Page

MLI entry point. This is the only address in the global page that you
should ever call:

 BF00:        BF00    2           ORG   GLOBALS
 BF00:                3 *

Other entry points. Do not use these:

 BF03:4C F6 BF        5 JSPARE    JMP   SYS.RTS     ;Jump Vector to cold
                                                    ;start, selector program,
 BF06:60 42 D7        6 DATETIME  DFB   $60,$42,$D7 ;CLOCK CALENDAR ROUTINE.
 BF0F:00              9 SERR      DFB   $00         ;ERR CODE, 0=NO ERROR.

Disk device driver vectors:

 BF10:               11 *
 BF10:               12 * DEVICE DRIVER VECTORS.
 BF10:               13 *
 BF12:AB DE          15           DW    GNODEV      ;SLOT 1, DRIVE 1
 BF14:AB DE          16           DW    GNODEV      ;SLOT 2, DRIVE 1
 BF16:AB DE          17           DW    GNODEV      ;SLOT 3, DRIVE 1
 BF18:AB DE          18           DW    GNODEV      ;SLOT 4, DRIVE 1
 BF1A:AB DE          19           DW    GNODEV      ;SLOT 5, DRIVE 1
 BF1C:AB DE          20           DW    GNODEV      ;SLOT 6, DRIVE 1
 BF1E:AB DE          21           DW    GNODEV      ;SLOT 7, DRIVE 1
 BF20:AB DE          22           DW    GNODEV      ;SLOT ZERO RESERVED
 BF22:AB DE          23           DW    GNODEV      ;SLOT 1, DRIVE 2
 BF24:AB DE          24           DW    GNODEV      ;SLOT 2, DRIVE 2
 BF26:AB DE          25           DW    GNODEV      ;SLOT 3, DRIVE 2
 BF28:AB DE          26           DW    GNODEV      ;SLOT 4, DRIVE 2
 BF2A:AB DE          27           DW    GNODEV      ;SLOT 5, DRIVE 2
 BF2C:AB DE          28           DW    GNODEV      ;SLOT 6, DRIVE 2
 BF2E:AB DE          29           DW    GNODEV      ;SLOT 7, DRIVE 2

Page 94

List of all active disk devices by unit number. When access to an
unrecognized volume is requested, devices are searched from the end
of the list to the beginning. See also Sections 3.1, 3.2, and 4.4.6. The
lower half of each byte in DEVLST is a device identification:
0 = Disk II, 4 = ProFile, $F = /RAM.

 BF30:               31 *
 BF30:               33 * ACCESS ORDER IS LAST IN LIST FIRST.
 BF30:               34 *
 BF30:00             35 DEVNUM    DFB   $00         ;MOST RECENT ACCESSED
 BF31:FF             36 DEVCNT    DFB   $FF         ;NUMBER OF ON-LINE DEVICES
                                                    ;(MINUS 1).
 BF32:00 00 00 00    37 DEVLST    DFB   $0,0,0,0    ;UP TO 14 UNITS MAY BE
 BF36:00 00 00 00    38           DFB   0,0,0,0,0
 BF3B:00 00 00 00    39           DFB   0,0,0,0,0

 BF40:28 43 29 41    41           ASC   "(C)APPLE'83"

Routines reserved for MLI and subject to change.

 BF4B:08             42 MLIENT1   PHP
 BF4C:78             43           SEI
 BF4D:4C B7 BF       44           JMP   MLICONT
 BF50:8D 8B C0       45 AFTIRQ    STA   RAMIN
 BF53:4C D8 FF       46           JMP   FIX45       ;Restore $45 after
                                                    ;Interrupt in Lang Card
 BF56:00             47 OLD45     DFB   0
 BF57:00             48 AFBANK    DFB   0

Memory map of the lower 48K. Each bit represents one page
(256 bytes) of memory. Protected areas are marked with a 1,
uprotected with a 0. ProDOS disallows reading into or io_buffer
allocation in protected areas. See Section 5.1.

 BF58:C0 00 00 00    56 MEMTABL   DFB   $C0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
 BF60:00 00 00 00    57           DFB   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
 BF68:00 00 00 00    58           DFB   $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$01

The addresses in this table are buffer addresses for open files.
These are informational only; they should not be changed except using
the MLI call SET_BUF.

 BF70:00 00          66 GL.BUFF   DW    $0000       ;FILE NUMBER 1
 BF72:00 00          67           DW    $0000       ;FILE NUMBER 2
 BF74:00 00          68           DW    $0000       ;FILE NUMBER 3
 BF76:00 00          69           DW    $0000       ;FILE NUMBER 4
 BF78:00 00          70           DW    $0000       ;FILE NUMBER 5
 BF7A:00 00          71           DW    $0000       ;FILE NUMBER 6
 BF7C:00 00          72           DW    $0000       ;FILE NUMBER 7
 BF7E:00 00          73           DW    $0000       ;FILE NUMBER 8

Page 95

Interrupt vectors are stored here. Again, these are informational and
should be changed only by a call to the MLI using
ALLOC_INTERRUPT. Values of the A, X, Y, stack, and status
registers at the time of the most recent interrupt are also stored
In addition, the address interrupted is preserved. These may be
used for performance studies and debugging, but should not be changed
by the user. The routines are polled in ascending order. See
Section 6.2.

 BF80:00 00          85 INTRUPT1  DW    $0000       ;INTERRUPT ROUTINE 1
 BF82:00 00          86 INTRUPT2  DW    $0000       ;INTERRUPT ROUTINE 2
 BF84:00 00          87 INTRUPT3  DW    $0000       ;INTERRUPT ROUTINE 3
 BF86:00 00          88 INTRUPT4  DW    $0000       ;INTERRUPT ROUTINE 4
 BF88:00             89 INTAREG   DFB   $00         ;A-REGISTER
 BF89:00             90 INTXREG   DFB   $00         ;X-REGISTER
 BF8A:00             91 INTYREG   DFB   $00         ;Y-REGISTER
 BF8B:00             92 INTSREG   DFB   $00         ;STACK REGISTER
 BF8C:00             93 INTPREG   DFB   $00         ;STATUS REGISTER
 BF8D:01             94 INTBANKID DFB   $01         ;ROM, RAM1, OR RAM2 ($D000 IN LC)
 BF8E:00 00          95 INTADDR   DW    $0000       ;PROGRAM COUNTER RETN ADDR

The following options can be changed before calls to the MLI:

 BF90:00 00         101 DATELO    DW    $0000       ;BITS 15-9=YR, 8-5=MO, 4-0=DAY
 BF92:00 00         102 TIMELO    DW    $0000       ;BITS 12-8=HR, 5-0=MIN; LOW-HI FORMAT.
 BF94:00            103 LEVEL     DFB   $00         ;FILE LEVEL: USED IN OPEN, FLUSH, CLOSE.
 BF95:00            104 BUBIT     DFB   $00         ;BACKUP BIT DISABLE, SETFILEINFO ONLY.
 BF96:00 00         105 SPARE1    DFB   $00,$00     ;RESERVED FOR MLI USE

The definition of MACHID at $BF98 is:

 BF98:              107 *
 BF98:              108 * The following are informational only.  MACHID
 BF98:              109 * identifies the System Attributes:
 BF98:              110 * (Bit 3 off) BITS 7,6-  00=II  01=II+   10=IIe   11=/// EMULATION
 BF98:              111 * (Bit 3 on)  BITS 7,6-  00=NA  01=NA    10=//c   11=NA
 BF98:              112 *             BITS 5,4-  00=NA  01=48K   10=64K   11=128K
 BF98:              113 *             BIT  3  -  Modifier for MACHID Bits 7,6.
 BF98:              114 *             BIT  2  -  RESERVED FOR FUTURE DEFINITION.
 BF98:              115 *             BIT  1=1-  80 Column card
 BF98:              116 *             BIT  0=1-  Recognizable Clock Card
 BF98:              117 *
 BF98:              118 * SLTBYT indicates which slots are determined to have
 BF98:              119 * ROMS. PFIXPTR indicates an active PREFIX if it is
 BF98:              120 * non-zero. MLIACTV indicates an MLI call in progress
 BF98:              121 * if it is non-zero. CMDADR is the address of the last
 BF98:              122 * MLI call's parameter list. SAVX and SAVY are the
 BF98:              123 * values of X and Y when the MLI was last called.
 BF98:              124 *
 BF98:00            125 MACHID    DFB   $00         ;MACHINE IDENTIFICATION.
 BF99:00            126 SLTBYT    DFB   $00         ;'1' BITS INDICATE ROM IN SLOT(BIT#)
 BF9A:00            127 PFIXPTR   DFB   $00         ;IF = 0, NO PREFIX ACTIVE..
 BF9B:00            128 MLIACTV   DFB   $00         ;IF <> 0, MLI call in progress
 BF9C:00 00         129 CMDADR    DW    $0000       ;RETURN ADDRESS OF LAST CALL TO MLI.
 BF9E:00            130 SAVEX     DFB   $00         ;X-REG ON ENTRY TO MLI
 BF9F:00            131 SAVEY     DFB   $00         ;Y-REG ON ENTRY TO MLI

Page 96

The following space is reserved for Language Card bank-switching
All routines and addresses are subject to change at any time
without notice and will, in fact, vary with system configuration. The
routines presented here are for 64K systems only:

 BFA0:4D 00 E0      141 EXIT      EOR   $E000       ;TEST FOR ROM ENABLE.
 BFA3:F0 05   BFAA  142           BEQ   EXIT1       ;BRANCH IF RAM ENABLED.
 BFA5:8D 82 C0      143           STA   ROMIN       ;ELSE ENABLE ROM & RETURN.
 BFA8:D0 0B   BFB5  144           BNE   EXIT2       ;BRANCH ALWAYS
 BFAA:              145 **
 BFAD:4D 00 D0      147           EOR   $D000       ;ENABLE.
 BFB0:F0 03   BFB5  148           BEQ   EXIT2       ;BRANCH IF NOT ALT RAM.
 BFB2:AD 83 C0      149           LDA   ALTRAM      ;ELSE ENABLE ALT $D000
 BFB5:68            150 EXIT2     PLA               ;RESTORE RETURN CODE.
 BFB6:40            151           RTI               ;RE-ENABLE INTERRUPTS & RETURN
 BFB7:              152 **
 BFB7:38            153 MLICONT   SEC
 BFBB:AD 00 E0      155           LDA   $E000       ;PRESERVE LANGUAGE CARD / ROM
 BFBE:8D F4 BF      156           STA   BNKBYT1     ; ORIENTATION FOR PROPER
 BFC1:AD 00 D0      157           LDA   $D000       ; RESTORATION WHEN MLI EXITS...
 BFC4:8D F5 BF      158           STA   BNKBYT2
 BFC7:AD 8B C0      159           LDA   RAMIN       ;NOW FORCE RAM CARD ON
 BFCA:AD 8B C0      160           LDA   RAMIN       ; WITH RAM WRITE ALLOWED.
 BFCD:4C 00 DE      161           JMP   ENTRYMLI

Interrupt exit and entry routines:

 BFD0:              163 *
 BFD0:              165 *

 BFD5:30 08   BFDF  169           BMI   IRQXIT1     ;BRANCH IF ALTERNATE $D000 ENABLED.
 BFD7:4A            170           LSR   A           ;DETERMINE IF NO RAM CARD PRESENT.
 BFD8:90 0D   BFE7  171           BCC   ROMXIT      ;BRANCH IF ROM ONLY SYSTEM.
 BFDA:AD 81 C0      172           LDA   ROMIN1      ;ELSE ENABLE ROM FIRST.
 BFDD:B0 08   BFE7  173           BCS   ROMXIT      ;BRANCH ALWAYS TAKEN...
 BFDF:AD 83 C0      174 IRQXIT1   LDA   ALTRAM      ;ENABLE ALTERNATE $D000.
 BFE2:A9 01         175 IRQXIT2   LDA   #1          ;PRESET BANKID FOR ROM.
 BFEA:40            178           RTI               ; AND EXIT!

 BFEE:2C 8B C0      181           BIT   RAMIN       ; WAS ENABLED AT TIME OF INTERRUT.
 BFF1:4C 4D DF      182           JMP   IRQRECEV    ; A-REG IS STORED AT $45 IN ZPAGE.
 BFF4:00            183 BNKBYT1   DFB   $00
 BFF5:00            184 BNKBYT2   DFB   $00
 BFF6:              185 **
 BFF6:2C 8B C0      186 SYS.RTS   BIT   RAMIN       ;Make certain Language card is switched in
 BFF9:4C 02 E0      187           JMP   SYS.END     ;Or anywhere else we need to go

Each system program should set IVERSION to its own current
version number. ProDOS sets KVERSION to its current version

 BFFC:00            188 IBAKVER   DFB   $00         ;UNDEFINED: Reserved for future use
 BFFD:00            189 IVERSION  DFB   $00         ;Version # of currently running Interpreter
 BFFE:00            191 KBAKVER   DFB   $00         ;UNDEFINED: Reserved for future use
 BFFF:02            192 KVERSION  DFB   $2          ;VERSION NO. (RELEASE ID)

Page 97

5.3 - General Techniques

The first part of this chapter discusses the things that a system
program must do. This section of the manual describes some of the
things that system programs commonly do, and it gives some
techniques for implementing them.

5.3.1 - Determining Machine Configuration

It is often useful for a system program to know what type of Apple II
it is running on. The MACHID byte in the system global page identifies
the machine type, the amount of memory, and whether an 80-column
text card or clock/calendar card was detected.

MACHID byte: see Section 5.2.3. - Machine Type

Two bits distinguish an Apple II, an Apple II Plus, an Apple IIe, an
Apple IIc, or an Apple III in Apple II emulation mode. This distinction
is most useful for two reasons:

  1. The Apple IIe and IIc always have lowercase available. Screen
    messages can be coded using uppercase and lowercase, and then
    made all uppercase if the machine is not an Apple IIe or IIc (or if
    it is a Apple II without an 80-column text card).
  2. The Apple IIe and IIc have keys that are not available on earlier
    versions of the Apple II (most notably [UP], [DOWN], [OA], [SA], and
    [DELETE]). Software should be coded to use the keys most
    convenient for the system it is running on, and the screen messages
    should be adjusted accordingly. - Memory Size

The possible memory sizes are 64K and 128K. A system program can
use these values when deciding where to relocate itself. Recall that the
alternate 64K bank cannot contain code that makes calls to the MLI
and it cannot be used for system buffers.

Page 98 - 80-Column Text Card

This bit is always set in the Apple IIc. It is set in an Apple IIe if an
80-column text card that follows the defined protocol is in slot 3 or in
the auxiliary slot. This protocol guarantees that the features of the
card can be turned on by a JSR to $C300, the beginning of the ROM
on the card (note that this disconnects BASIC.SYSTEM).

80-column text cards -- and other Apple IIe features -- can be turned off
using the following sequence of instructions:

 LDA #$15     ;Character that turns off video firmware
 JSR $C300   ;Print it to the video firmware

5.3.2 - Using the Date

A system program often has reason to use the current date: to mark
files with a modification date, to use as identification on a listing, or
just for display on the screen. Whatever the use, it is usually desirable
to obtain the most current setting.

Save the system date and time locations ($BF90-BF93) for possible
future use, and then clear them. Next use the GET_TIME call. If there
is a clock/calendar card with an installed clock routine, then the
system date and time locations will become nonzero. This is the date
and time you should use. If the GET_TIME call has no effect, then
you should either use the values that were previously in the date and
time locations, or prompt the user for the current date and time. Since
the date and time locations are set to 0 when the system is started
(unless ProDOS recognizes a clock/calendar card), it is reasonable to
use nonzero values of the date and time locations as a default date
and time.

If there is no system time, and the call to GET_TIME returns nothing
an alternative is to use the GET_FILE_INFO call and to use the last
modified date and time as a default. If the user updates the time, and
you place these values in the system date and time locations, a
SET_FILE_INFO call will update the time for the next

The system updates the date and time at every CREATE, DESTROY,

Refer to the GET_TIME call in Chapter
4, and to the description of
clock/calender routines in Chapter 6 for
more details.

Page 99

5.3.3 - System Program Defaults

Each file entry in a directory has a two-byte aux_type field. This field
contains information such as load address for BASIC programs or
binary files, and record length for text files; for system files it is
unused. If your system program has a small amount of default
information that you would like to preserve from one execution of the
program to the next, this field is a good place to store it.

To alter the contents of this field, use the GET_FILE_INFO call to
read the current contents of the file's entry, change the values in the
aux_id field, then use the SET_FILE_INFO call with the same
parameter list to save the modified values in the file's entry.

5.3.4 - Finding a Volume

Since one does not always know the names of all the online volumes,
it is sometimes necessary to allow users to specify volumes by slot and
drive instead of by volume name. Before the slot and drive information
can be used to access ProDOS files, it must be converted to a volume
name. To convert slot and drive numbers to volume names, you can
use the following steps:

  1. Make the slot and drive numbers into a unit_num. This number is
    used to specify the desired device to the ON_LINE call. The format
    of a unit_num is given in Section 4.4.6.
  2. Use the unit_num in the ON_LINE call. This call will return a
    count byte followed by the volume name. This volume name is not
    preceded by a slash. You must increase the count by one and insert
    a slash preceding the volume name before using this name in other
    ProDOS calls.

Page 100

5.3.5 - Using the RESET Vector

In the Apple II, pressing [CONTROL]-[RESET] causes an unconditional
jump to the RESET vector (at $3F2 in memory). Because the user can
press [CONTROL]-[RESET] at any time -- including while files are
open -- ProDOS cannot take responsibility for disk integrity after
[RESET] has been pressed: the system program must do it.

Your program should place in the RESET vector the address of a
routine that displays a message advising that it will be closing any
open files, and then close the files. Once this is done, the program may
take any action required by the application. It is preferable either to
jump back to the beginning of the program or to jump directly to the
quit routine.

