TRAP #15 is used for I/O. Put the task number in D0.
0 | Display string at (A1), D1.W bytes long (max 255) with carriage return and line feed (CR, LF). (see task 13) |
1 | Display string at (A1), D1.W bytes long (max 255) without CR, LF. (see task 14) |
2 | Read string from keyboard and store at (A1), NULL terminated, length retuned in D1.W (max 80) |
3 | Display signed number in D1.L in decimal in smallest field. (see task 15 & 20) |
4 | Read a number from the keyboard into D1.L. |
5 | Read single character from the keyboard into D1.B. |
6 | Display single character in D1.B. |
7 |
Set D1.B to 1 if keyboard input is pending,
otherwise set to 0. |
8 | Return time in hundredths of a second since midnight in D1.L. |
9 | Terminate the program. (Halts the simulator) |
10 |
Print the NULL terminated string at (A1) to the default printer. (Not Teesside compatible.) Always send a Form Feed character to end printing. (See below.) |
11 |
Position the cursor at ROW, COL. The high byte of D1.W holds the COL number (0-79), The low byte holds the ROW number (0-31). 0,0 is top left 79,31 is the bottom right. Out of range coordinates are ignored. Clear Screen : Set D1.W to $FF00. |
12 |
Keyboard Echo. D1.B = 0 to turn off keyboard echo. D1.B = non zero to enable it (default). Echo is restored on 'Reset' or when a new file is loaded. |
13 | Display the NULL terminated string at (A1) with CR, LF. |
14 | Display the NULL terminated string at (A1) without CR, LF. |
15 |
Display the unsigned number in D1.L converted to number base (2 through 36) contained in D2.B.
For example, to display D1.L in base16 put 16 in D2.B |
16 | Adjust display properties D1.B = 0 to turn off the display of the input prompt. D1.B = 1 to turn on the display of the input prompt. (default) D1.B = 2 do not display a line feed when Enter pressed during Trap task #2 input D1.B = 3 display a line feed when Enter key pressed during Trap task #2 input (default) Other values of D1 reserved for future use. Input prompt display is enabled by default and by 'Reset' or when a new file is loaded. |
17 |
Combination of Trap codes 14 & 3. Display the NULL terminated string at (A1) without CR, LF then Display the decimal number in D1.L. |
18 | Combination of Trap codes 14
& 4. Display the NULL terminated string at (A1) without CR, LF then Read a number from the keyboard into D1.L. |
19 | Returns current state of up to 4
specified keys or returns key scan code. Pre: D1.L = four 1-byte key codes Post: D1.L contains four 1-byte Booleans. $FF = corresponding key is pressed, $00 = corresponding key not pressed. Pre: D1.L = $00000000 Post: D1.B contains key code of last key pressed |
20 | Display signed number in D1.L in decimal in field D2.B columns wide. |
21 | Set Font Color D1.L = color as $00BBGGRR BB is amount of blue from $00 to $FF GG is amount of green from $00 to $FF RR is amount of red from $00 to $FF D2.B = style by bits, 0 = off, 1 = on bit0 is Bold bit1 is Italic bit2 is Underline bit3 is StrikeOut |
22 |
Read char at Row,Col of text screen. |
Task numbers 0 - 9 and 11 - 12 are compatible with the Teesside simulator.
The following control characters are
EQU $08 Backspace
HT EQU $09 Tab (horizontal 5 characters)
LF EQU $0A New line (line feed)
VT EQU $0B Vertical tab (4 lines)
FF EQU $0C Form Feed (Always end printing with a Form
CR EQU $0D Carriage Return