5.4 - ProDOS System Program Conventions

For the sake of consistency from one piece of software to the next
follow the conventions used in this manual:

Page 101

 SPKR      EQU   $C030         ;this clicks the speaker
 LENGTH    DS    1             ;duration of tone
 * This is the wait routine from the Monitor ROM.
 WAIT      SEC
 WAIT2     PHA
 WAIT3     SBC   #1
           BNE   WAIT3
           SBC   #1
           BNE   WAIT2
 * Generate a nice little tone
 * Exits with Z-flag set (BEQ) for branching
 * Destroys the contents of the accumulator
 BELL      LDA   #$20          ;duration of tone
           STA   LENGTH
 BELL1     LDA   #$2           ;short delay...click
           JSR   WAIT
           STA   SPKR
           LDA   #$20          ;long delay...click
           JSR   WAIT
           STA   SPKR
           DEC   LENGTH
           BNE   BELL1         ;repeat LENGTH times

Page 102

Chapter 6
Adding Routines to ProDOS

Page 103

This chapter explains device-handling routines that can be used with
the ProDOS MLI. Because such routines are connected to and interact
with the MLI, they are essentially invisible to the BASIC system
program described in Appendix A of this manual and in BASIC
Programming With ProDOS

Appendix A explains the rules for
installing routines when the BASIC
system program is active.

The types of routines described in this chapter are:

Note: These routines must all begin with a CLD instruction and end
with an RTS.

6.1 - Clock/Calendar Routines

ProDOS has a built-in clock driver that queries a clock/calendar card
for the date and time. After the routine stores that information in the
ProDOS Global Page ($BF90-$BF93), either ProDOS or your own
application programs can use it. See Figure 6-1.

Figure 6-1. ProDOS Date and Time Locations

          49041 ($BF91)     49040 ($BF90)

         7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0   7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
        +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 DATE:  |    year     |  month  |   day   |
        +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

         7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0   7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
        +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 TIME:  |    hour       | |    minute     |
        +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

          49043 ($BF93)     49042 ($BF92)

You can cause ProDOS to call the clock driver and to update the date
and time by issuing a GET_TIME call (see Section 4.6.1).

ProDOS calls the clock driver routine for every call that might need

Page 104

The ProDOS clock driver expects the clock card's firmware to return
information in a certain way. The ROM on the clock card must also
follow Apple's identification convention if it is to be recognized by
ProDOS at startup.

The ProDOS clock driver expects the clock card to send an ASCII
string to the GETLN input buffer ($200). This string must have the
following format (including the commas):



mo is the month (01 = January...12 = December)
da is the day of the week (00 = Sunday...06 = Saturday)
dt is the date (00 through 31)
hr is the hour (00 through 23)
mn is the minute (00 through 59)

For example:


would represent Thursday, July 14, 10:46 p.m. The year is looked up
in a table in the clock driver.

When the ProDOS system file is executed, it installs the address of the
clock routine at $BF07, $BF08 -- whether there is a recognized clock
card or not.

ProDOS recognizes a clock card if the following bytes are present in
the Cn00 ROM:

$Cn00 = $08
$Cn02 = $28
$Cn04 = $58
$Cn06 = $70

The address is preceded by a $4C (JMP) if a clock card is recognized,
or by a $60 (RTS) if not.

The ProDOS clock driver uses the following addresses for its I/O to the

Cn08 - READ entry point
Cn0B - WRITE entry point

The accumulator is loaded with an #A3 before the JSR to the WRITE
entry point. This value could be used to let the clock card's firmware
know in what format to leave the time.

The ProDOS driver takes the ASCII values sent by the clock, converts
them to binary, and stores them in the ProDOS Global Page.

Page 105

The driver uses zero page locations $3A through $3E. It also saves and
restores the peripheral RAM card location $F8+n, where n is the slot
where the card resides.

6.1.1 - Other Clock/Calendars

To support clock cards that do not follow the ProDOS protocol defined
above, you can locate your code in a number of places. The cleanest
solution is to replace the ProDOS routines with your own, if they fit.

If you look at $BF07,$BF08, you will find the location to put your code.
There is room for 125 bytes.

To install your code, simply write-enable the language card area, and
move your code. Your relocation code must justify the absolute
addresses as part of the relocation procedure. Finally, restore any soft
switches you have changed. (There is no guarantee as to the absolute
location of the clock-driver code on future revisions of ProDOS, only
that its location can be found by examining the global page.)

All that your code needs to do is get the time from the clock card,
convert it to the ProDOS format, and store it in the date and time
locations in the global page.

Your installation routine can be called either from an application
program, or as part of the STARTUP program.

6.2 - Interrupt Handling Routines

To aid the development of software that can handle interrupts, the MLI
provides a convention for interfacing interrupt driven devices.

To use interrupts, you must install from one to four interrupt receiving
routines somewhere in memory. It is up to you to check and update
the system bit map to be sure that the routines do not conflict with
ProDOS or other concurrently executing programs.

Once a routine is installed, you must use the ALLOC_INTERRUPT call
to inform the MLI of the starting address of the receiving routine. After
this call has been successfully completed, you may enable the
hardware for interrupts.

Page 106

When an interrupt occurs, the MLI's interrupt handler preserves the
6502's registers, zero page locations $FA thru $ff, and, if the stack is
more than 3/4 full, 16 bytes of the stack. Then it calls each receiving
routine (via JSR), one by one, in the order in which they were
installed. Each installed routine must begin with a CLD instruction.

When the routine that can process the interrupt is called, it should
carry out its task, clear the interrupt on the hardware, and return (via
an RTS) with the carry flag clear. When a routine that cannot process
the interrupt is called, it should return (via an RTS) with the carry
flag set so that the MLI knows to call the next routine in the list.

As mentioned above, all 6502 registers, locations $FA thru $FF and if
the stack is more than 3/4 full, 16 bytes of the stack, are preserved.
The interrupt routine may use these resources freely for temporary
data storage.

Note: There is no general way for an interrupt routine to identify
whether or not its device was the source of the interrupt. This task
depends on the specific characteristics of the device; in fact, some
devices provide no mechanism for interrupt verification. It is necessary
to service such a device after all others have been polled.

If no installed and allocated routine claims a pending interrupt, a
SYSTEM FAILURE message will be displayed and program
execution will be halted.

When finished with a interrupt driven device, a
DEALLOC_INTERRUPT call should be made, but only after the device
itself is disabled.

This warning does not apply to the Apple IIc nor to Apple IIe's
with enhanced ROMs. Because the Apple II Monitor program relies
on a zero-page location ($45) that is overwritten when an
interrupt occurs, you should disable interrupts while you are using
the Monitor program. The system also uses location $7F8 to store
the I/O slot location that was in use before an interrupt occurred;
do not use this location.

Page 107

6.2.1 - Interrupts During MLI Calls

The preceding section does not discuss what a program should do if an
interrupt were to occur during the execution of an MLI call and your
interrupt handling routine itself makes calls to the MLI.

The interrupt routine must allow the MLI to complete its current call
before initiating a new call to the MLI. The mechanism for doing this
consists of changing the globals so that the MLI completes its call and
returns to your routine rather than to the the routine that originally
called it. Then your routine can use the MLI as needed. When it is
finished, it must restore the 6502 registers to the state they would
have been in at completion of the MLI call had the interrupt not
occurred, and then jump back to the proper address in the original

To do this, the interrupt handling routine should first check the status
of the MLI. If the flag MLIACTV ($BF9B) has the high bit set, then
the MLI was in the middle of a call. Your routine should then:

  1. Save the return address of the original caller (CMDADR, $BF9C),
    replacing it with the address to which the MLI should return on
    completion of the current call.
  2. Claim the interrupt by disabling interrupts on the hardware, and
    clearing the carry flag.
  3. RTS

    The MLI's interrupt handler believes that the interrupt has been
    processed, so it completes the current MLI call and returns to the
    address in CMDADR, which is actually in your routine. Your routine
    should now do this:

  4. Save the A, X, Y, and P registers as the return state for the routine
    whose call just completed.
  5. Use the MLI as needed.
  6. Restore the A, X, Y, and P registers.
  7. Jump to the original CMDADR.

The original program sees only that its MLI call was successfully
completed, and it continues execution.

Page 108

6.2.2 - Sample Interrupt Routine

Here is a sample interrupt routine that reads the date from a
clock/calender card, and displays it in the upper-right corner of the
screen once per second. It assumes the card is in slot 2.

 0300:        0300    1           ORG   $300
 0300:        C20B    2 WTTCP     EQU   $C20B     ;CLOCK WRITE ENTRY PT (SLOT 2)
 0300:        C208    3 RDTCP     EQU   $C208     ;CLOCK READ ENTRY PT (SLOT 2)
 0300;        C080    4 TCICR     EQU   $C080     ;INTERRUPT CONTROL REG (SLOT 2)
 0300:        C088    5 TCMR      EQU   $C088     ;MYSTERY REGISTER (SLOT 2)
 0300:                6 *
 0300:        0200    7 IN        EQU   $200      ;WHERE CLOCK LEAVES THE TIME
 0300:                8 *
 0300:        0412    9 UPRIGHT   EQU   $412      ;THE UPPER RIGHT OF THE SCREEN
 0300:        047A   10 INTONI    EQU   $47A      ;LEAVE INTERRUPTS ON (SLOT 2)
 0300:        07FA   11 INTON2    EQU   $7FA      ;LEAVE INTERRUPTS ON (SLOT 2)
 0300:               12 *
 0300:        BF00   13 MLI       EQU   $BF00     ;ENTRY POINT TO THE PRODOS MLI
 0300:               14 *
 0300:               16 *
 0300:20 7E 03       17           JSR   ALLOC.INT ;HAVE MLI INSTALL INT ROUTINE
 0303:60             18           RTS             ;THAT'S ALL FOLKS
 0304:               19 *
 0304:               20 *
 0304:        0304   21 SHOWTIME  EQU   *
 0304:D8             22           CLD
 0305:08             23           PHP
 0306:78             24           SEI             ;DISABLE INTERRUPTS
 0307:A0 20          25           LDY   #$20      ; FOR SLOT 2
 O3O9;B9 80 C0       26           LDA   TCICR,Y   ;GET VAL OF INT CONTROL REG
 03OC:29 20          27           AND   #$20      ;CHK BIT 5 - IS INT FROM CLK?
 030E:F0 3C   034C   28           BEQ   NOTCLK    ;IF BIT 5 OFF, INT NOT FROM CLK
 0310:B9 88 C0       29           LDA   TCMR,Y    ;CLEAR MYSTERY REGISTER
 0313:B9 80 C0       30           LDA   TCICR,Y   ;CLEAR INTERRUPT ON HARDWARE
 0316:CE 4F 03       31           DEC   COUNTER   ;ONLY PRINT TIME EVERY SECOND
 0319:D0 2E   0349   32           BNE   EXITCLK   ; NOT TIME TO PRINT YET
 031B:               33 *
 031B:A2 27          34           LDX   #39       ;SAVE THE INPUT BUFFER
 031D:BD 00 02       35 DOIN      LDA   IN,X      ; SINCE THE CLOCK WRITES OVER
 0320:9D 56 03       36           STA   INBUF,X   ; IT WHEN IT IS CALLED
 0323:CA             37           DEX             ;
 0324:10 F7   031D   38           BPL   DOIN      ;
 0326:               39
 0326:A9 A5          40           LDA   #$A5      ;SET APPLESOFT STRING INPUT
 0328:20 0B C2       41           JSR   WTTCP     ; MODE & SEND IT TO THE CARD
 032B:20 08 C2       42           JSR   RDTCP     ;READ TIME INTO INPUT BUFFER
 032E:               43
 032E:A2 15          44           LDX   #21
 0330:BD 01 02       45 GETNEXT   LDA   IN+1,X    ;PRINT TIME TO SCREEN
 0333:9D 12 04       46           STA   UPRIGHT,X ;CHARS 0-22 OF INPUT BUFFER
 0336:CA             47           DEX             ;
 0337:10 F7   0330   48           BPL   GETNEXT   ;
 0339:               49
 0339:A9 40          50 SETCNTR   LDA   #64       ;SET UP COUNTER FOR NEXT TIME

Page 109

 033B:8D 4F 03       51           STA   COUNTER   ;
 033E:               52
 033E:A2 27          53           LDX   #39       ;RESTORE THE INPUT BUFFER
 0340:BD 56 03       54 DOIN2     LDA   INBUF,X   ;
 0343:9D 00 02       55           STA   IN,X      ;
 0346:CA             56           DEX             ;
 0347:10 F7   0340   57           BPI   DOIN2     ;
 0349:               58 *
 0349:28             59 EXITCLK   PLP
 034A:18             60           CLC             ;TELL MLI INT WAS PROCESSED
 034B:60             61           RTS
 034C:28             62 NOTCLK    PLP
 034D:38             63           SEC             ;TELL MLI IT ISN'T OURS
 034E:60             64           RTS
 034F:               65 *
 034F:        0001   66 COUNTER   DS    1,0       ;
 0350;               67 *
 0350:02 00          68 AIPARMS   DFB   2,0       ;PUT ALLOCATE AND DEALLOCATE
 0352:04 03          69           DW    SHOWTIME  ; INTERRUPT PARAMETERS HERE,
 0354:               70 *
 0354:01 00          71 DIPARMS   DFB   1,0       ; SO BOTH ROUTINES CAN USE THEM
 0356:               72 *
 0356:        0028   73 INBUF     DS    40,0      ;SAVE 40 BYTES IN HERE
 037E:               74 *                         ; FOR INPUT BUFFER SAVE/RESTORE

Note the important features of this routine:

  1. The routine begins with a CLD instruction (line 22).
  2. The routine checks to see if the IRQ interrupt is being caused by the
    clock/calendar card (lines 25-28). If not, it returns with the carry set
    (lines 62-64).
  3. If the interrupt belongs to the clock/calendar card, it clears the inter-
    rupt hardware (lines 29-30).
  4. When it is done with the interrupt task, it returns with carry clear
    (lines 59-61).

Page 110

The following routine adds the interrupt routine to ProDOS using the
ALLOC_INTERRUPT call. Having done this, it then activates interrupts
on the clock/calendar card. Then a CLI instruction is executed to allow
the 6502 to process interrupts.

 03A0:A9 00          94 DEALLOC.INT LDA #0        ;DISABLE INTERRUPTS
 03A2:8D 7A 04       95           STA   INTON1    ; IN THE THUNDERCLOCK
 03A5:8D FA 07       96           STA   INTON2
 03A8:Ao 20          97           LDY   #$20
 03AA;99 80 C0       98           STA   TCICR,Y
 03AD:               99 *
 03AD:AD 51 03      100           LDA   AIPARMS+1 ;GET INT_NUM
 03B0:8D 55 03      101           STA   DIPARMS+1 ; FOR DEALLOCATION
 03B3:20 00 BF      102           JSR   MLI       ;CALL THE MLI TO
 03B6:41            103           DFB   $41       ; DEALLOCATE INT ROUTINE
 03B7:54 03         104           DW    DIPARMS
 03B9:D0 01   03BC  105           BNE   OOPS2     ;BREAK ON ERROR
 03BB:60            106           RTS             ;DONE
 03BC:              107 *
 03BC:00            108 OOPS2     BRK             ;BREAK ON ERROR

The next routine disables interrupts on the clock/calendar card before
removing the interrupt routine from ProDOS with a

 037E:               75
 037E:20 00 BF       76 ALLOC.INT JSR   MLI       ;CALL THE MLI TO
 0381:40             77           DFB   $40       ; ALLOCATE THE INTERRUPT
 0382:50 03          78           DW    AIPARMS   ;
 0384:D0 19   039F   79           BNE   OOPS      ;BREAK ON ERROR
 0386:               80 *
 0386:A0 20          81           LDY   #$20
 0388:A9 AC          82           LDA   #$AC      ;SET 64HZ INTERRUPT RATE
 038A:20 0B C2       83           JSR   WTTCP     ; BY WRITING A ',' To CLOCK
 038D:A9 40          84           LDA   #$40      ;NOW ENABLE THE SOFTWARE
 038F:8D 7A 04       85           STA   INTON1    ; AND TELL IT NOT TO DISABLE
 0392:8D FA 07       86           STA   INTON2    ; INTERRUPTS AFTER READS
 0395:99 80 C0       87           STA   TCICR,Y
 0398:A9 01          88           LDA   #1        ;PRINT TIME IMMEDIATELY
 039A:8D 4F 03       89           STA   COUNTER   ; ONCE PER SECOND LATER
 039D:58             90           CLI             ;ALLOW THE 6502 TO SEE THE
 039E:60             91           RTS             ; INTERRUPTS
 039F:               92 *
 039F:00             93 OOPS      BRK             ;BREAK ON ERROR

Page 111

6.3 - Disk Driver Routines

If a disk drive supplied by another manufacturer is to work with
ProDOS, it must look and act just like a disk drive supplied by Apple
Computer, Inc. Its boot ROM must have certain things in certain
locations, and its driver routine must use certain zero-page locations for
its call parameters.

6.3.1 - ROM Code Conventions

During startup, ProDOS searches for block storage devices. If it finds
the following three bytes in the ROM of a particular slot, ProDOS
assumes it has found a disk drive (n represents slot number):

$Cn01 = $20
$Cn03 = $00
$Cn05 = $03

If $CnFF = $00, ProDOS assumes it has found a Disk II with 16-sector
ROMs and marks the device driver table in the ProDOS global page
with the address of the Disk II driver routines. The Disk II driver
routines support any drive that emulates Apple's 16-sector Disk II (280
blocks, single volume, and so on).

If $CnFF = $FF, ProDOS assumes it has found a Disk II with 13-sector
ROMs, which ProDOS does not support.

If ProDOS finds a value other than $00 or $FF at $CnFF, it assumes it
has found an intelligent disk controller. If the STATUS byte at $CnFE
indicates that the device supports READ and STATUS requests,
ProDOS marks the global page with a device-driver address whose
high-byte is equal to $Cn and whose low-byte is equal to the value
found at $CnFF.

Page 112

The only calls to the disk driver are STATUS, READ, WRITE, and
FORMAT. The STATUS call should perform a check to verify that the
device is ready for a READ or WRITE. If it is not, the carry should be
set and the appropriate error code returned in the accumulator. If the
device is ready for a READ or WRITE, then the driver should clear the
carry, place a zero in the accumulator, and return the number of
blocks on the device in the X-register (low-byte) and Y-register

If you wish to interface a disk controller card with more than two
drives (or a device with more than two volumes), additional device
driver vectors for disk controllers plugged into slot 5 or 6 may be
installed in slot 1 or 2 locations. There will be no conflict with
character devices physically present in these slots.

Device numbers for four drives in slot 5 or 6 are listed below.

Physical Slot Five:
S5,D1 = $50
S5,D2 = $D0
S1,D1 = $10
S1,D2 = $90

Physical Slot Six:
S6,D1 = $60
S6,D2 = $E0
S2,D1 = $20
S2,D2 = $A0

Page 113

The special locations in the ROM code are:

The total number of blocks on the device. Used for
writing the disk's bit map and directory header after
formatting. (If this location is $0000, it indicates that
the number of blocks must be obtained by making a
STATUS request.)
The status byte (bits 0 and 1 must be set for ProDOS
to install the driver vector.)
bit 7 - Medium is removable.
bit 6 - Device is interruptable.
bit 5-4 - Number of volumes on the device (0-3).
bit 3 - The device supports formatting.
bit 2 - The device can be written to.
bit 1 - The device can be read from (must be on).
bit 0 - The device's status can be read
-- (must be on).
The low-byte of entry to the driver routines. ProDOS
will place $Cn + this byte in the global page.

6.3.2 - Call Parameters

parameters are passed to the driver are:

0 = STATUS request
1 = READ request
2 = WRITE request
3 = FORMAT request

Note: The FORMAT code in the driver need only lay down address
marks if required. The calling routine should write the virgin directory
and bit map.

Page 114

Unit Number:
    7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
  |DR|  SLOT  | NOT USED  |

Note: The UNIT_NUMBER that appears in the device list (DEVLST)
in the system globals will include the high nibble of the status byte
($CnFE) as an ID in its low nibble.

Buffer Pointer:
Indicates the start of a 512-byte memory
buffer for data transfer.
Block Number:
Indicates the block on the disk for data

The device driver should report errors by setting the carry flag and
loading the error code into the accumulator. The error codes that
should be implemented are:

$27 - I/O error
$28 - No device connected
$2B - Write protected

Page 115

Page 116

Appendix A
The ProDOS BASIC System Program

Page 117

This appendix explains aspects of the BASIC system program
(BASIC.SYSTEM) that are beyond the scope of the manual BASIC
Programming With ProDOS
. The primary subjects discussed in this
appendix are

A.1 - Memory Map

The arrangement of ProDOS in memory is decided when the system is
started up, and it depends on your particular system configuration.
Figure A-1 shows the memory organization for an Apple IIe (64K or
128K) or Apple IIc (128K).

Page 118

Figure A-1. Memory Map

              Main Memory                                 Auxiliary Memory
                                                       (IIc or 128K IIe only)

 $FFFF+---------+$FFFF+---------+                $FFFF+---------+
      |.Monitor.|     |#########|                     |.........|
 $F800|---------|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|                     |.........|
      |.........|     |#ProDOS##|                     |.........|
      |Applesoft|     |#########|$DFFF+---------+$E000|---------|$DFFF+---------+
      |.........|     |#########|     |.........|     |         |     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|     |.........|     |         |     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|$D400|---------|     |         |     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|     |#########|     |         |     |.........|
      |.........|     |#########|$D100|---------|     |         |$D100|---------|
      |.........|     |#########|     |         |     |         |     |         |
 $D000|---------|     +---------+     +---------+$D000+---------+     +---------+
              ^  $BFFF+---------+                $BFFF+---------+
              |       |#########|                     |.........|
 This ROM area|  $BF00|---------|                $BF00|---------|
 on IIc and IIe       |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |
 only!                |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     +---------+
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     |#########|
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     +---------+
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     Used by ProDOS
                      |\BASIC.\\|                     |         |
                      |\SYSTEM\\|                     |         |
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     +---------+
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     |\\\\\\\\\|
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     +---------+
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     Used by
                      |\\\\\\\\\|                     |         |     BASIC.SYSTEM
                 $9600|---------|                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |     +---------+
                      |         |                     |         |     |.........|
                      |         |                     |         |     +---------+
                      |         |                     |         |     Other used or
                      |         |                     |         |     reserved areas
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |     +---------+
                      |         |                     |         |     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |     +---------+
                      |         |                     |         |      Free Space
                      |         |                     |         |
                      /\/\/\/\/\/                     /\/\/\/\/\/

                      /\/\/\/\/\/                     /\/\/\/\/\/
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                  $800|---------|                 $800|---------|
                      |.........|                     |.........|
                      |.........|                     |.........|
                      |.........|                     |.........|
                      |.........|                 $400|---------|
                      |.........|                     |#########|
                  $300|---------|                     |#########|
                      |         |                     |#########|
                  $300|---------|                     |#########|
                      |.........|                 $200|---------|
                      |.........|                     |         |
                  $100|---------|                 $100|---------|
                      |         |                     |#########|
                      |         |                  $80|---------|
                   $4F|---------|                     |         |
                      |#Shared/#|                     |         |
                      |####safe#|                     |         |
                   $3A|---------|                     |         |
                      |         |                     |         |
                      +---------+                     +---------+

Page 119


When ProDOS starts up the BASIC system program, it loads all the
necessary programs and data into memory as shown in Figure A-1,
leaves a 1K buffer on the highest available 1K boundary, and then sets
HIMEM right below this buffer. This buffer is used as the file buffer
for commands, such as CATALOG, that only need a temporary buffer.
Table A-1 shows the possible settings of HIMEM, and the maximum
number of bytes available to a program running under such a system

Table A-1. HIMEM and Program Workspace

 System                                          Bytes Available
 Configuration           HIMEM                   to Programs

 64K                     38400 ($9600)           36352 ($8E00)
 Applesoft in ROM

These settings are in effect immediately after you boot the BASIC
system program. While a program is running, however, these figures
may change. Each time a file is opened, ProDOS lowers HIMEM
by 1K ($400), keeping the 1K temporary command buffer immediately
above it, and places a buffer for the file where the old temporary
buffer was. When a file is closed, ProDOS releases the file's buffer, and
raises HIMEM by 1K. Figure A-2 illustrates this process.

Page 120

Figure A-2. The Movement of HIMEM

  _______      _______      _______      _______      _______      _______
 |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |
 |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |
 |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |
 |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |
 |_______|    |_______|    |_______|    |_______|    |_______|    |_______|
 |       |    |///////|    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |
 | Free  | 1K |/CAT's/| 1K | Free  | 1K | DOG's | 1K | DOG's | 1K | Free  | 1K
 |_______|    |_______|    |_______|    |_______|    |_______|    |_______|
 |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |
 | HIMEM |    | HIMEM |    | HIMEM |    | Free  | 1K | CAT's | 1K | HIMEM |
 |       |    |       |    |       |    |_______|    |_______|    |       |
 |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |
 |       |    |       |    |       |    | HIMEM |    | HIMEM |    |       |
 |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |
 |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |
 |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |
 |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |
 |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |    |       |
 |_______|    |_______|    |_______|    |_______|    |_______|    |_______|

 No Files     During CAT   After CAT    Open "DOG"   During CAT   Close "DOG"

A.2.1 - Buffer Management

There are many times when you might want machine-language
routines to coexist with ProDOS; for example, when using
interrupt-driven devices, when using input/output devices that have no
ROM, or when using commands that you have added to ProDOS.

BASIC.SYSTEM provides buffer management for file I/O. Those
facilities can also be utilized from machine-language modules operating
in the ProDOS/Applesoft environment to provide protected areas for
code, data, and so on.

BASIC.SYSTEM resides from $9A00 upward, with a general-purpose
buffer from $9600 (HIMEM) to $99FF. When a file is opened,
BASIC.SYSTEM does garbage collection if needed, moves the
general-purpose buffer down to $9200, and installs a file I/O buffer at
$9600. When a second file is opened, the general-purpose buffer is
moved down to $8E00 and a second file I/O buffer is installed at
$9200. If an EXEC file is opened, it is always installed as the highest
file I/O buffer at $9600, and all the other buffers are moved down.
Additional regular file I/O buffers are installed by moving the
general-purpose buffer down and installing it below the lowest file I/O
buffer. All file I/O buffers, including the general-purpose buffer, are 1K
(1024 bytes) and begin on a page boundary.

Page 121

BASIC.SYSTEM may be called from machine language to allocate any
number of pages (256 bytes) as a buffer, located above HIMEM and
protected from Applesoft BASIC programs. The ProDOS bit map is not
altered, so that files can be loaded into the area without an error from
the ProDOS Kernel. If you subsequently alter the bit map to protect the
area, you must mark the area as free when you are finished --
BASIC.SYSTEM will not do it for you.

To allocate a buffer, simply place the number of desired pages in the
accumulator and use JSR GETBUFR ($BEF5). If the carry flag
returns clear, the allocation was successful and the accumulator will
return the high byte of the buffer address. If the carry flag returns set,
an error has occurred and the accumulator will return the error code.
Note that the X and Y registers are not preserved.

The first buffer is installed as the highest buffer, just below
BASIC.SYSTEM from $99FF downward, regardless of the number and
type of file I/O buffers that are open. If a second allocation is
requested, it is installed immediately below the first. Thus, it is
possible to assemble code to run at known addresses-relocatable
modules are not needed.

To de-allocate the buffers created by the above call and move the file
buffers back up, just use JSR FREEBUFR ($BEF8). Although more
than one buffer may be allocated by this call, they may not be
selectively de-allocated.

All routines that are to be called by BASIC.SYSTEM should begin with
the CLD instruction. This includes I/O routines accessed by PR# and
IN# and clock/calendar routines. This allows ProDOS to spot
accidental calls.

For tips on raising LOMEM to provide more memory for
assembly-language routines, and protecting high-res graphics pages, see
the Applesoft BASIC Programmer's Reference Manual.

Page 122

A.3 - The BASIC Global Page

The BASIC system program has a specific area of memory, its global
page, in which it keeps its current status. This page lies in the address
range $BE00 through $BEFF (48640-48895). When BASIC.SYSTEM is
active, its fields are defined as follows:

 BE00:  CI.ENTRY  JMP WARMDOS     ;Reenter ProDOS/Applesoft
 BE03:  DOSCMD    JMP SYNTAX      ;External entry for command string
 BE06:  EXTRNCMD  JMP XRETURN     ;Called for added CMD syntaxing
 BE09:  ERROUT    JMP ERROR       ;Handles ONERR or prints error
 BE0C:  PRINTERR  JMP PRTERR      ;Prints error message
                                  ;Number is in accumulator
 BE0F:  ERRCODE   DFB 0           ;ProDOS error code stored here
                                  ;and $DE for Applesoft

Page 123

Default I/O vectors. These may be changed by the user to remap
slots for nondisk devices. When the system is booted, all slots not
containing a ROM are considered not connected and the default vector
is left to point at the appropriate error handling routine.

 BE10:  OUTVECT0  DW  COUT1       ;Monitor video output routine
 BE12:  OUTVECT1  DW  NODEVERR    ;Default $C100 when ROM present
 BE14:  OUTVECT2  DW  NODEVERR    ;Default $C200 when ROM present
 BE16:  OUTVECT3  DW  NODEVERR    ;Default $C300 when ROM present
 BE18:  OUTVECT4  DW  NODEVERR    ;Default $C400 when ROM present
 BE1A:  OUTVECT5  DW  NODEVERR    ;Default $C500 when ROM present
 BE1C:  OUTVECT6  DW  NODEVERR    ;Default $C600 when ROM present
 BE1E:  OUTVECT7  DW  NODEVERR    ;Default $C700 when ROM present
 BE20:  INVECT0   DW  CHIN1       ;Monitor keyboard input routine
 BE22:  INVECT1   DW  NODEVERR    ;Default $C100 when ROM present
 BE24:  INVECT2   DW  NODEVERR    ;Default $C200 when ROM present
 BE26:  INVECT3   DW  NODEVERR    ;Default $C300 when ROM present
 BE28:  INVECT4   DW  NODEVERR    ;Default $C400 when ROM present
 BE2A:  INVECT5   DW  NODEVERR    ;Default $C500 when ROM present
 BE2C:  INVECT6   DW  NODEVERR    ;Default $C600 when ROM present
 BE2E:  INVECT7   DW  NODEVERR    ;Default $C700 when ROM present
 BE30:  VECTOUT   DW  COUT1       ;Current character output routine
 BE32:  VECTIN    DW  CHIN1       ;Current character input routine
 BE34:  VDOSIO    DW  DOSOUT      ;ProDOS char out intercept routine

Page 124

 BE36:            DW  DOSINP      ;ProDOS char in intercept routine
 BE38:  VSYSIO    DW  0,0         ;Internal redirection of I/O
 BE3C:  DEFSLT    DFB $06         ;Default slot, set by 'S' parm
 BE3D:  DEFDRV    DFB $01         ;Default drive, set by 'D' parm
 BE3E:  PREGA     DFB 0           ;Register save area
 BE3F:  PREGX     DFB 0
 BE40:  PREGY     DFB 0
 BE41:  DTRACE    DFB 0           ;Applesoft trace enable
 BE42:  STATE     DFB 0           ;0=Imm, >0=Def modes
 BE43:  EXACTV    DFB 0           ;EXEC file active if bit 7 on
 BE44:  IFILACTV  DFB 0           ;Input file active if bit 7 on
 BE45:  OFILACTV  DFB 0           ;Output file active if bit 7 on
 BE46:  PFXACTV   DFB 0           ;Prefix input active if bit 7 on
 BE47:  DIRFLG    DFB 0           ;File being accessed is directory
 BE48:  EDIRFLG   DFB 0           ;End of directory encountered
 BE49:  STRINGS   DFB 0           ;Counter for free string space
 BE4A:  TBUFPTR   DFB 0           ;Temporory buffered char count (WRITE)
 BE4B:  INPTR     DFB 0           ;Input char count during kbd input
 BE4C:  CHRLAST   DFB 0           ;Last character output (for error detect)
 BE4D:  OPENCNT   DFB $00         ;Number of open file (except EXEC file)
 BE4E:  EXFILE    DFB $00         ;Flag to indicate EXEC file being closed
 BE4F:  CATFLAG   DFB $00         ;File being input is (translated) dir
 BE50:  XTRNADDR  DW  0           ;Execution address of external cmd (0)
 BE52:  XLEN      DFB 0           ;Length of command string-1, ('HELP'=3)
 BE53:  XCNUM     DFB 0           ;BASIC cmd number (external cmd if =0)

Page 125

Command parameter PBITS/FBITS bit definitions:

 BE54:  PFIX      EQU $80         ;Prefix needs fetching, pathname optional
 BE54:  SLOT      EQU $40         ;No parameters to be processed
 BE54:  RRUN      EQU $20         ;Command only valid during program
 BE54:  FNOPT     EQU $10         ;Filename is optional
 BE54:  CRFLG     EQU $08         ;CREATE allowed
 BE54:  T         EQU $04         ;File type
 BE54:  FN2       EQU $02         ;Filename '2' for RENAME
 BE54:  FN1       EQU $01         ;Filename expected

And for PBITS+1/FBITS+1 definitions:

 BE54:  AD        EQU $80         ;Address
 BE54:  B         EQU $40         ;Byte
 BE54:  E         EQU $20         ;End address
 BE54:  L         EQU $10         ;Length
 BE54:  LINE      EQU $08         ;'@' line number
 BE54:  SD        EQU $04         ;Slot and drive numbers
 BE54:  F         EQU $02         ;Field
 BE54:  R         EQU $01         ;Record
 BE54:  V         EQU $00         ;Volume number ignored

When the BASIC system program recognizes one of its commands,
it sets up PBITS to indicate which parameters (#S, #D, and so
on) may be used with that command. Then it parses the command
string, marking the found parameters in FBITS, and placing
their values in locations $BE58-$BE6B. The meanings of the bit
within PBITS and FBITS are discussed in the section "Adding
Commands to the BASIC System Program."

 BE54:  PBITS     DW  0           ;Allowed parameter bits
 BE56:  FBITS     DW  0           ;Found parameter bits

Page 126

The following locations hold the values of the parameters for the
BASIC commands.
As the BASIC system program parses command
options, it sets the value of the corresponding command parameters.
Previously set parameters do not change.

 BE58:  PVALS     EQU *
 BE58:  VADDR     DW  0           ;Parameter value for 'A' parm
 BE5A:  VBYTE     DFB 0,0,0       ;Parameter value for 'B' parm
 BE5D:  VENDA     DW  0           ;Parameter value for 'E' parm
 BE5F:  VLNTH     DW  0           ;Parameter value for 'L' parm
 BE61:  VSLOT     DFB 0           ;Parameter value for 'S' parm
 BE62:  VDRIV     DFB 0           ;Parameter value for 'D' parm
 BE63:  VFELD     DW  0           ;Parameter value for 'F' parm
 BE65:  VRECD     DW  0           ;Parameter value for 'R' parm
 BE67:  VVOLM     DFB 0           ;Parameter value for 'V' parm
 BE68:  VLINE     DW  0           ;Parameter value for '@' parm
 BE6A:  VTYPE     DFB 0           ;Parameter value for 'T' parm
 BE6B:  VIOSLT    DFB 0           ;Parameter value for IN# or PR#
 BE6C:  VPATH1    DW  TXBUF-1     ;Pathname 1 buffer
 BE6E:  VPATH2    DW  TXBUF2      ;Pathname 2 buffer (RENAME)

Page 127

GOSYSTEM is used to make all MLI calls since errors must be
translated before returning to the calling routine.
On entry the
Accumulator should contain the call number. The address of the
parameter table is looked up and set based on the call number. Only
file management calls can be made using this routine: $C0-$D3. The
original implementation of this BASIC system program contains only
these calls.

 BE70:  GOSYSTEM  STA SYSCALL     ;Save call number
 BE73:            STX CALLX       ;Preserve X register
 BE76:            AND #$1F        ;Strip high bits of call number
 BE78:            TAX             ; and use as lookup index
 BE79:            LDA SYSCTBL,X   ;Get low address of parm table
 BE7C:            STA SYSPARM
 BE7F:            LDX CALLX       ;Restore X before calling
 BE82:            JSR MLIENTRY    ;Call ProDOS MLI to execute request
 BE86:  SYSPARM   DW  *           ;(High address should be same
                                  ; as parameter tables)
 BE88:            BCS BADCALL     ;Branch if error encountered
 BE8A:            RTS

BADCALL converts MLI errors into BASIC system program error
Routines should be entered with error number in the
Accumulator. The BADCALL routine should be used whenever a
ProDOS MLI call returns an error and BASIC.SYSTEM will be used to
print the error message. Returns BASIC system program error number
in Accumulator. All unrecognized errors are mapped to I/O error.
X register is restored to its value before the call is made. Carry is set.

 BE8B:  BADCALL   LDA #12         ;19 errors are mapped to
 BE8D:  MLIERR1   CMP MLIERTBL,X  ; other than I/O error
 BE90:            BEQ MLIERR2
 BE92:            DEX
 BE93:            BPL MLIERR1
 BE95:            LDX #$13        ;If not recognized, make it I/O error
 BE97:  MLIERR2   LDA BIERRTBL,X  ;return error in Accumulator
 BE9A:            LDX CALLX       ;Restore X register
 BE9D:            SEC             ;Set Carry to indicate error

Page 128

The following are the system-call parameter tables. These tables
must reside within the same page of memory. Only those parameters
that are subject to alterations have been labeled. SYSCTBL below
contains the low-order addresses of each parameter table. SYSCTBL
is used by GOSYSTEM to set up the address of the parameter table
for each call. (See GOSYSTEM.)

 BEA1:            DW  TXBUF-1     ;Pointer to pathname
 BEA3:  CRACESS   DFB $C3         ;$C1 if directory create
 BEA5:  CRAUXID   DW  $0000
 BEA8:            DW  0           ;No predetermined date/time
 BEAA:            DW  0
 BEAD:            DW  TXBUF-1     ;This call requires no modifications
 BEB0:            DW  TXBUF-1     ;No modifications needed
 BEB2:            DW  TXBUF2
 BEB4:  SSGINFO   DFB $00         ;P.CNT=7 if SET_FILE_INFO
                                  ;P.CNT=A if GET_FILE_INFO
 BEB5:            DW  TXBUF-1
 BEB7:  FIACESS   DFB $00         ;Access used by lock/unlock
 BEB8:  FIFILID   DFB $00         ;FILE ID is type specifier
 BEB9:  FIAUXID   DW  $0000       ;Aux_id is used for load addr
                                  ; and record length
 BEBB:  FIFKIND   DFB $00         ;Identifies trees vs. directories
 BEBC:  FIBLOKS   DW  $0000       ;Used by CAT commands for root dir
 BEBE:  FIMDATE   DW  $0000       ;Modification date & time
 BEC0:            DW  $0000       ;should always be zeroed before call
 BEC2:            DW  $0000       ;Create date and time ignored
 BEC4:            DW  $0000

Page 129

 BEC6:            DFB $02         ;Parameter count
 BEC7:            DFB 0           ;Unit or reference number
 BEC8:  SMARK     EQU *
 BEC8:  SEOF      EQU *
 BEC8:            DFB 0,0,0       ;Some calls only use 2 bytes
                                  ;MRK & EOF use 3 bytes
 BECB:  SOPEN     DFB $03
 BECC:            DW  TXBUF-1
 BECE:  OSYSBUF   DW  $0000
 BED2:  NEWLREF   DFB $00         ;Reference number
 BED3:  NLINEBL   DFB $7F         ;Newline character is always CR
 BED4:            DFB $0D         ; both $0D and $8D are recognized
 BED5:  SREAD     EQU *
 BED5:            DFB $04
 BED7:  RWDATA    DW  $0000       ;Pointer to data to be read/written
 BED9:  RWCOUNT   DW  $0000       ;Number of bytes to be read/written
 BEDB:  RWTRANS   DW  $0000       ;returned # of bytes read/written

Page 130

 BEDD:            DFB $01
 BEE0:            ASC 'COPYRIGHT APPLE, 1983'
 BEF8:  RSHIMEM   DFB 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

A.3.1 - BASIC.SYSTEM Commands From Assembly Language

There are times when a routine wants to perform functions that are
already implemented by the BASIC system program -- deleting and
renaming files, displaying a directory, and so on. The DOSCMD vector
serves just this function.

First a routine should place the desired BASIC command in the input
buffer ($200). It should be an ASCII string with the high bits set,
followed by a carriage return ($8D), exactly as the Monitor GETLN
routine would leave a string. Next the routine should do a JSR to the
DOSCMD entry point ($BE03).

BASIC.SYSTEM will parse the command, set up all the parameters, (as
explained in Section A.3.3), and then execute the command. If there is
an error, it will return the error code in the accumulator with the
carry set. If it is 0, there was no error. Otherwise it contains a BASIC
system program error number.

Note: The JSR DOSCMD must be executed in deferred mode (from
a BASIC program), rather than in immediate mode. This applies also to
the Monitor program: from the Monitor, you can't do a $xxxxG to
execute the code that contains the JSR DOSCMD. This is because
BASIC.SYSTEM checks certain state flags, which are set correctly only
while in deferred mode.

There are certain commands that do not work as expected when
initiated via DOSCMD: RUN -(dash command), LOAD, CHAIN, READ,
WRITE, APPEND, and EXEC. Use them this way at your own risk.

Page 131

The commands that do work correctly are: CATALOG, CAT, PREFIX,

The following are:

  1. An example of a BASIC program that uses the BLOAD command to
    load an assembly-language routine that exercises the DOSCMD
  2. A listing of that assembly-language routine.

You should review them before writing your own routine.

 11 REM
 12 REM
 30 CALL 4096
 50 END

Page 132

 1000:        1000    1           ORG   $1000
 1000:        FD6F    2 GETLN1    EQU   $FD6F         ; MONITORS INPUT ROUTINE
 1000:        BE03    3 DOSCMD    EQU   $BE03         ; BASIC.SYSTEM GLBL PG DOS CMD ENTRY
 1000:        FDED    4 COUT      EQU   $FDED         ; MONITORS CHAR OUT ROUTINE
 1000:        BE0C    5 PRERR     EQU   $BE0C         ; PRINT THE ERROR
 1000:                6 *
 1000:                7 *
 1000:                8 *
 1000:A2 00           9 START     LDX   #0            ; DISPLAY PROMPT...
 1002:BD 1F 10       10 L1        LDA   PROMPT,X      ;
 1005:F0 06   100D   11           BEQ   CONT          ; BRANCH IF END OF STRING
 1007:20 ED FD       12           JSR   COUT          ;
 100A:E8             13           INX                 ;
 100B:D0 F5   1002   14           BNE   L1            ; LOOP UNTIL NULL TERMINATOR HIT
 100D:               15 *
 100D:20 6F FD       16 CONT      JSR   GETLN1        ; ACCEPT COMMAND FROM KB
 1010:20 03 BE       17           JSR   DOSCMD        ; AND EXECUTE COMMAND
 1013:2C 10 C0       18           BIT   $C010         ; CLEAR STROBE
 1016:B0 02   101A   19           BCS   ERROR         ; BRANCH IF ERROR DETECTED
 1018:90 E6   1000   20           BCC   START         ; OTHERWISE RESTART
 101A:               21 *
 101A:               22 *
 101A:               24 *       BEFORE RETURNING TO BASIC OR BASIC WILL DO
 101A:               25 *       STRANGE TO YOU.
 101A:               26 *
 101A:20 0C BE       27 ERROR     JSR   PRERR         ; PRINT 'ERR'
 101D:18             28           CLC                 ;
 101E:60             29           RTS                 ; RETURN TO BASIC
 101F:               30 *
 101F:               31           MSB   ON
 101F:               32 *
 101F:8D             33 PROMPT    DB    $8D           ; OUTPUT A RETURN FIRST
 1020:C5 CE D4 C5    34           ASC   'ENTER        BASIC.SYSTEM COMMAND --> '
 103F:00             35           DB    0

Page 133

DOSCMD is merely a way to perform some BASIC.SYSTEM commands
from assembly language, and is not a substitute for performing the
commands in BASIC. Keep in mind the consequences of the command
you are executing. For example, when doing a BRUN or BLOAD, make
sure the code is loaded at proper addresses.

After you call DOSCMD, the carry bit will be set if an error has
occurred. The accumulator will have the error number.

There are three ways to handle DOSCMD errors:

A.3.2 - Adding Commands to the BASIC System Program

The EXTRNCMD location in the global page allows you to add your
own commands to the ProDOS command set. Once you attach a
command, it is treated as if it were one of the BASIC.SYSTEM
commands, except that the original commands have preference. To
execute your command in immediate mode, just enter it. To execute it
in deferred mode, preface it with PRINT CHR$(4).

Whenever BASIC.SYSTEM receives a command, it first checks its
command list for a match. If the command is not recognized,
BASIC.SYSTEM sends the command to the external command handlers,
if any are connected. If no external command handler claims the
command, BASIC.SYSTEM passes control to Applesoft, which returns
an error if the command is not recognized.

If you have frequent need for special commands, you can write your
own command handler and attach it to BASIC.SYSTEM through the
EXTRNCMD jump vector. First, save the current EXTRNCMD vector (to
JMP to if the command is not yours), and install the address of your
routine in EXTRNCMD+1 and +2 (low byte first). Your routine must
do three things:

Page 134

Note: Having BASIC.SYSTEM parse your external command parameters
was initially intended only for its own use. As it happens, not all
parameters can be parsed separately. The low byte of PBITS ($BE54)
must have a nonzero value to have BASIC.SYSTEM parse parameters.
This means that regardless of the parameters you need parsed, you
must also elect to parse some parameter specified by the low byte of
PBITS. For example, set PBITS to $10, filename optional (this
parameter need not be known by the user).

The following are two sample routines, BEEP and BEEPSLOT. They
can reside together as external commands. BEEP handles everything
itself, while BEEPSLOT lets you pass a slot and drive parameter
(,S#,D#) where the drive is ignored.

Page 135

A.3.2.1 - BEEP Example

 *                                                            *
 *  CHR$(4);"BEEP" IN A PROGRAM.                              *
 *                                                            *
            ORG  $300
 INBUF      EQU  $200     ;GETLN input buffer.
 WAIT       EQU  $FCA8    ;Monitor wait routine.
 BELL       EQU  $FF3A    ;Monitor bell routine.
 EXTRNCMD   EQU  $BE06    ;External cmd JMP vector.
 XTRNADDR   EQU  $BE50    ;Ext cmd implementation addr.
 XLEN       EQU  $BE52    ;length of command string-1.
 XCNUM      EQU  $BE53    ;CI cmd no. (ext cmd - 0).
 PBITS      EQU  $BE54    ;Command parameter bits.
 XRETURN    EQU  $BE9E    ;Known RTS instruction.
            MSB  ON       ;Set high bit on ASCII
            LDA  EXTRNCMD+1
            STA  NXTCMD
            LDA  EXTRNCMD+2
            STA  NXTCMD+1
            LDA  #>BEEP      ;Install the address of our
            STA  EXTRNCMD+1  ; command handler in the
            LDA  #<BEEP      ; external command JMP
            STA  EXTRNCMD+2  ; vector.
 BEEP       LDX  #0          ;Check for our command.
 NXTCHR     LDA  INBUF,X     ;Get first character.
            CMP  CMD,X       ;Does it match?
            BNE  NOTOURS     ;No, back to CI.
            INX              ;Next character
            CPX  #CMDLEN     ;All characters yet?
            BNE  NXTCHR      ;No, read next one.
            LDA  #CMDLEN-1   ;Our cmd! Put cmd length-1
            STA  XLEN        ; in CI global XLEN.
            LDA  #>XRETURN   ;Point XTRNADDR to a known
            STA  XTRNADDR    ; RTS since we'll handle
            LDA  #<XRETURN   ; at the time we intercept

Page 136

            STA  XTRNADDR+1  ; our command.
            LDA  #0          ;Mark the cmd number as
            STA  XCNUM       ; zero (external).
            STA  PBITS       ;And indicate no parameters
            STA  PBITS+1     ; to be parsed.
            LDX  #5          ;Number of desired beeps.
 NXTBEEP    JSR  BELL        ;Else, beep once.
            LDA  #$80        ;Set up the delay
            JSR  WAIT        ; and wait.
            DEX              ;Decrement index and
            BNE  NXTBEEP     ; repeat until X = 0.
            CLC              ;All done successfully.
            RTS              ; RETURN WITH THE CARRY CLEAR.
 *                           ; TO CLAIM IT.
 CMD        ASC  "BEEP"      ;Our command
 CMDLEN     EQU  *-CMD       ;Our command length
 NXTCMD     DW   0           ; STORE THE NEXT EXT CMD'S
                             ; ADDRESS HERE.

Page 137

A.3.2.2 - BEEPSLOT Example

 *                                                           *
 * PROGRAM PRINT CHR$(4) STATEMENT.                          *
 *                                                           *
            ORG  $2000
 INBUF      EQU  $200       ;GETLN input buffer.
 WAIT       EQU  $FCA8      ;Monitor wait routine.
 BELL       EQU  $FF3A      ;Monitor bell routine
 EXTRNCMD   EQU  $BE06      ;External cmd JMP vector.
 XTRNADDR   EQU  $BE50      ;Ext cmd implementation addr.
 XLEN       EQU  $BE52      ;Length of command string-1.
 XCNUM      EQU  $BE53      ;CI cmd no. (ext cmd = 0).
 PBITS      EQU  $BE54      ;Command parameter bits.
 VSLOT      EQU  $BE61      ;Verified slot parameter.
            MSB  ON         ;Set high bit on ASCII.
            LDA  EXTRNCMD+1
            STA  NXTCMD
            LDA  EXTRNCMD+2
            STA  NXTCMD+1
            LDA  #>BEEPSLOT ;Install the address of our
            STA  EXTRNCMD+1 ; command handler in the
            LDA  #<BEEPSLOT ; external command JMP
            STA  EXTRNCMD+2 ; vector.
 BEEPSLOT   LDX  #0         ;Check for our command.
 NXTCHR     LDA  INBUF,X    ;Get first character.
            CMP  CMD,X      ;Does it match?
            INX             ;Next character
            CPX  #CMDLEN    ;All characters yet?
            BNE  NXTCHR     ;No, read next one.
            LDA  #CMDLEN-1  ;Our cmd! Put cmd length-1
            STA  XLEN       ; in CI global XLEN.
            LDA  #>EXECUTE  ;Point XTRNADDR to our

Page 138

            STA  XTRNADDR   ; command execution
            LDA  #<EXECUTE  ; routine
            STA  XTRNADDR+1
            LDA  #0         ;Mark the cmd number as
            STA  XCNUM      ; zero (external).
            LDA  #%00010000 ;Set at least one bit
            STA  PBITS      ; in PBITS low byte!
            LDA  #%00000100 ;And mark PBITS high byte
            STA  PBITS+1    ; that slot & drive are legal.
            CLC             ;Everything is OK.
            RTS             ;Return to BASIC.SYSTEM
 EXECUTE    LDA  VSLOT      ;Get slot parameter.
            TAX             ;Transfer to index reg.
 NXTBEEP    JSR  BELL       ;Else, beep once.
            LDA  #$80       ;Set up the delay
            JSR  WAIT       ; and wait.
            DEX             ;decrement index and
            BNE  NXTBEEP    ; repeat until x = 0.
            CLC             ;All done successfully.
            RTS             ;Back to BASIC.SYSTEM.
            JMP  (NXTCMD)   ; NEXT EXT CMD GO FOR IT.
 CMD        ASC  "BEEPSLOT" ;Our command
 CMDLEN     EQU  *-CMD      ;Our command length
                            ; ADDRESS HERE.

Page 139

A.3.3 - Command String Parsing

First, the external command must tell the BASIC system program
which parameters are allowed for the command. It does this by
assigning the appropriate values to the two PBITS bytes, which have
the following meanings:

 Address:              $BE54                      $BE55
             _______________________    _______________________
            |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
 PBITS:     |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
            |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|  |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|
 Bit #:      15 14 13 12 11 10  9  8     7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0

Bit # - Meaning

15 - Prefix needs fetching. Pathname is optional
14 - No parameters to be processed
13 - Command only valid during program execution
12 - Filename is optional
11 - Create allowed if file doesn't exist
10 - File type (Ttype) optional
9 - A second filename expected
8 - A first filename expected
7 - Address (A#) allowed
6 - Byte (B#) allowed
5 - End address (E#) allowed
4 - Length (L#) allowed
3 - Line number (@#) allowed
2 - Slot and Drive (S# and D#) allowed
1 - Field (F#) allowed
0 - Record (R#) allowed

Having done this, the routine should place the length of the recognized
command word minus one into XLEN ($BE52). It should also place
a $00 into XCNUM ($BE53), indicating that an external command was
found, and it should place the address within the routine at which
further processing of the parsed command will take place into
XTRNADDR ($BE50). Then it should RTS back to the BASIC system

Page 140

The BASIC system program will see that the command was recognized,
and it will parse the string according to PBITS. For each parameter
that was used in the command, it will set the corresponding bit in
FBITS ($BE56) and update the value of that parameter in the global
page. Finally, it will do a JSR to the location indicated in

The routine can now process the command. All parameters are stored
in the global page except the filenames which are stored in the
locations indicated by VPATH1 and VPATH2.

The HELP command is such a routine. When you type -HELP, the
help command is loaded into memory at $2000, it moves HIMEM down
and places itself above HIMEM, then it marks itself in the bit map.
Finally it places the start address of the routine in the EXTRNCMD
vector. The BASIC system program now recognizes a series of HELP
commands as well as the NOHELP command.

The NOHELP command removes the help routine's address from the
EXTRNCMD vector, unmarks the routine from the bit map, and
moves HIMEM back up.

Page 141

A.4 - Zero Page

Figure A-3 is a memory map that shows the locations used by the
Monitor, Applesoft, the Device Drivers, and the ProDOS MLI. The
owner of each location is shown by a letter: M, A, D, or P.

Figure A-3. Zero Page Memory Map

Use by the Monitor (M), Applesoft (A), Disk Drivers (D),
and ProDOS MLI (P) is shown.

 Decimal---0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15
 ,   Hex---$0  $1  $2  $3  $4  $5  $6  $7  $8  $9  $A  $B  $C  $D  $E  $F
 0   $00  DA  DA   A   A   A   A                   A   A   A   A   A   A
 16  $10   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A                           A
 32  $20   M   M   M   M   M   M   M   M   M   M   M   M   M   M   M   M
 48  $30   M   M   M   M   M   M   M   M   M   M  PMD PMD PMD PMD PMD DM
 64  $40  PMD PMD PMD PMD PMD PMD PMD PM  PM  PM   P   P   P   P  PM   M
 80  $50  MA  MA  MA  MA  MA  MA   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A
 96  $60   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A
 112 $70   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A
 128 $80   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A
 144 $90   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A
 160 $A0   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A
 176 $B0   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A
 192 $C0   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A
 208 $D0   A   A   A   A   A   A           A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A
 224 $E0   A   A   A       A   A   A   A   A   A   A
 240 $F0   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A   A

If you need many zero-page locations for your routines, choose a region
of already-used locations, save them at the beginning of the routine,
and then restore them at the end.

Page 142

A.5 - The Extended 80-Column Text Card

The Apple IIe computer can optionally contain an Extended 80-Column
Text Card, giving the computer access to an additional 64K of RAM.
(The Apple IIc has the equivalent of such a card built in.) ProDOS
uses this extra RAM as a volume, just like a small disk volume. This
volume is initially given the name /RAM, but it can be renamed.

The 64K of RAM on the card is logically partitioned into 127 512-byte
blocks of information. The contents of these blocks are:

Blocks 00-01 - Unavailable
Block 02 - Volume directory
Block 03 - Volume bit map
Blocks 04-07 - Unavailable
Blocks 08-126 - Directories and files

A detailed description of the way these blocks are used on a disk
volume is in Appendix B. The major differences between a disk volume
and /RAM are:

This arrangement gives you a total of 119 blocks of file storage.

Page 143

Page 144

Appendix B
File Organization

Page 145

This appendix contains a detailed description of the way that ProDOS
stores files on disks. For most system program applications, the MLI
insulates you from this level of detail. However, you must use this
information if you want

This appendix first explains the organization of information on
volumes. Next, it shows the storage of volume directories, directories,
and the various stages of standard files. Finally it presents a set of
diagrams that summarize all the material in this appendix. You can
refer to these diagrams as you read the appendix. They will become
your most valuable tool for working with file organization.

B.1 - Format of Information on a Volume

When a volume is formatted for use with ProDOS, its surface is
partitioned into an array of tracks and sectors. In accessing a volume,
ProDOS requests not a track and sector, but a logical block from the
device corresponding to that volume. That device's driver translates the
requested block number into the proper track and sector number; the
physical location of information on a volume is unimportant to ProDOS
and to a system program that uses ProDOS. This appendix discusses
the organization of information on a volume in terms of logical blocks,
numbered starting with zero, not tracks and sectors.

When the volume is formatted, information needed by ProDOS is
placed in specific logical blocks. A loader program is placed in
blocks 0 and 1 of the volume. This program enables ProDOS to be
booted from the volume. Block 2 of the volume is the key block (the
first block) of the volume directory file; it contains descriptions of
(and pointers to) all the files in the volume directory. The volume
directory occupies a number of consecutive blocks, typically four, and
is immediately followed by the volume bit map, which records
whether each block on the volume is used or unused. The volume bit
map occupies consecutive blocks, one for every 4,096 blocks, or fraction
thereof, on the volume. The rest of the blocks on the disk contain
subdirectory file information, standard file information, or are empty.
The first blocks of a volume look something like Figure B-1.

Page 146

Figure B-1. Blocks on a Volume

 +-----------------------------------   ----------------------------------   -------------------
 |         |         |   Block 2   |     |   Block n    |  Block n + 1  |     |    Block p    |
 | Block 0 | Block 1 |   Volume    | ... |    Volume    |    Volume     | ... |    Volume     | Other
 | Loader  | Loader  |  Directory  |     |  Directory   |    Bit Map    |     |    Bit Map    | Files
 |         |         | (Key Block) |     | (Last Block) | (First Block) |     | (Last Block)  |
 +-----------------------------------   ----------------------------------   -------------------

The precise format of the volume directory, volume bit map,
subdirectory files and standard files are explained in the following

B.2 - Format of Directory Files

The format of the information contained in volume directory and
subdirectory files is quite similar. Each consists of a key block
followed by zero or more blocks of additional directory information. The
fields in a directory's key block are: a pointer to the next block in the
drectory; a header entry that describes the directory; a number of file
entries describing, and pointing to, the files in that directory; and zero
or more unused bytes. The fields in subsequent (non-key) blocks in a
directory are: a number of entries describing, and pointing to, the files
in that directory; and zero or more unused bytes. The format of a
directory file is represented in Figure B-2.

Page 147

Figure B-2. Directory File Format

           Key Block    Any Block         Last Block
         / +-------+    +-------+         +-------+
        |  |   0   |<---|Pointer|<--...<--|Pointer|                         Blocks of a directory:
        |  |-------|    |-------|         |-------|     Not necessarily contiguous,
        |  |Pointer|--->|Pointer|-->...-->|   0   |     linked by pointers.
        |  |-------|    |-------|         |-------|
        |  |Header |    | Entry |   ...   | Entry |
        |  |-------|    |-------|         |-------|                         Header describes the
        |  | Entry |    | Entry |   ...   | Entry |     directory file and its
        |  |-------|    |-------|         |-------|     contents.
  One  /   / More  /    / More  /         / More  /
 Block \   /Entries/    /Entries/         /Entries/
        |  |-------|    |-------|         |-------|                         Entry describes
        |  | Entry |    | Entry |   ...   | Entry |     and points to a file
        |  |-------|    |-------|         |-------|     (subdirectory or
        |  | Entry |    | Entry |   ...   | Entry |     standard) in that
        |  |-------|    |-------|         |-------|     directory.
        |  |Unused |    |Unused |   ...   |Unused |
         \ +-------+    +-------+         +-------+

The header entry is the same length as all other entries. The only
organizational difference between a volume directory file and a
subdirectory file is in the header.

See the sections "Volume Directory
Headers" and "Subdirectory Headers."

B.2.1 Pointer Fields

The first four bytes of each block used by a directory file contain
pointers to the preceding and succeeding blocks in the directory file,
respectively. Each pointer is a two-byte logical block number, low byte
first, high byte second. The key block of a directory file has no
preceding block: its first pointer is zero. Likewise, the last block in a
directory file has no successor: its second pointer is zero.

By the Way: All block pointers used by ProDOS have the same format:
low byte first, high byte second.

B.2.2 - Volume Directory Headers

Block 2 of a volume is the key block of that volume's directory file.
The volume directory header is at byte position $0004 of the key block,
immediately following the block's two pointers. Thirteen fields are
currently defined to be in a volume directory header: they contain all
the vital information about that volume. Figure B-3 illustrates the
structure of a volume directory header. Following Figure B-3 is a
description of each of its fields.

Page 148

Figure B-3. The Volume Directory Header

    Field                                Byte of
   Length                                Block
  1 byte  | storage_type | name_length | $04
          |                            | $05
          /                            /    
 15 bytes /        file_name           /
          |                            | $13
          |                            | $14
          /                            /
  8 bytes /          reserved          /
          |                            | $1B
          |                            | $1C
          |          creation          | $1D
  4 bytes |        date & time         | $1D
          |                            | $1F
  1 byte  |          version           | $20
  1 byte  |        min_version         | $21
  1 byte  |           access           | $22
  1 byte  |        entry_length        | $23
  1 byte  |     entries_per_block      | $24
          |                            | $25
  2 bytes |         file_count         | $26
          |                            | $27
  2 bytes |      bit_map_pointer       | $28
          |                            | $29
  2 bytes |        total_blocks        | $2A

Page 149

storage_type and name_length (1 byte): Two four-bit fields are
packed into this byte. A value of $F in the high four bits (the
storage_type) identifies the current block as the key block of a volume
directory file. The low four bits contain the length of the volume's
name (see the file_name field, below). The name_length can be
changed by a RENAME call.

file_name (15 bytes): The first n bytes of this field, where n is
specified by name_length, contain the volume's name. This name must
conform to the filename (volume name) syntax explained in Chapter 2.
The name does not begin with the slash that usually precedes volume
names. This field can be changed by the RENAME call.

reserved (8 bytes): Reserved for future expansion of the file system.

creation (4 bytes): The date and time at which this volume was
initialized. The format of these bytes is described in Section B.4.2.2.

version (1 byte): The version number of ProDOS under which this
volume was initialized. This byte allows newer versions of ProDOS to
determine the format of the volume, and adjust their directory
interpretation to conform to older volume formats. In ProDOS 1.0,
version = 0.

min_version: Reserved for future use. In ProDOS 1.0, it is 0.

access (1 byte): Determines whether this volume directory can be read
written, destroyed, and renamed. The format of this field is described
in Section B.4.2.3.

entry_length (1 byte): The length in bytes of each entry in this
directory. The volume directory header itself is of this length.
entry_length = $27.

entries_per_block (1 byte): The number of entries that are stored in
each block of the directory file. entries_per_block = $0D.

file_count (2 bytes): The number of active file entries in this
directory file. An active file is one whose storage_type is not 0. See
Section B.2.4 for a description of file entries.

bit_map_pointer (2 bytes): The block address of the first block of
the volume's bit map. The bit map occupies consecutive blocks, one for
every 4,096 blocks (or fraction thereof) on the volume. You can
calculate the number of blocks in the bit map using the total_blocks
field, described below.

Page 150

The bit map has one bit for each block on the volume: a value of 1
means the block is free; 0 means it is in use. If the number of blocks
used by all files on the volume is not the same as the number
recorded in the bit map, the directory structure of the volume has been

total_blocks (2 bytes): The total number of blocks on the volume.

B.2.3 - Subdirectory Headers

The key block of every subdirectory file is pointed to by an entry in a
parent directory; for example, by an entry in a volume directory
(explained in Section B.2). A subdirectory's header begins at byte
position $0004 of the key block of that subdirectory file, immediately
following the two pointers.

Its internal structure is quite similar to that of a volume directory
header. Fourteen fields are currently defined to be in a subdirectory.
Figure B-4 illustrates the structure of a subdirectory header. A
description of all the fields in a subdirectory header follows Figure B-4.

Page 151

Figure B-4. The Subdirectory Header

    Field                                Byte of
   Length                                Block
  1 byte  | storage_type | name_length | $04
          |                            | $05
          /                            /
 15 bytes /         file_name          /
          |                            | $13
          |                            | $14
          /                            /
  8 bytes /          reserved          /
          |                            | $1B
          |                            | $1C
          |          creation          | $1D
  4 bytes |        date & time         | $1D
          |                            | $1F
  1 byte  |          version           | $20
  1 byte  |        min_version         | $21
  1 byte  |           access           | $22
  1 byte  |        entry_length        | $23
  1 byte  |     entries_per_block      | $24
          |                            | $25
  2 bytes |         file_count         | $26
          |                            | $27
  2 bytes |       parent_pointer       | $28
  1 byte  |    parent_entry_number     | $29
  1 byte  |    parent_entry_length     | $2A

Page 152

storage_type and name_length (1 byte): Two four-bit fields are
packed into this byte. A value of $E in the high four bits (the
storage_type) identifies the current block as the key block of a
subdirectory file. The low four bits contain the length of the
subdirectory's name (see the file_name field, below). The
name_length can be changed by a RENAME call.

file_name (15 bytes): The first name_length bytes of this field
contain the subdirectory's name. This name must conform to the
filename syntax explained in Chapter 2. This field can be changed by
the RENAME call.

reserved (8 bytes): Reserved for future expansion of the file system.

creation (4 bytes): The date and time at which this subdirectory was
created. The format of these bytes is described in Section B.4.2.2.

version (1 byte): The version number of ProDOS under which this
subdirectory was created. This byte allows newer versions of ProDOS
to determine the format of the subdirectory, and to adjust their
directory interpretations accordingly. ProDOS 1.0: version = 0.

min_version (1 byte): The minimum version number of ProDOS that
can access the information in this subdirectory. This byte allows older
versions of ProDOS to determine whether they can access newer
subdirectories. min_version = 0.

access (1 byte): Determines whether this subdirectory can be read,
written, destroyed, and renamed, and whether the file needs to be
backed up. The format of this field is described in Section B.4.2.3. A
subdirectory's access byte can be changed by the SET_FILE_INFO

entry_length (1 byte): The length in bytes of each entry in this
subdirectory. The subdirectory header itself is of this length.
entry_length = $27.

entries_per_block (1 byte): The number of entries that are stored in
each block of the directory file. entries_per_block = $0D.

file_count (2 bytes): The number of active file entries in this
subdirectory file. An active file is one whose storage_type is not 0. See
Section "File Entries" for more information about file entries.

parent_pointer (2 bytes): The block address of the directory file block
that contains the entry for this subdirectory. This two-byte pointer is
stored low byte first, high byte second.

Page 153

parent_entry_number (1 byte): The entry number for this
subdirectory within the block indicated by parent_pointer.

parent_entry_length (1 byte): The entry_length for the directory
that owns this subdirectory file. Note that with these last three fields
you can calculate the precise position on a volume of this
subdirectory's file entry. parent_entry_length = $27.

B.2.4 - File Entries

Immediately following the pointers in any block of a directory file are
a number of entries. The first entry in the key block of a directory file
is a header; all other entries are file entries. Each entry has the length
specified by that directory's entry_length field, and each file entry
contains information that describes, and points to, a single subdirectory
file or standard file.

An entry in a directory file may be active or inactive; that is, it may
or may not describe a file currently in the directory. If it is inactive,
the first byte of the entry (storage_type and name_length) has the
value zero.

The maximum number of entries, including the header, in a block of a
directory is recorded in the entries_per_block field of that directory's
header. The total number of active file entries, not including the
header, is recorded in the file_count field of that directory's header.

Figure B-5 describes the format of a file entry.

Page 154

Figure B-5. The File Entry

    Field                                Entry
   Length                                Offset
  1 byte  | storage_type | name_length | $00
          |                            | $01
          /                            /
 15 bytes /         file_name          /
          |                            | $0F
  1 byte  |         file_type          | $10
          |                            | $11
  2 bytes |        key_pointer         | $12
          |                            | $13
  2 bytes |        blocks_used         | $14
          |                            | $15
  3 bytes |            EOF             |
          |                            | $17
          |                            | $18
          |          creation          |
  4 bytes |        date & time         |
          |                            | $1B
  1 byte  |          version           | $1C
  1 byte  |        min_version         | $1D
  1 byte  |           access           | $1E
          |                            | $1F
  2 bytes |          aux_type          | $20
          |                            | $21
          |                            |
  4 bytes |          last mod          |
          |                            | $24
          |                            | $25
  2 bytes |       header_pointer       | $26

Page 155

storage_type and name_length (1 byte): Two four-bit fields are
packed into this byte. The value in the high-order four bits (the
storage_type) specifies the type of file pointed to by this file entry:

$1 = Seeding file
$2 = Sapling file
$3 = Tree file
$4 = Pascal area
$D = Subdirectory

Seedling, sapling, and tree files, the three forms of a standard file, are
described in Section B.3. The low four bits contain the length of the
file's name (see the file_name field, below). The name_length can be
changed by a RENAME call.

file_name (15 bytes): The first name_length bytes of this field
contain the file's name. This name must conform to the filename
syntax explained in Chapter 2. This field can be changed by the
RENAME call.

file_type (1 byte): A descriptor of the internal structure of the file.
Section B.4.2.4 contains a list of the currently defined values of this

key_pointer (2 bytes): The block address of the master index block if
a tree file, of the index block if a sapling file, and of the block if a
seedling file.

blocks_used (2 bytes): The total number of blocks actually used by
the file. For a subdirectory file, this includes the blocks containing
subdirectory information, but not the blocks in the files pointed to. For
a standard file, this includes both informational blocks (index blocks)
and data blocks. Refer to Section B.3 for more information on standard

EOF (3 bytes): A three-byte integer, lowest bytes first, that represents
the total number of bytes readable from the file. Note that in the case
of sparse files, described in Section B.3.6, EOF may be greater than the
number of bytes actually allocated on the disk.

creation (4 bytes): The date and time at which the file pointed to by
this entry was created. The format of these bytes is described in
Section B.4.2.2.

version (1 byte): The version number of ProDOS under which the file
pointed to by this entry was created. This byte allows newer versions
of ProDOS to determine the format of the file, and adjust their
interpretation processes accordingly. In ProDOS 1.0, version = 0.

Page 156

min_version (1 byte): The minimum version number of ProDOS that
can access the information in this file. This byte allows older versions
of ProDOS to determine whether they can access newer files. In
ProDOS 1.0, min_version = 0.

access (1 byte): Determines whether this file can be read, written,
destroyed, and renamed, and whether the file needs to be backed up.
The format of this field is described in Section B.4.2.3. The value of
this field can be changed by the SET_FILE_INFO call. You cannot
delete a subdirectory that contains any files.

aux_type (2 bytes): A general-purpose field in which a system
program can store additional information about the internal format of a
file. For example, the ProDOS BASIC system program uses this field to
record the load address of a BASIC program or binary file, or the
record length of a text file.

last_mod (4 bytes): The date and time that the last CLOSE operation
after a WRITE was performed on this file. The format of these bytes is
described in Section B.4.2.2. This field can be changed by the

header_pointer (2 bytes): This field is the block address of the key
block of the directory that owns this file entry. This two-byte pointer is
stored low byte first, high byte second.

B.2.5 - Reading a Directory File

This section deals with the techniques of reading from directory files,
not with the specifics. The ProDOS calls with which these techniques
can be implemented are explained in Chapter 4.

Before you can read from a directory, you must know the directory's
pathname. With the directory's pathname, you can open the directory
file, and obtain a reference number (RefNum) for that open file.
Before you can process the entries in the directory, you must read
three values from the directory header:

Page 157

Using the reference number to identify the file, read the first 512 bytes
from the file, and into a buffer (ThisBlock). The buffer contains
two two-byte pointers, followed by the entries; the first entry is the
directory header. The three values are at positions $1F through $22 in
the header (positions $23 through $26 in the buffer). In the example
below, these values are assigned to the variables EntryLength,
EntriesPerBlock, and FileCount.

 Open(DirPathname, Refnum);               {Get reference number    }
 ThisBlock       := Read512Bytes(RefNum); {Read a block into buffer}
 EntryLength     := ThisBlock[$23];       {Get directory info      }
 EntriesPerBlock := ThisBlock[$24];
 FileCount       := ThisBlock[$25] + (256 * ThisBlock[$26]);

Once these values are known, a system program can scan through the
entries in the buffer, using a pointer to the beginning of the current
entry EntryPointer, a counter BlockEntries that
indicates the number of entries that have been examined in the
current block, and a second counter ActiveEntries that
indicates the number of active entries that have been processed.

An entry is active and is processed only if its first byte, the
storage_type and name_length, is nonzero. All entries have been
processed when ActiveEntries is equal to FileCount. If
all the entries in the buffer have been processed, and
ActiveEntries doesn't equal FileCount, then the next
block of the directory is read into the buffer.

 EntryPoint      := EntryLength + $04;         {Skip header entry}
 BlockEntries    := $02;            {Prepare to process entry two}
 ActiveEntries   := $00;            {No active entries found yet }

 while ActiveEntries < FileCount do begin
      if ThisBlock[EntryPointer] <> $00 then begin  {Active entry}
           ActiveEntries := ActiveEntries + $01
      if ActiveEntries < FileCount then  {More entries to process}
           if BlockEntries = EntriesPerBlock
                then begin           {ThisBlock done. Do next one}
                     ThisBlock    := Read512Bytes(RefNum);
                     BlockEntries := $01;
                     EntryPointer := $04
                else begin           {Do next entry in ThisBlock }
                     EntryPointer := EntryPointer + EntryLength;
                     BlockEntries := BlockEntries + $01

Page 158

This algorithm processes entries until all expected active entries have
been found. If the directory structure is damaged, and the end of the
directory file is reached before the proper number of active entries has
been found, the algorithm fails.

B.3 - Format of Standard Files

Each active entry in a directory file points to the key block (the first
block) of a file. As shown below, the key block of a standard file may
have several types of information in it. The storage_type field in that
file's entry must be used to determine the contents of the key block.
This section explains the structure of the three stages of standard file:
seedling, sapling, and tree. These are the files in which all programs
and data are stored.

B.3.1 - Growing a Tree File

The following scenario demonstrates the growth of a tree file on a
volume. This scenario is based on the block allocation scheme used by
ProDOS 1.0 on a 280-block flexible disk that contains four blocks of
volume directory, and one block of volume bit map. Larger capacity
volumes might have more blocks in the volume bit map, but the
process would be identical.

A formatted, but otherwise empty, ProDOS volume is used like this:

Blocks 0-1 - Loader
Blocks 2-5 - Volume directory
Block 6 - Volume bit map
Blocks 7-279 - Unused

Page 159

If you open a new file of a nondirectory type, one data block is
immediately allocated to that file. An entry is placed in the volume
directory, and it points to block 7, the new data block, as the key
block for the file. The key block is indicated below by an arrow.

The volume now looks like this:

 Data Block 0
     Blocks 0-1      Loader
     Blocks 2-5      Volume directory
     Block 6         Volume bit map
 --> Block 7         Data block 0
     Blocks 8-279    Unused

This is a seedling file: its key block contains up to 512 bytes of data.
If you write more than 512 bytes of data to the file, the file grows
into a sapling file. As soon as a second block of data becomes
necessary, an index block is allocated, and it becomes the file's key
block: this index block can point to up to 256 data blocks (two-byte
pointers). A second data block (for the data that won't fit in the first
data block) is also allocated. The volume now looks like this:

 Index Block 0
 Data Block 0
 Data Block 1
     Blocks 0-1      Loader
     Blocks 2-5      Volume directory
     Block 6         Volume bit map
     Block 7         Data block 0
 --> Block 8         Index block 0
     Block 9         Data block 1
     Blocks 10-279   Unused

This sapling file can hold up to 256 data blocks: 128K of data. If the
file becomes any bigger than this, the file grows again, this time into a
tree file. A master index block is allocated, and it becomes the file's
key block: the master index block can point to up to 128 index blocks
and each of these can point to up to 256 data blocks. Index block G
becomes the first index block pointed to by the master index block. In
addition, a new index block is allocated, and a new data block to
which it points.

Page 160

Here's a new picture of the volume:

 Master Index Block
 Index Block 0
 Index Block 1
 Data Block 0
 Data Block 255
 Data Block 256
     Blocks 0-1      Loader
     Blocks 2-5      Volume directory
     Block 6         Volume bit map
     Block 7         Data block 0
     Block 8         Index block 0
     Blocks 9-263    Data blocks 1-255
 --> Block 264       Master index block
     Block 265       Index block 1
     Block 266       Data block 256
     Blocks 267-279  Unused

As data is written to this file, additional data blocks and index blocks
are allocated as needed, up to a maximum of 129 index blocks (one a
master index block), and 32,768 data blocks, for a maximum capacity
of 16,777,215 bytes of data in a file. If you did the multiplication, you
probably noticed that a byte was lost somewhere. The last byte of the
last block of the largest possible file cannot be used because EOF
cannot exceed 16,777,216. If you are wondering how such a large file
might fit on a small volume such as a flexible disk, refer to
Section B.3.6 on sparse files.

This scenario shows the growth of a single file on an otherwise empty
volume. The process is a bit more confusing when several files are
growing -- or being deleted -- simultaneously. However, the block
allocation scheme is always the same: when a new block is needed
ProDOS always allocates the first unused block in the volume bit map.

B.3.2 Seedling Files

A seedling file is a standard file that contains no more than 512 data
bytes ($0 <= EOF <= $200). This file is stored as one block on the
volume, and this data block is the file's key block.

The structure of such a seedling file appears in Figure B-6.

Page 161

Figure B-6. Structure of a Seedling File

 key_pointer ----> +-------+
                   | Data  | Data Block
                   | Block | 512 bytes long
 $0 <= EOF <= $200 +-------+

The file is called a seedling file because, if more than 512 data bytes
are written to it, it grows into a sapling file, and thence into a tree

The storage_type field of an entry that points to a seedling file has
the value $1.

B.3.3 - Sapling Files

A sapling file is a standard file that contains more than 512 and no
more than 128K bytes ($200 < EOF <= $20000). A sapling file
comprises an index block and 1 to 256 data blocks. The index block
contains the block addresses of the data blocks. See Figure B-7.

Figure B-7. Structure of a Sapling File

 key_pointer ------> +-------------------+
                     |   |   |   |   |   | Index Block:
                     |$00 $01     $FE $FF| Up to 256 2-Byte
                     |-   Index Block   -| Pointers to Data Blocks
 $0 <= EOF <= $20000 |   |   |   |   |   |
                       |   |       |   |
       +---------------+   |       |   +-------------------+
       |                   |       |                       |
       |               +---+       +-------+               |
       |               |                   |               |
       v               v                   v               v
 +-----------+   +-----------+       +-----------+   +-----------+
 |   Data    |   |   Data    | ..... |   Data    |   |   Data    |
 | Block $00 |   | Block $01 |       | Block $FE |   | Block $FF |
 +-----------+   +-----------+       +-----------+   +-----------+

The key block of a sapling file is its index block. ProDOS retrieves
data blocks in the file by first retrieving their addresses in the index

The storage_type field of an entry that points to a sapling file has
the value $2.

Page 162

B.3.4 - Tree Files

A tree file contains more than 128K bytes, and less than 16M bytes
($20000 < EOF < $1000000). A tree file consists of a master index
block, 1 to 128 index blocks, and 1 to 32,768 data blocks. The master
index block contains the addresses of the index blocks, and each index
block contains the addresses of up to 256 data blocks. The structure of
a tree file is shown in Figure B-8.

Figure B-8. The Structure of a Tree File

      key_pointer ------> +----------------------+
                          |   |   |      |   |   | Master Index Block:
                          |- Master Index Block -| Up to 128 2-Byte Pointers
 $20000 < EOF < $10000000 |   |   |      |   |   | to Index Blocks
                            |                  |
               +------------+                +-+
               |                             |
               v                             v
             +-------------------+         +-------------------+
             |   |   |   |   |   |         |   |   |   |   |   |
             |- Index Block $00 -| ....... |- Index Block $7F -|
             |   |   |   |   |   |         |   |   |   |   |   |
             +-------------------+         +-------------------+
               |               |             |               |
     +---------+        +------+            ++               ++
     |                  |                   |                 |
     v                  v                   v                 v
   +-----------+      +-----------+       +-----------+     +-----------+
   |   Data    | .... |   Data    |       |   Data    | ... |   Data    |
   | Block $00 |      | Block $FF |       | Block $00 |     | Block $FF |
   +-----------+      +-----------+       +-----------+     +-----------+

The key block of a tree file is the master index block. By looking at
the master index block, ProDOS can find the addresses of all the index
blocks; by looking at those blocks, it can find the addresses of all the
data blocks.

The storage_type field of an entry that points to a tree file has the
value $3.

B.3.5 - Using Standard Files

A system program or application program operates the same on all
three types of standard files, although the storage_type in the file's
entry can be used to distinguish between the three. A program rarely
reads index blocks or allocates blocks on a volume: ProDOS does that.
The program need only be concerned with the data stored in the file,
not with how they are stored.

All types of standard files are read as a sequence of bytes, numbered
from 0 to EOF-1, as explained in Chapter 4.

Page 163

B.3.6 - Sparse Files

A sparse file is a sapling or tree file in which the number of data
bytes that can be read from the file exceeds the number of bytes
physically stored in the data blocks allocated to the file. ProDOS
implements sparse files by allocating only those data blocks that have
had data written to them, as well as the index blocks needed to point
to them.

For example, you can define a file whose EOF is 16K, that uses only
three blocks on the volume, and that has only four bytes of data
written to it. If you create a file with an EOF of $0, ProDOS allocates
only the key block (a data block) for a seedling file, and fills it with
null characters (ASCII $00).

If you then set the EOF and MARK to position $0565, and write four
bytes, ProDOS calculates that position $0565 is byte $0165
($0564-($0200*2)) of the third block (block $2) of the file. It then
allocates an index block, stores the address of the current data block
in position 0 of the index block, allocates another data block, stores the
address of that data block in position 2 of the index block, and stores
the data in bytes $0165 through $0168 of that data block. The EOF
is $0569.

If you now set the EOF to $4000 and close the file, you have a
16K file that takes up three blocks of space on the volume: two data
blocks and an index block. You can read 16384 bytes of data from the
file, but all the bytes before $0565 and after $0568 are nulls.
Figure B-9 shows how the file is organized.

Page 164

Figure B-9. A Sparse File

                  0 1 2
 key_pointer --> +--------------+
       Key_Block | | | |        |
                  |   |
        +---------+   +-------+                           EOF = $4000
        |                     |                                     |
        v Block $0   Block $1 v Block $2   Block $3       Block $1F v
   Data +-------------------------------------------+   +-----------+
 Blocks |          |          |     | |  |          |   |           |
        +-------------------------------------------+   +-----------+
       $0         $1FF       $400    ^  $5FF
                      Bytes $565..$568

Thus ProDOS allocates volume space only for those blocks in a file
that actually contain data. For tree files, the situation is similar: if
none of the 256 data blocks assigned to an index block in a tree file
have been allocated, the index block itself is not allocated.

On the other hand, if you CREATE a file with an EOF of $4000
(making it 16K bytes, or 32 blocks, long), ProDOS allocates an index
block and 32 data blocks for a sapling file, and fills the data blocks
with nulls.

By the Way: The first data block of a standard file, be it a seedling,
sapling, or tree file, is always allocated. Thus there is always a data
block to be read in when the file is opened.

Page 165

B.3.7 - Locating a Byte in a File

The algorithm for finding a specific byte within a standard file is given

The MARK is a three-byte value that indicates an absolute byte
position within a file.

 Byte #        Byte 2             Byte 1            Byte 0

 bit #      7             0   7             0   7             0
           +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 MARK      |Index Number |Data Block Number|   Byte of Block   |
           +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
 Used by:    Tree only    Tree and sapling      All three

If the file is a tree file, then the high seven bits of the MARK
determine the number (0 to 127) of the index block that points to the
byte. The value of the seven bits indicate the location of the low byte
of the index block address within the master index block. The location
of the high byte of the index block address is indicated by the value of
these seven bits plus 256.

Page 166

If the file is a tree file or a sapling file, then the next eight bits of the
MARK determine the number (0-255) of the data block pointed to by
the indicated index block. This 8-bit value indicates the location of the
low byte of the data block address within the index block. The high
byte of the index block address is found at this offset plus 256.

For tree, sapling, and seedling files, the low nine bits of the MARK are
the absolute position of the byte within the selected data block.

B.4 - Disk Organization

Figure B-10 presents an overall view of block organization on a volume.
Figure B-11 shows the complete structures of the three standard files
types. Figure B-12 is a summary of header and entry field information.

Page 167

Figure B-10. Disk Organization

                                     | BLOCKS ON A VOLUME |
                                     |     Figure B-1     |
                                         ||          ||
                                         ||          ||
                                         ||          ||
                                         vv          vv
                              |   BLOCKS OF A DIRECTORY FILE     |
            |=================| VOLUME DIRECTORY OR SUBDIRECTORY |
            ||                |          Figure B-2              |
            ||                +----------------------------------+
            ||                          ||                   ||
            |============================|                   ||
            ||                          ||                   ||
            vv                          vv                   vv
 +----------------------+    +----------------------+    +------------------------------------+
 |        HEADER        |    |        HEADER        |    |             FILE ENTRY             |
 |   VOLUME DIRECTORY   |    |     SUBDIRECTORY     |    |           SUBDIRECTORY OR          |
 |  Found in key block  |    |  Found in key block  |    |            STANDARD FILE           |===>>to Figure B-11
 | of volume directory. |    |   of subdirectory.   |    | Found in any directory file block. |
 |      Figure B-3      |    |      Figure B-4      |    |             Figure B-5             |
 +----------------------+    +----------------------+    +------------------------------------+

Page 168

B.4.1 - Standard Files

Figure B-11. Standard Files

      |===>>|   KEY BLOCK   |
      ||    | Standard File |
      ||    +---------------+
      ||    +----------------------------------+
      |===>>| SEEDLING FILE: storage_type = $1 |
      ||    |            Figure B-6            |
      ||    +----------------------------------+
      ||    +----------------------------------+
      |===>>| SAPLING FILE: storage_type = $2  |
      ||    |            Figure B-7            |
      ||    +----------------------------------+
      ||    +----------------------------------+
      |===>>| TREE FILE: storage_type = $3     |
      ||    |            Figure B-8            |
      ||    +----------------------------------+
 from Figure B-10

Page 169

B.4.2 - Header and Entry Fields

Figure B-12. Header and Entry Fields

 | CREATE_DATE |                    Byte 1                          Byte 0
 |             |
 | MOD_DATE    |         7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0 | 7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
 +-------------+ ----> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
                       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                       |           Year            |     Month     |        Day        |
                       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 |             |
 | MOD_TIME    |
 +-------------+ ----> +---------------------------------------------------------------+
                       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                       | 0   0   0 |       Hour        | 0   0 |        Minute         |
                       |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
                                    Byte 1                          Byte 0

                                                                                 +-------- Write-Enable
                                                                                 |   +---- Read-Enable
                                                                                 |   |
 +--------------+                       +----------+   +-------------------------------+
 | storage_type |                       |  access  | = | D | RN | B | Reserved | W | R |
 |   (4 bits)   |                       | (1 byte) |   +-------------------------------+
 +--------------+                       +----------+     |   |    |
                                                         |   |    +----------------------- Backup
 $0 = inactive file entry                                |   +---------------------------- Rename-Enable
 $1 = seedling file entry                                +-------------------------------- Destroy-Enable
 $2 = sapling file entry
 $3 = tree file entry
 $D = subdirectory file entry                          name_length = length of file_name ($1-$F)
 $E = subdirectory header                              file_name = $1-$F ASCII characters: first = letters
 $F = volume directory header                                      rest are letters, digits, periods.
                                                       key_pointer = block address of file's key block
 +-----------+                                         blocks_used = total blocks for file
 | file_type |                                         EOF = byte number for end of file ($0-$FFFFFF)
 | (1 byte)  |                                         version, min_version = 0 for ProDOS 1.0
 +-----------+                                         entry_length = $27 for ProDOS 1.0
                                                       entries_per_block = $0D for ProDOS 1.0
 See section B.4.2.4                                   aux_type = defined by system program
                                                       file_count = total files in directory
                                                       bit_map_pointer = block address of bit map
                                                       total_blocks = total blocks on volume
                                                       parent_pointer = block address containing entry
                                                       parent_entry_number = number in that block
                                                       parent_entry_length = $27 for ProDOS 1.0
                                                       header pointer = block address of key block
                                                                        of entry's directory

Page 170

B.4.2.1 - The storage_type Attribute

The storage_type, the high-order four bits of the first byte of an entry,
defines the type of header (if the entry is a header) or the type of file
described by the entry.

$0 indicates an inactive file entry
$1 indicates a seedling file entry (EOF <= 256 bytes)
$2 indicates a sapling file entry (256 < EOF <= 128K bytes)
$3 indicates a tree file entry (128K < EOF < 16M bytes)
$4 indicates Pascal area
$D indicates a subdirectory file entry
$E indicates a subdirectory header
$F indicates a volume directory header

The name_length, the low-order four bits of the first byte, specifies
the number of characters in the file_name field.

ProDOS automatically changes a seedling file to a sapling file and a
sapling file to a tree file when the file's EOF grows into the range for
a larger type. If a file's EOF shrinks into the range for a smaller type,
ProDOS changes a tree file to a sapling file and a sapling file to a
seedling file.

B.4.2.2 - The creation and last_mod Fields

The date and time of the creation and last modification of each file
and directory is stored as two four-byte values, as shown in
Figure B-13.

Figure B-13. Date and Time Format

              Byte 1                          Byte 0

   7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0 | 7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 |           Year            |     Month     |        Day        |
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |

 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
 | 0   0   0 |       Hour        | 0   0 |        Minute         |
 |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |
              Byte 1                          Byte 0

The values for the year, month, day, hour, and minute are stored as
binary integers, and may be unpacked for analysis.

Page 171

B.4.2.3 - The access Attribute

The access attribute field (Figure B-14) determines whether the file
can be read from, written to, deleted, or renamed. It also contains a bit
that can be used to indicate whether a backup copy of the file has
been made since the file's last modification.

Figure B-14. The access Attribute Field

                           +-------- Write-Enable
                           |   +---- Read-Enable
                           |   |
 | D | RN | B | Reserved | W | R |
   |   |    |
   |   |    +----------------------- Backup
   |   +---------------------------- Rename-Enable
   +-------------------------------- Destroy-Enable

A bit set to 1 indicates that the operation is enabled; a bit cleared to 0
indicates that the operation is disabled. The reserved bits are always 0.

ProDOS sets bit 5, the backup bit, of the access field to 1 whenever
the file is changed (that is, after a CREATE, RENAME, CLOSE after
WRITE, or SET_FILE_INFO operation). This bit should be reset to 0
whenever the file is duplicated by a backup program.

Note: Only ProDOS may change bits 2-4; only backup programs should
clear bit 5, using SET_FILE_INFO.

B.4.2.4 - The file_type Attribute

The file_type attribute within an entry field identifies the type of file
described by that entry. This field should be used by system programs
to guarantee file compatibility from one system program to the next.
The values of this byte are shown in Table B-1.

Page 172

Table B-1. The ProDOS File_Types

The file types marked with a * apply to Apple III only; they are not
ProDOS compatible. For the file types used by Apple III SOS only, refer
to the SOS Reference Manual.

 File Type      Preferred Use
 $00            Typeless file (SOS and ProDOS)
 $01            Bad block file
 $02 *          Pascal code file
 $03 *          Pascal text file
 $04            ASCII text file (SOS and ProDOS)
 $05 *          Pascal data file
 $06            General binary file (SOS and ProDOS)
 $07 *          Font file
 $08            Graphics screen file
 $09 *          Business BASIC program file
 $0A *          Business BASIC data file
 $0B *          Word Processor file
 $0C *          SOS system file
 $0D,$0E *      SOS reserved
 $0F            Directory file (SOS and ProDOS)
 $10 *          RPS data file
 $11 *          RPS index file
 $12 *          AppleFile discard file
 $13 *          AppleFile model file
 $14 *          AppleFile report format file
 $15 *          Screen Library file
 $16-$18 *      SOS reserved
 $19            AppleWorks Data Base file
 $1A            AppleWorks Word Processor file
 $1B            AppleWorks Spreadsheet file
 $1C-$EE        Reserved
 $EF            Pascal area
 $F0            ProDOS CI added command file
 $F1-$F8        ProDOS user defined files 1-8
 $F9            ProDOS reserved
 $FA            Integer BASIC program file
 $FB            Integer BASIC variable file
 $FC            Applesoft program file
 $FD            Applesoft variables file
 $FE            Relocatable code file (EDASM)
 $FF            ProDOS system file

Page 173

B.5 - DOS 3.3 Disk Organization

Both DOS 3.3 and ProDOS 140K flexible disks are formatted using the
same 16-sector layout. As a consequence, the ProDOS READ_BLOCK
and WRITE_BLOCK calls are able to access DOS 3.3 disks too. These
calls know nothing about the organization of files on either type of

When using READ_BLOCK and WRITE_BLOCK, you specify a
512-byte block on the disk. When using RWTS (the DOS 3.3
counterpart to READ_BLOCK and WRITE_BLOCK), you specify the
track and sector of a 256-byte chunk of data, as explained in the DOS
Programmer's Manual
to access DOS 3.3 disks, you must know what 512-byte block
corresponds to the track and sector you want.

Figure B-15 shows how to determine a block number from a given
track and sector. First multiply the track number by 8, then add the
Sector Offset that corresponds to the sector number. The half of the
block in which the sector resides is determined by the Half-of-Block
line (1 is the first half; 2 is the second).

Figure B-15. Tracks and Sectors to Blocks

       Block = (8 * Track) + Sector Offset

        Sector : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
 Sector Offset : 0 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 7
  Half of Block: 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2

Refer to the DOS Programmer's Manual for a description of the file
organization of DOS 3.3 disks.

Page 174

Appendix C
ProDOS, the Apple III, and SOS

Page 175

This appendix explains the relationships between ProDOS, the
Apple III, and SOS. It should be helpful to those already familiar with
SOS and to those thinking about developing assembly-language
programs concurrently for SOS and ProDOS.

C.1 - ProDOS, the Apple III, and SOS

As explained earlier in the manual, blocks 0 and 1 of a
ProDOS-formatted disk contain the boot code -- the code that reads the
operating system from the disk and runs it. Not explained was that
this boot code runs on either an Apple II or an Apple III.

When you start up either an Apple II or an Apple III system with a
ProDOS disk, the boot code is loaded at $800, and executed. The first
thing it does is look to see whether it is running on an Apple II or
Apple III. If it is running on an Apple II, it tries to load in the file
PRODOS. If it is running on an Apple III, it tries to load in the file
SOS.KERNEL. In either case, if the proper file is not found, it displays
the appropriate error message.

This means that two versions of an application could be written, one
for the Apple II, the other for the Apple III, and packaged together on
the same disk. This single disk could be sold to both Apple II and
Apple III owners.

C.2 - File Compatibility

SOS and ProDOS use the same directory structure: no exceptions.
Every file on a ProDOS disk can be read by a SOS program and vice

The file types that are used by both systems are directory files, text
files, and binary files. These three types are adequate for the sharing
of data between SOS and ProDOS versions of the same program.

File types that are intended for one system, but encountered on the
other (as when you CATALOG a ProDOS disk using Business BASIC)
are not inherently different from recognized file types; they just might
cause a number to be displayed as their type instead of a name. The
ProDOS BASIC system program, Filer, Conversion program, and
Editor/Assembler all recognize and display names for all currently
defined SOS file types. The abbreviations displayed when Apple III file
types are encountered using ProDOS are shown in the quick reference
section of this manual.

Page 176

C.3 - Operating System Compatibility

Because of the larger amount of memory available to SOS, it is a much
more complete operating system than is ProDOS. SOS has a complete
and well defined file manager, device manager, memory manager, and
interrupt and event handler. ProDOS has a file manager and simplified
interrupt and memory calls.

C.3.1 - Comparison of Input/Output

SOS communicates with all devices -- the console, printers, disk drives,
and so on -- by making open, read, write, and close calls to the
appropriate device; writing to one device is essentially the same as
writing to another. ProDOS can perform these operations on files only.
Apple II peripherals generally have their driver code in ROM on the
peripheral card. There is no consistent method for communicating with
them. Thus the protocol for using any particular device must be known
by the system program that is currently running.

C.3.2 - Comparison of Filing Calls

The set of calls to the ProDOS operating system is essentially a subset
of the calls to SOS. All filing calls shared by the two systems have the
same call number and nearly identical sets of parameters. Some
differences are:

Page 177

C.3.3 - Memory Handling Techniques

SOS has a fairly sophisticated memory manager: a system program
requests memory from SOS, either by location or by amount needed. If
the request can be satisfied, SOS grants it. That portion of memory is
then the sole responsibility of the requestor until it is released.

A ProDOS system program is responsible for its own memory
management. It must find free memory, and then allocate it by
marking it off in a memory bit map. If a page of memory is marked in
the bit map, ProDOS will not write data into that page. ProDOS can
thus prevent users from destroying protected areas of memory
(presumably all data is brought into memory using the ProDOS READ

C.3.4 - Comparison of Interrupts

In SOS, any device capable of generating an interrupt must have a
device driver capable of handling the interrupt; the device driver and
the interrupt handler are inseparable. ProDOS does not have device
drivers; thus, interrupt handling routines are installed separately using
the ALLOC_INTERRUPT call. Also, whereas SOS has a distinct
interrupt priority for each device in the system, ProDOS must poll the
routines one by one until someone claims the interrupt.

Page 178

Appendix D
The ProDOS Machine Language Exerciser

Page 179

The ProDOS Exerciser program is a menu-driven program that allows
you to practice calls to the ProDOS Machine Language Interface
without writing a system program. It is useful for learning how the
various ProDOS MLI calls work. Using it, you can test the behavior of
a ProDOS-based program before writing any code.

D.1 - How to Use It

To start up the Exerciser program from BASIC, type


and press [RETURN].

This causes the Exerciser (which is a machine-language program, but
not a system program) to be loaded at $2000, and then relocated to the
highest available spot in memory. On a 64K system, it occupies
memory from $7400 on.

The Exerciser main menu displays all the MLI calls and their call
numbers, as well as a few other commands. To select an MLI call,
simply type the call number followed by [RETURN]. To select one of
the other commands, type the displayed letter followed by [RETURN].

When you select either a call or a command, a list of parameters for
that call is displayed. The parameters for each MLI call are displayed
almost exactly as they would have to be coded in a ProDOS-based
application. The only difference is that a true parameter list would
contain a two-byte pointer to a pathname, whereas the Exerciser
displays the pathname itself. The meanings of the parameters for each
ProDOS call are described in Chapter 4 in the section describing that

The default values for each of the parameters are displayed. The
cursor pauses at each of the parameters that requires a value to be
entered. You may accept the default value by pressing [RETURN] or
change the value by typing the new value followed by [RETURN]. All
values are displayed and entered in hexadecimal.

When you have entered values for all required parameters, press
[RETURN]. The call is executed, values returned by the call are
displayed, and an error message is displayed. If error $00 is indicated
the call was successful. If the call was unsuccessful, the Apple II
beeps as it displays the error message.

Errors are discussed at the end of
Chapter 4.

Page 180

D.2 - Modify Buffer

The Modify Buffer command can be used to examine or edit the
Contents of memory. It asks you for a data buffer address; this is the
address at which you wish to start editing. You can then page forward
or backward through memory using [>] and [<], respectively.

Each screen displays the values of 256 consecutive bytes, arranged in
16 rows of eight bytes each. The ASCII characters associated with
these bytes are displayed at the right of the screen (as printed with
the high bits set). On a standard Apple II, lowercase ASCII codes are
converted to the corresponding uppercase codes. Each row is preceded
by the address of the first byte in that row (just like the LIST
command in the Apple II Monitor).

To move the cursor to a different byte on the screen, use [I], [J],
[K], and [M], or the arrow keys. To change a byte of memory, simply
type the new value right over the old one. The value is updated in
memory as well as on the screen. The Modify Buffer command
remembers the original values of the last 16 bytes you changed. To
restore up to sixteen changed bytes, press U (for Undo) once for each
value to be restored.

If a memory page is marked in the system bit map as used by the
system, the editor displays the message MEMORY PAGE
and it does not allow you to change a value in that

screen shot from front cover

 | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * |
 | *               PRODOS                * |
 | *        SYSTEM CALL EXERCISER        * |
 | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * |
 |                                         |
 | $C0-CREATE           $CB-WRITE          |
 | $C1-DESTROY          $CC-CLOSE          |
 | $C2-RENAME           $CD-FLUSH          |
 | $C3-SET FILE INFO    $CE-SET MARK       |
 | $C4-GET FILE INFO    $CF-GET MARK       |
 | $C5-ON LINE          $D0-SET EOF        |
 | $C6-SET PREFIX       $D1-GET EOF        |
 | $C7-GET PREFIX       $D2-SET BUF        |
 | $C8-OPEN             $D3-GET BUF        |
 | $C9-NEWLINE          $80-READ BLOCK     |
 | $CA-READ             $81-WRITE BLOCK    |
 | _______________________________________ |
 |                                         |
 | L - LIST DIRECTORY   Q - QUIT           |
 | M - MODIFY BUFFER                       |
 |                                         |
 |          SELECT COMMAND:  $C0_          |

Page 181

Page 182



A register ... 96
access ... 150, 153, 157
byte ... 13
accumulator ... 29, 77, 85
Active Entries ... 158
ALLOC_INTERRUPT call ... 35, 170, 111, 178
alternate 64K RAM bank ... 89
APPEND command ... 131
Apple II ... xvi, 98
Apple II Plus ... 98
Apple II SOS ... 176
Apple IIc ... 98, 143
Apple IIe ... 98, 143
-- with extended 80-column text card ... 89
Apple III ... 98
file types ... 176
Applesoft ... 121, 134, 142
assembly language ... 131
aux_type ... 39, 46, 50, 100, 157
auxiliary bank hi-res graphics pages ... 89


backup bit ... 63, 64, 172
BADCALL ... 128
bank-switching routines ... 97
BASIC.SYSTEM ... xv, 82, 121, 124, 176
BEEP example ... 136
BEEPSLOT example ... 138
binary files ... 176
bit map ... 84, 150
BLOAD command ... 132
Block Entries ... 158
Block File Manager (BFM) ... 7, 28, 31
block number ... 115, 146
blocks ... 18
blocks_used ... 50, 156
boot code ... 176
boot ROM ... 22
-- disk drives ... 112
booting ... 22
BRUN command ... 132
BSAVE command ... 132
buffer ... 15
-- allocation ... 25
-- pointer ... 115
byte, locating a specific ... 166


C-flag 29, 77
calender card ... See clock/calender card
-- filing ... 33, 56
-- housekeeping ... 32
-- system ... 35
carry flag ... 122
CAT command ... 132
CATALOG command ... 132
catalog format ... 101
CHAIN command ... 131
clock/calender card ... 2,6,71,99
CLOSE call ... 13, 16, 17, 26, 34, 99, 104, 132
CMDADR address ... 108
Command Dispatcher ... 7,28
command list ... 134
commands, adding ... 134
CONVERT.program ... 3, 176
CREATE call ... 13, 32, 99, 104, 132
create_date ... 39, 51
create_time ... 39, 51
creation ... 150, 153, 156
-- date ... 171
-- time ... 171
creation_date ... 13
creation_time ... 13


dash (-) command ... 131
data blocks ... 19
data_buffer ... 15, 52, 55
data files ... 18
date and time, system ... 71
DEALLOC INTERRUPT call ... 35, 107, 112
defaults (system program) ... 100
DELETE call ... 132
DESTROY call ... 13, 32, 99, 104
device drivers ... 142
directory files ... 3,17,18,176
-- reading ... 157
-- structure ... 18
disconnecting /RAM ... 90
-- access ... 16
-- controller card ... 113
-- device driver vectors ... 94
-- devices ... 95
-- driver routines ... 28
-- operating system ... xv, 2
-- RAM ... 91
-- volume ... 143
Disk II driver ... 113
disk-drive controller card ... 22
dispatcher code ... 87
DOS 3.3 ... 174
-- disks ... 73
DOS ProDOS Conversion program ... xv, 3
DOSCMD vector ... 131, 134

Page 183


80-column text card ... 99
emulation mode ... 98
enable_mask ... 58
endtry_length ... 154
entries (directory file) ... 17
Entries Per Block ... 150, 153, 154, 158
entry field ... 43, 47
Entry Length variable ... 158
Entry Pointer variable ... 158
entry_length ... 150, 153
entry points ... 94
EOF ... 15, 20, 67, 156, 164, 171
-- See also individual calls
error codes (ProDOS) ... 77
EXEC file ... 17, 131
EXERCISER program ... 31, 180
EXTRNCMD location ... 134


FBITS ... 126, 141
fields, pointer ... 148
-- binary ... 176
-- buffer ... 26
-- closing ... 14, 16
-- control block ... 14, 56
-- creating ... 13
-- data ... 19
-- directory ... 18, 176
-- flushing ... 16
-- logical size ... 67
-- naming ... 10
-- opening ... 13
file_count ... 150, 153, 154 158
file_name ... 150, 150, 153, 156
file_type ... 13
filename ... 10
Filer, ProDOS ... 176
Filer Program ... xv
filing calls ... 3, 5
-- ProDOS vs. SOS ... 177
FLUSH ... 16, 17, 34, 99, 104, 132
FORMAT call ... 113
FRE call ... 132


GET_BUF call ... 26, 34
GET_EOF call ... 15, 34, 177
GET_FILE_INFO call ... 32, 43, 99, 100, 177
GET_MARK call ... 15, 34
GET_PREFIX call ... 11,33
GET_TIME call ... 35, 99, 104
GETLN input buffer ... 105, 135
global page ... 84, 104, 141
global variables ... 25
GOSYSTEM ... 127, 129


header entry ... 147
header_pointer ... 157
headers (subdirectory) ... 151
HELP command ... 141
hi-res graphics ... 89
HIMEM command ... 141
housekeeping calls ... 3, 32, 36-54


I/O buffer ... 14, 69
I/O vectors ... 123
IN# command ... 22, 132
index blocks ... 19, 160, 162, 163
-- buffer ... 14, 69
-- vectors ... 123
-- ProDOS vs. SOS ... 177
int_num ... 72, 73
interrupt(s) ... 2, 72
-- routines ... 97
exit routines ... 97
handler ... 28
handling calls ... 3
Receiver/Dispatcher ... 7
vector(s) ... 96
-- table ... 72
interrupt-driven devices ... 121
io_buffer ... 16, 33
-- See also individual calls


jump to subroutine (JSR) ... 29


key block ... 146, 147, 151, 159, 162, 164
key_pointer ... 156
key_pointer field ... 36

Page 184


language card area ... 106
last_mod ... 157
level ... 56
linked list ... 36
LOAD command ... 131
loader program ... 22, 146
LOCK command ... 132
logical block ... 146
LOMEM command ... 122


MACHID byte ... 96, 98
machine configuration ... 98
Machine Language Interface (MLI) ... 3
machine language routines ... xv, 121
MARK ... 14, 15, 20, 65, 66, 164, 166
master index block ... 19, 160, 163
memory ... 98
-- calls ... 3
-- handling (ProDOS vs. SOS) ... 178
-- management ... 2
-- map ... 24, 95
-- page ... 181
min_version ... 150, 153, 157
MLI (Machine Language Interface) ... 3, 5, 15, 22, 23, 25, 108, 180
-- entry point ... 94
-- issuing calls to ... 29
MLIATV flag ... 108
mod_date ... 46
mod_time ... 46, 50
Modify Buffer command ... 181
monitor ... 142


name_length ... 150, 153, 154, 156, 158
new_pathname ... 42
NEWLINE call ... 15, 33
newline_char ... 58
NOHELP command ... 141
null prefix ... 11
null_field ... 46


ON_LINE command ... 33, 178
OPEN call ... 26, 31, 33, 132, 177


pages ... 5
param_count ... See individual calls
parameter count ... 31
parent_entry_length ... 154
parent_entry_number ... 154
parent_pointer ... 153
parsing command ... 140
partial pathnames ... 10, 11
Pascal area ... 156
pathname ... 10, 11, 13
PBITS ... 126, 135, 141
peripheral cards ... xvii
pointer ... 18, 31
POSITION command ... 132
PR# command ... 22, 132
prefix ... 11, 132
ProDOS BASIC Programming Examples disk ... 3
ProDOS ... xv
-- Editor/Assembler ... 176
-- error codes ... 77
-- Filer ... 3, 20
-- Machine Language Interface ... 5, 142, 180
PRODOS program ... 22
ProDOS User's Disk ... 3
ProFile ... 4
program selectors ... 86


QUIT call ... 87


/RAM ... 23, 89, 143
-- alternate 64K RAM bank ... 89
-- disconnecting ... 90
-- reinstalling ... 92
RAM disks ... 91
READ call ... 15, 33, 113, 131
READ_BLOCK call ... 35, 73, 174
ref_num ... 13
reference number ... 15, 16
register, stack ... 96
RENAME call ... 13, 32, 99, 104, 132, 150, 153, 156
request_count ... 62
-- See also individual calls
RESET vector ... 101
RESTORE command ... 132
result command ... 31
RUN command ... 131
RWTS (DOS 3.3) ... 174


sapling file ... 19, 156, 160, 164, 171
SAVE command ... 132
search order, volume ... 23
sectors ... 146
seedling file ... 19, 156, 160, 161
SET_BUF call ... 26
SET_EOF call ... 15, 34, 178

Page 185

SET_FILE_INFO call ... 13, 32, 47, 99, 100, 104, 157, 172
SET_MARK call ... 15, 34, 66, 178
SET_PREFIX call ... 11, 33
SHOWTIME program ... 109-112
16-sector ROMs ... 113
6502 machine language ... xv, xvi
6502 registers ... 107, 108
slot(s) ... xvii
-- and drive ... 100
-- 5 ... 113
-- 6 ... 113
soft switches ... 106
SOS file ... 177
SOS KERNEL file ... 176
SOS volume command ... 178
sparse files ... 161
stack ... 25, 89, 107
register ... 96
standard files ... 17, 19, 159-166
starting up ... 22
startup disk ... 22
startup volume ... 23
STATUS call ... 113
status register ... 96
storage_type ... 13, 36, 39, 50, 150, 153, 154, 156, 158, 159, 162, 163
STORE command ... 132
strings ... 140
subdirectory ... 4
-- files ... 147
SYSCTBL ... 129
-- bit map ... 5
-- date and time ... 71, 99
-- failure ... 79
-- global page ... 22
-- level ... 16
-- prefix ... 55
-- programs ... 2,3,25,82
---- quitting ... 87
---- starting ... 86


13-sector ROMs ... 113
tone, warning ... 101
total_blocks ... 151
tracks ... 146
trans_count ... 62
-- See also individual calls
tree files ... 19, 156, 159, 160, 164, 171
tree structure ... 19, 36


unit_num ... 52
UNLOCK command ... 132


value ... 31
variables (global) ... 25
version ... 150, 153, 156
volume(s) ... 146
-- bit map ... 146
-- directory ... 4, 147
-- directory file ... 146
-- finding ... 100
-- names ... 10, 51
-- search order ... 23
VPATH1 ... 141
VPATH2 ... 141


WRITE command ... 15, 34, 113, 131
write buffer ... 64
WRITE_BLOCK call ... 35, 73, 174


X register ... 96, 122
XCNUM ... 135, 141
XLEN ... 135, 141
XRETURN ... 135
XTRNADDR ... 135, 141
XXX.SYSTEM ... 22, 82


Y register ... 96, 122


zero page ... 107

Page 186

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Rest of card omitted

ProDOS Technical Reference Manual
Quick Reference Card

ASCII Tables

Dec     ASCII   Hex     76543210

0       NUL     00      00000000
1       SOH     01      00000001
2       STX     02      00000010
3       ETX     03      00000011
4       EOT     04      00000100
5       ENQ     05      00000101
6       ACK     06      00000110
7       BEL     07      00000111
8       BS      08      00001000
9       HT      09      00001001
10      LF      0A      00001010
11      VT      0B      00001011
12      FF      0C      00001100
13      CR      0D      00001101
14      50      0E      00001110
15      SI      0F      00001111

16      DLE     10      00010000
17      DC1     11      00010001
18      DC2     12      00010010
19      003     13      00010011
20      004     14      00010100
21      NAK     15      00010101
22      SYN     16      00010110
23      ETB     17      00010111
24      CAN     18      00011000
25      EM      19      00011001
26      SUB     1A      00011010
27      ESC     1B      00011011
28      FS      1C      00011100
29      GS      1D      00011101
30      RS      1E      00011110
31      US      1F      00011111

Dec     ASCII   Hex     76543210

32      SP      20      00100000
33      !       21      00100001
34      "       22      00100010
35      #       23      00100011
36      $       24      00100100
37      %       25      00100101
38      &       26      00100110
39      '       27      00100111
40      (       28      00101000
41      )       29      00101001
42      *       2A      00101010
43      +       2B      00101011
44      ,       2C      00101100
45      -       2D      00101101
46      .       2E      00101110
47      /       2F      00101111

48      0       30      00110000
49      1       31      00110001
50      2       32      00110010
51      3       33      00110011
52      4       34      00110100
53      5       35      00110101
54      6       36      00110110
55      7       37      00110111
56      8       38      00111000
57      9       39      00111001
58      .       3A      00111010
59      ;       3B      00111011
60      <       3C      00111100
61      =       3D      00111101
62      >       3E      00111110
63      ?       3F      00111111

Dec     ASCII   Hex     76543210

64      @       40      01000000
65      A       41      01000001
66      B       42      01000010
67      C       43      01000011
68      D       44      01000100
69      E       45      01000101
70      F       46      01000110
71      G       47      01000111
72      H       48      01001000
73      I       49      01001001
74      J       4A      01001010
75      K       4B      01001011
76      L       4C      01001100
77      M       4D      01001101
78      N       4E      01001110
79      0       4F      01001111

80      P       50      01010000
81      Q       51      01010001
82      R       52      01010010
83      S       53      01010011
84      T       54      01010100
85      U       55      01010101
86      V       56      01010110
87      W       57      01010111
88      X       58      01011000
89      Y       59      01011001
90      Z       5A      01011010
91      [       5B      01011011
92      /       5C      01011100
93      ]       5D      01011101
94      ^       5E      01011110
95      _       5F      01011111

Dec     ASCII   Hex     76543210
96      `       60      01100000
97      a       61      01100001
98      b       62      01100010
99      C       63      01100011
100     d       64      01100100
101     e       65      01100101
102     f       66      01100110
103     g       67      01100111
104     h       68      01101000
105     i       69      01101001
106     j       6A      01101010
107     k       6B      01101011
108     I       6C      01101100
109     m       6D      01101101
110     n       6E      01101110
111     a       6F      01101111

112     p       70      01110000
113     q       71      01110001
114     r       72      01110010
115     s       73      01110011
116     t       74      01110100
117     u       75      01110101
118     v       76      01110110
119     w       77      01110111
120     x       78      01111000
121     y       79      01111001
122     z       7A      01111010
123     {       7B      01111011
124     |       7C      01111100
125     }       7D      01111101
126             7E      01111110
127     DEL     7F      01111111

File Types

file_type       Preferred Use

$00             Typeless file (SOS and ProDOS)
$01             Bad block file
$02 *           Pascal code file
$03 *           Pascal text file
$04             ASCII text file (SOS and ProDOS)
$05 *           Pascal data file
$06             General binary file (SOS and ProDOS)
$07 *           Font file
$08             Graphics screen file
$09 *           Business BASIC program file
$0A *           Business BASIC data file
$0B *           Word Processor file
$0C *           SOS system file
$0D,$0E *       SOS reserved
$0F             Directory file (SOS and ProDOS)
$10 *           RPS data file
$11 *           RPS index file
$12 *           AppleFile discard file
$13 *           AppleFile model file
$14 *           AppleFile report format file
$15 *           Screen library file
$16-$18 *       SOS reserved
$19             AppleWorks Data Base file
$1A             AppleWorks Word Processor file
$1B             AppleWorks Spreadsheet file
$1C-$EE         Reserved
$EF             Pascal area
$F0             ProDOS added command file
$F1-$F8         ProDOS user defined files 1-8
$F9             ProDOS reserved
$FA             Integer BASIC program file
$FB             Integer BASIC variable file
$FC             Applesoft program file
$FD             Applesoft variables file
$FE             Relocatable code file (EDASM)
$FF             ProDOS system file

* Apple III SOS only; not used by ProDOS.

For the file_types used by Apple III SOS only, refer to the SOS
Reference Manual

MLI Error Codes

$00:    No error
$01:    Bad system call number
$04:    Bad system call parameter count
$25:    Interrupt table full
$27:    I/O error
$28:    No device connected
$2B:    Disk write protected
$2E:    Disk switched
$40:    Invalid pathname
$42:    Maximum number of files open
$43:    Invalid reference number
$44:    Directory not found
$45:    Volume not found
$46:    File not found
$47:    Duplicate filename
$48:    Volume full
$49:    Volume directory full
$4A:    Incompatible file format, also a ProDOS directory
$4B:    Unsupported storage_type
$4C:    End of file encountered
$4D:    Position out of range
$4E:    File access error, also file locked
$50:    File is open
$51:    Directory structure damaged
$52:    Not a ProDOS volume
$53:    Invalid system call parameter
$55:    Volume Control Block table full
$56:    Bad buffer address
$57:    Duplicate volume
$5A:    File structure damaged

Refer to Section 4.8 for a more
detailed description of these
error codes.

ProDOS MLI Calls


 4.4.1 CREATE ($C0)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 7               |
  1 | pathname               (low)  |
  2 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  3 | access         (1-byte value) |
  4 | file_type      (1-byte value) |
  5 | aux_type               (low)  |
  6 | (2-byte value)         (high) |
  7 | storage_type   (1-byte value) |
  8 | create_date          (byte 0) |
  9 | (2-byte value)       (byte 1) |
  A | create_time          (byte 0) |
  B | (2-byte value)       (byte 1) |


 4.4.2 DESTROY ($C1)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 1               |
  1 | pathname               (low)  |
  2 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |


 4.4.3 RENAME ($C2)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | pathname               (low)  |
  2 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  3 | new_pathname           (low)  |
  4 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |


 4.4.4 SET_FILE_INFO ($C3)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 7               |
  1 | pathname               (low)  |
  2 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  3 | access         (1-byte value) |
  4 | file_type      (1-byte value) |
  5 | aux_type               (low)  |
  6 | (2-byte value)         (high) |
  7 |                               |
  8 | null_field          (3 bytes) |
  9 |                               |
  A | mod_date             (byte 0) |
  B | (2-byte value)       (byte 1) |
  C | mod_time             (byte 0) |
  D | (2-byte value)       (byte 1) |


 4.4.5 GET_FILE_INFO ($C4)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = $A              |
  1 | pathname               (low)  |
  2 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  3 | access        (1-byte result) |
  4 | file_type     (1-byte result) |
  5 | aux_type               (low)  | *
  6 | (2-byte result)        (high) |
  7 | storage_type  (1-byte result) |
  8 | blocks used            (low)  | *
  9 | (2-byte result)        (high) |
  A | mod_date             (byte 0) |
  B | (2-byte result)      (byte 1) |
  C | mod_time             (byte 0) |
  D | (2-byte result)      (byte 1) |
  E | create_date          (byte 0) |
  F | (2-byte result)      (byte 1) |
 10 | create_time          (byte 0) |
 11 | (2-byte result)      (byte 1) |

 * When file information about a
   volume directory is requested,
   the total number of blocks on
   the volume is returned in the
   aux_type field and the total
   blocks for all files is returned
   in blocks_used.


 4.4.6 ON_LINE ($C5)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | unit_num       (1-byte value) |
  2 | data_buffer            (low)  |
  3 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |


 4.4.7 SET_PREFIX ($C6)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 1               |
  1 | pathname               (low)  |
  2 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |


 4.4.8 GET_PREFIX ($C7)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 1               |
  1 | data_buffer            (low)  |
  2 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |


 4.5.1 OPEN ($C8)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 3               |
  1 | pathname               (low)  |
  2 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  3 | io_buffer              (low)  |
  4 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  5 | ref_num       (1-byte result) |


 4.5.2 NEWLINE ($C9)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 3               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 | enable_mask    (1-byte value) |
  3 | newline_char   (1-byte value) |


 4.5.3 READ ($CA)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 4               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 | data_buffer            (low)  |
  3 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  4 | request_count          (low)  |
  5 | (2-byte value)         (high) |
  6 | trans_count            (low)  |
  7 | (2-byte result)        (high) |


 4.5.4 WRITE ($CB)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 4               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 | data_buffer            (low)  |
  3 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  4 | request_count          (low)  |
  5 | (2-byte value)         (high) |
  6 | trans_count            (low)  |
  7 | (2-byte result)        (high) |


 4.5.5 CLOSE ($CC)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 1               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |


 4.5.6 FLUSH ($CD)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 1               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |


 4.5.7 SET_MARK ($CE)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 |                        (low)  |
  3 | position       (3-byte value) |
  4 |                        (high) |


 4.5.8 GET_MARK ($CF)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 |                        (low)  |
  3 | position      (3-byte result) |
  4 |                        (high) |


 4.5.9 SET_EOF ($D0)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 |                        (low)  |
  3 | EOF            (3-byte value) |
  4 |                        (high) |


 4.5.10 GET_EOF ($D1)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 |                        (low)  |
  3 | EOF           (3-byte result) |
  4 |                        (high) |


 4.5.11 SET_BUF ($D2)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 | io_buffer              (low)  |
  3 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |


 4.5.12 GET_BUF ($D3)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | ref_num        (1-byte value) |
  2 | io_buffer              (low)  |
  3 | (2-byte result)        (high) |


 4.6.2 ALLOC_INTERRUPT ($40)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 2               |
  1 | int_num       (1-byte result) |
  2 | int_code               (low)  |
  3 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |



      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 1               |
  1 | int_num        (1-byte value) |


 4.7.1 READ_BLOCK ($80)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 3               |
  1 | unit_num       (1-byte value) |
  2 | data_buffer            (low)  |
  3 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  4 | block_num              (low)  |
  5 | (2-byte value)         (high) |


 4.7.2 WRITE_BLOCK ($81)

      7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
  0 | param_count = 3               |
  1 | unit_num       (1-byte value) |
  2 | data_buffer            (low)  |
  3 | (2-byte pointer)       (high) |
  4 | block_num              (low)  |
  5 | (2-byte value)         (high) |

Errors in this manual

The following errors were noted in
this manual and faithfully reproduced:

If you discover other errors in this manual, either in the paper version or
in this online version, then please post that information on USENET in the
comp.sys.apple2.programmer newsgroup.